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Everything posted by goober999

  1. Hi, For those of you with a dialup and for those who think it takes way to long to load product add/edit page and for those who simply don't like the fckeditor and for those wh... well you get the idea Add this mod to turn the editor on and off whenever you like. in the language/xx/lang.inc.php find $lang['admin']['settings'] = array ( and insert below it 'use_fckeditor' => "Use fckeditor?", in admin/settings/index.php find this block of code <tr> <td width="30%" class="tdText"><strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['settings']['show_latest'];?></strong></td> <td align="left"> <select class="textbox" name="config[showLatestProds]"> <option value="0" <?php if($config['showLatestProds']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['no'];?></option> <option value="1" <?php if($config['showLatestProds']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['yes'];?></option> </select> </td> </tr> and insert after it this code <tr> <td width="30%" class="tdText"><strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['settings']['use_fckeditor'];?></strong></td> <td align="left"> <select class="textbox" name="config[use_fckeditor]"> <option value="0" <?php if($config['use_fckeditor']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['no'];?></option> <option value="1" <?php if($config['use_fckeditor']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['yes'];?></option> </select> </td> </tr> in the admin/products/index.php find this block of code <tr> <td colspan="2" class="tdRichText"> <?php $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('description'); $oFCKeditor->BasePath = $GLOBALS['rootRel'].'admin/includes/rte/'; if(isset($results[0]['description'])){ $oFCKeditor->Value = $results[0]['description']; } else { $oFCKeditor->Value = ""; } $oFCKeditor->Create(); ?> </td> </tr> and REPLACE it with this block of code <?php if ($config['use_fckeditor'] == TRUE) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="tdRichText"> <?php $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('description'); $oFCKeditor->BasePath = $GLOBALS['rootRel'].'admin/includes/rte/'; if(isset($results[0]['description'])){ $oFCKeditor->Value = $results[0]['description']; } else { $oFCKeditor->Value = ""; } $oFCKeditor->Create(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="tdText"> <textarea name="description" type="text" class="text" cols="50" rows="5"><?php if(isset($results[0]['description'])) echo $results[0]['description']; ?></textarea> </td> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> Then go to admin panel click general settings link and turn off/on the fckeditor Enjoy :w00t:
  2. Hi, You are missing the point of the template files. That point being that there is not PHP code in the templates. If you wanted to put a code generated value into the template, simply use assign funtion. see sample below: Insert into teplate {DATE} and in the xxx.inc.php file that includes your template, insert this code $tpl_name->assign("DATE",date("jS")); good luck
  3. I assume you are using v3.x this value is in the viewProd.tpl find a line that looks like this <input name="quan" type="text" value="1" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;" /> and change value="1" to value="2" that's it. good luck
  4. Here's the link to the answer! http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10101 good luck!
  5. Here's the link to the answer! http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10101 good luck!
  6. Here's the link to the answer! http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10101 good luck!
  7. Hi, Here's a fix for the latest products display problem. The problem is that the display is not setup to show a specific number of products across. And the <div> tags kind of go crazy and mess up the display. Here's a fix that will enable you to specify number of products to display across and will fix the line up issue. In the includes/content/index.inc.php find this line: for($i=0;$i<count($latestProducts);$i++){ Replace with this code $across=4; $index->assign("TW",100/$across); for($i=0;$i<count($latestProducts);$i++){ if (!(($i+1) % $across)) {   $index->assign("TXT_TR","</tr><tr>"); } else {   $index->assign("TXT_TR",""); } in skins/{insert skin name}/styleTemplates/content/index.tpl replace all code between <!-- BEGIN: repeat_prods --> and <!-- END: repeat_prods --> including those two lines above with this code  <table width="100%" border="0"><tr>  <!-- BEGIN: repeat_prods -->  <td width="{TW}%">   <div style="float: center; text-align: center;">   <a href="index.php?act=viewProd&amp;productId={VAL_PRODUCT_ID}"><img src="{VAL_IMG_SRC}" alt="{VAL_PRODUCT_NAME}" border="0" /></a>   <br />   <a href="index.php?act=viewProd&amp;productId={VAL_PRODUCT_ID}" class="txtDefault">{VAL_PRODUCT_NAME}</a>   <br />   {TXT_PRICE} <span class="txtSale">{TXT_SALE_PRICE}</span>   </div>  </td>  {TXT_TR}  <!-- END: repeat_prods -->  </tr></table> The $across variable is used to specify number products across. That's it. Good Luck
  8. Here's the link to the answer! http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10101 good luck!
  9. try the fix hack I posted here http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10101
  10. Here's the link to the answer! http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10101 good luck!
  11. I believe that this issue has been resolved in v3.0.2 There was a bug in v3.0.0 and 3.0.1 that I found and reported to brooky. try upgrading, it should help
  12. Give him credit my ass. click this link to learn more. :::edited as means of evidense::: - By Brooky
  13. This mod is now available for v3.x at the same place! click here select Version 3 from option dropdown. Thank you
  14. :D OUTRAGE. The nerve of this guy. I here by nominate him to CubeCart Hall of Shame!
  15. Please make the text of the Copyright visible on your site.
  16. it's in the database. update CubeCart_order_state table
  17. In the /modules/shipping folder create new folder named "Flete_Destino" and copy calc.php from one of the other shpping folders into the "Flete_Destino" folder. Edit this calc.php to calculate your shipping. In the /admin/modules/shipping folder create new folder named "Flete_Destino" and copy index.php from "/admin/modules/shipping/Free_Shipping" folder. that's it! You can now admin the "Flete_Destino" from the control panel and enable it. Let me know if you need any help
  18. It looks okay to me. as far as feedback goes.... there is annoying thing that happens on your site. In the popular products box. when you mouse over the link, the text gets bold and it makes the box grow in length and pushes the mailing list box down. so the effect is that that mailing list box jumps on the page.
  19. ron, I haven't heard about any problems with this mod. Double check the intall steps to make sure nothing was missed during setup. Do you get the missing graphic icon on the popup page or nothing at all? send me the url where you have this, I'll take a look. Thanks Goober
  20. Hi, I would like to share a simple mod. If the product image is larger than the preset limit the mod will thumbnail it to limit size and create link to "view larger image" under the product image. Product images that are smaller than limit size will not be enlarged and no link created. you can get the mod here: mod zip file good luck :)
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