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Posts posted by goober999

  1. I've searched the forums looking for a resolution to this, however I've only found posts describing a similar situation where items disappear from the cart. My issue is that even after placing an item in the basket, the language "Your shopping cart is empty" is still displayed throught all checkout pages. Does anyone have a fix for this? I'm running CC 3.0.16.



    make sure that the url for your website includes www and your config.inc.php file also has www in the url name



  2. Hi,

    I cant figure out how to properly use the Selection Field option in the text area of product description. I tried a few things, but nothing worked.

    For example: We have a product called the Dirt Devil Cone. This is available in 5 different colors. All 5 different colors have been added as separate products. I'd like for a customer to be able to click the box, find the drop-down for another color and have it take them straight to the page. Is this possible? If so, then how?

    Here's a link to one of the products:


    I know I can insert regular links, but having this box would be easier and looks more professional.

    Thanks for the help! :)


    You should try setting up only one product and setup colors as options. Then, when a customer visits your site they will be able to choose product color as an option from a dropdown box.



  3. Low priority question, I know, but it will help me understand how CC works... (for developing a mod)

    I'm looking at the _order_sum table and seeing fields that replicate fields found in the _customer table.

    Is there a reason why _order_sum.customer_id isn't enough?


    This keeps customer details at the time of purchase, they can change their address or name after the purchase and you would not know where the order was actually shipped and to whom.



  4. ok i'm the verge of tearing out my hair...

    i hope to create a text field on the add product page (admin side) with the different values corresponding to different ink colours (My friend selling tattoo inks). in this way when he administer his own site he can do it without looking at the boring php codes.

    i've ran through cart/admin/products/index.php and went to the mode=new section. tried putting in my php code <input type="text" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['ink_colour'])) echo validHTML($results[0]['ink_colour']); ?>" /> after adding a new row (ink_colour) in my database using phpadmin. not sure if i did it correctly though, forgotten how to configure access tables.

    was so frustrated trying to do this da*n thing for few hours already. my error was 'failed to update category' whenever i tried keying 'red' into the field in cart/admin/products/index.php?mode=new page.

    argh. any php experts wanna enlighten me?


    	$record["showFeatured"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['showFeatured']);
    insert after
    	$record["ink_colour"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['ink_colour']);

    Good luck


  5. I have been trying to figure this out for 4 months now and nobody seems to know what the deal is. I get 2-3 calls a day from people saying they can't buy from my store (and I just had one customer go to my competition because of it!). The click "add to cart" and when they try to view it, it is empty, thus they can not purchase goods from my store. How much money am I losing? I am willing to bet for every one person that calls, there are 10 that leave forever. HELP, HELP, HELP!!!

    Check the includes/global.inc.php file. Make sure you have www in the site url.


  6. The only one I see there is the must register/login mod...

    There mods over at .org that will allow you to assign your customers to dealer groups and after they login they will see dealer pricing while all other will see regular pricing.

    Just look around, you'll find them


  7. Hi,

    You will need to edit the this file skins/Killer/styleTemplates/content/categories.tpl

    There find this line:

    <!-- END: sale -->
    Insert below that line this code
    <td class="topCatsTabLeft"> </td>
    <td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="http://www.yoursite.com/yourpage.thml" class="txtCat">Your link name</a></td>
    <td class="topCatsTabRight"> </td>

    Edit the above link details for with your own page.

    Save the file to your web site.

    That's it


  8. This is definitely something you'd have to have customized for your store as not only do you need to restrict certain categories to certain customers, but you need the ability to add those customers from the admin side as CubeCart currently doesn't have that capability.


    Thanks Sir Willial. I have CSV import and have been playing around with that ahead of site lancuh and it works well.

    For the above work, are we talking about a great deal of development work ?


    PM sent

  9. There is nothing in cubecbart that I have read about so it probably doesn't exists.

    Time to head to cubecart.org and ask there or post a mod request. I wonder what big bucks are :cry:

    There is no need for a mod or big bucks. Eventhough CC does not have a banning feature you can always ban the customer's IP from you hosting's control panel. I know cPanel has that. If you don't have cPanel, just look around the control panel from your hosting provider you may find something similar.



