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Everything posted by roban

  1. The is one for version 2. I haven't seen anything for version 3. Go to cubecart.org and request one there.
  2. The password is encrypted with MD5 hash that's why you saw a long number. Here is how to fix it. Just follow the instructions: 1. Access your database using a tool such as phpMyAdmin and browser the table CubeCart_admin_users. It should contain the list of administrator accounts to access the admin interface of your store. 2. We need to now create a file to show us what the md5 hash of the password you require should be. Using notepad make a file with content: <?php echo md5("password"); ?> 3. Replace the word password with your desired password. 4. Save this file as md5.php and upload it to your webserver. 5. Execute this in your browser and copy the output. 6. Edit the admin user with phpMyAdmin and paste this output into the password field. If done successfully then you should now be able to access the admin interface of your store with the password you chose.
  3. skins/your skin/styleTemplates/boxes/siteDocs.tpl This is the killer skin: <!-- BEGIN: site_docs --> <div class="siteDocs"> <div class="siteDocsBgRight"> <span class="siteDocsBgLeft"> </span> <div style="padding-top: 5px;"> <!-- BEGIN: a --> <a href="index.php?act=viewDoc&docId={DATA.doc_id}" class="txtSiteDocs">{DATA.doc_name}</a> <!-- BEGIN: sep --> | <!-- END: sep --> <!-- END: a --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END: site_docs --> or for Classic skin: <!-- BEGIN: site_docs --> <div class="siteDocs"> <!-- BEGIN: a --> <a href="index.php?act=viewDoc&amp;docId={DATA.doc_id}" class="txtSiteDocs">{DATA.doc_name}</a> <!-- BEGIN: sep --><span class="txtSiteDocs">|</span><!-- END: sep --> <!-- END: a --> </div> <!-- END: site_docs --> In this <span class="txtSiteDocs"> refers to your syle.css
  4. Thanks for posting the fix. It will help others.
  5. Direct Deposit is a part of the Print Order Form gateway and can be configured from your admin control panel.
  6. Pete, Look at your global.inc and see if that extra "/" is there
  7. Hi Pete. That's a new one on me. Ive tried my copy and see if it reproduces your problem and it soe not. There must be another problem at work here. Have you looked at your paths? When you upgraded did you follow all directions and save your includes/global.inc file? Any mods installed we should be aware of? In the meantime maybe you can upload the version 3.0.12 rte folder overwriting the 3.0.13 version and see if that helps.
  8. If you are tracking a campaign with funnel pages then you'd want the code on all pages leading up to your campaign destination.
  9. roban

    Showing off

    IMHO you can show off anything you want to show off about a successful site. The fact that you've gone online and are proud of your achievement is enough for me. There are no rules about what percentage of customization a site must have to be posted here.
  10. $glob['rootDir'] = '/homepages/9/d176873652/htdocs/www.thegameport.co.uk'; Try: $glob['rootDir'] = '/homepages/9/d176873652/htdocs';
  11. http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....2545&hl=md5
  12. I have mine in index.tpl and cart.tpl before the last </body> tag
  13. Check your includes/global.inc file for accuracy
  14. Why not use Google AdWords and track your site with it.
  15. Download the config tool https://www.cubecart.com/site/helpdesk/inde...cid=0&nav=0
  16. Did you save you includes/global.inc file or just upload the new one overwritng the original
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but methinks this is spam
  18. Look in your index.tpl. It may be there but I can't say for sure as your site is copyright protected and I can't see the properties.
  19. roban

    Login Problems

    You probably uploaded the includes/global.inc as well and you should not have. You'll have to configure it again or replace it with your original copy. The upgrade instructions are very clear about this.
  20. try a search for headers and you'll find alot of help
  21. roban

    Login Problems

    Have you run the upgrade.php script before the install>
  22. Asked and answered many times in