  10. Hey guys,

    Anyone know of any reference material for people modding CubeCart for using unsupported merchants? I'm trying to integrate a very standard credit card payment service and having trouble working out where I should put what and generally what exactly is going on in the (CubCart) code.

    Any help greatly appreciated! :)

    Check over at CubeCart.org Forums. They may be able to help you there.



  11. ..............

    This error is a result of MySQL v5 configuration. If you have access and are able to comment out the following line in my.ini:

    # Set the SQL mode to strict
    it will resolve this problem.
    Will give it a try but will have to see what effect it will have on the other users on our servers! Actually sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_E NGINE_SUBSTITUTION" is already set! Any other ideas?
    :sourcerer: That's the problem. the fact that it is set. make it like this.



    # Set the SQL mode to strict
  12. The following database alteration will allow you to run CubeCart successfully on MySQL 5

    ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_taxes` CHANGE `percent` `percent` DECIMAL( 7, 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000'
    Don't forget to add the table prefix if you have one.
    Al, I don't think this is the only place where the problem is. If you try adding a new product with out setting any of the values other than product name, the insert will fail on all numeric fields. price, sale_price, stock_level and such. The problem is causedby the following setting in MySQL v5 my.ini file:

    Commenting out the above setting resolves this problem.

    Many CubeCart operators will not be able to change this setting. I belive the only "correct" solution to this issue is placing default values for numberic fields into the code and not relying on the defaults of the database tables.

    The above is only my opinion.

    Thank you for your support


    # Set the SQL mode to strict
  13. Right is anyone else experiencing the following issue

    When going to view categories then clicking edit on the test category which belongs to the default cubecart setup

    Changed the name and click edit to update the name and i get

    MySQL Error Occured

    1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'per_ship' at row 1

    QUERY = UPDATE store_CubeCart_category SET `cat_name`='Test Category', `cat_father_id`= '0', `cat_image`= '', `per_ship`= '', `item_ship`= '', `item_int_ship`= '', `per_int_ship`= '' WHERE cat_id='1'

    Same goes for adding a new subcategory for the Test Category, also get the same result for adding a totally new category, looks like a db setup bug?

    MySQL Error Occured

    1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'per_ship' at row 1

    QUERY = INSERT INTO store_CubeCart_category (`cat_name`, `cat_father_id`, `cat_image`, `per_ship`, `item_ship`, `item_int_ship`, `per_int_ship`) VALUES ('test', '1', '', '', '', '', '')

    Looks like `cat_image`, `per_ship`, `item_ship`, `item_int_ship`, `per_int_ship' arent getting any values

    Were running

    Win 2k3 STD SP1


    PHP 5.1.2

    MySQL 5.0.24

    This error is a result of MySQL v5 configuration. If you have access and are able to comment out the following line in my.ini:

    # Set the SQL mode to strict

    it will resolve this problem.

  14. I am having a major problem with shipping no mater what I set up n/a keeps coming back in shipping. I even just set up a rate of 5% for "Percentage of Order Amount" and then enabled it. I turned dissabled all other shipping options and it still doesn't work. This site is live and my customer is upset because this is costing him money. Can anyone tell me what is going on?


    This is a big client.





    Just checked the site and shipping appears to be working. are you still having a problem?


  15. Hello all, I am using PayPal Express Checkout in my store (CC 3.0.10), and it works very well until the buyer is returned from the PayPal site to my store for the Confirmation Page. Here, they hit a small inconvenience, where if they have not checked the checkbox to Remember Me for their login, the Confirmation Page says "You must login to view this page." It seems a bit annoying to have to login again, just to see the "We got your order" page.

    I have found that line 68 of includes/session.inc.php is the culprit, setting the customer_id to 0 in the session, so that it no longer matches when they return:

    if(!isset($_COOKIE['ccRemember'])) { $sessData["customer_id"] = 0; }

    I have changed this to (one line):

    if(!isset($_COOKIE['ccRemember']) && strpos($sessData["location"], 'modules/gateway/ExpressCheckout/return.php?token=') == FALSE) { $sessData["customer_id"] = 0; }

    which then shows the user the proper Confirmation Page when they return. All this happens via HTTPS.

    Can someone with a more experienced, "big picture" view of CubeCart give me a quick assessment of whether this is the "right" way to do this, and if there are any security issues in this "fix"?

    Thanks for all the great support in these forums.

    Check all of the URLs in your configurations both http and https. Make sure that they are all the same.



    If your url changes from http://www.yoursite.com to https://yoursite.com the cookie will be lost.

    If you find that the www is missing from one of your urls, change the code back, update the urls and then check the return from paypal.



  16. Let me start this out with the fact that I know absolutely ZIP about SQL data base. Now, when I entered my data I put an alpha prefix in front of my product codes (i.e. SKU35123). I would like to change this format without having to edit every one of these through my store admin page. Is it possible through the SQL data base administration to remove the alpha characters and just leave the numbers? All of the product codes are in this format and are 3 alphas and 5 numeric digits.

    The Field Name is: productCode

    The Field Type is: Varchar(60)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Klaus Cook

    Houston, Texas



    First, backup your database or at least export the inventory table. just in case. :)

    Then try this sql statement: update `store1_CubeCart_inventory` set productCode = right(productcode,3)

    change the name of the inventory table to match yours.

    The above statement will chop the first 3 characters of the product code.

    Good luck


  17. Looks cool. We use AWStats but would be interested in giving that a go.

    I like the world map part to see where people are coming.

    You can put that code almost anywhere.

    Why not add it just above the </body> tag of:

    /skins/*/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl and cart.tpl

    The owner of adshomepage.com, Matt Smith skybox007, has stolen and is selling my software as his on his website.


    He completely stole everything from my website, http://www.alexgoldberg.com/cubemods/ including my bio and my software.

    Please help me stop him.


    Alex Goldberg

  18. I think I finally found a fantastic editor for PHP development (besides gvim which is too complicated for beginners). Its called PHP Designer 2005.

    For the beginner it may initially look over complicated, but if you hide some some of the panels and toolbars (by using the View menu), its a very nice editor.

    Has anyone else tried this editor, or can recommend another?

    I use UltraEdit32. I find this editor to be the best.



  19. ok got a quick question. I want to make shipping fixed at $7 for under $50. If $50 or more is spent then free shipping. Can this be done out of the box...I haven't played with shipping much. Or do I need a mod for this. If so who has this mod?



    This can be done out of the box. Just use "Shpping Per Price" module. It does exactly what you are looking for.



  20. o Integrate with shipping

    CubeCart integrates with UPS.

    o Allow multiple shipping options on individual orders


    o 50-day retention on cart contents


    o provides a list of suggested products based on items already in the shopping cart

    Related Products Mod

    o provide an alert to us if order qualifies for flatbed or common carrier shipping

    No, But could be modded

    o e-mail confirmation of order

    Admin and Customer recieve emails, I think.

    o ability to set up specials and discounts confirmed by a code at checkout

    Goober coupon mod $20

    o SEO-friendly

    Search Engine Friendly URLS mod and goole sitemap (thanks evilhomer)

    o Unlimited number of products, or a high enough threshold so we can add more products in the future

    I am guessing this won't be a problem

    o Ability to calculate discounts for volume purchases

    Yes, Goobers or Estelles mod

    o Order notes can be entered by customer with special instructions

    Yes, Estelles mod

    o Generate automated e-mail with UPS tracking information

    Not sure

    o Apply tax by zip code (within the state of Ohio)

    I think there is a mod for that, not sure

    o Provide an alert to us if customer is tax exempt

    No, but could be modded

    o Customers can review and rate products, with reviews checked by administrator prior to posting

    Goobers mod

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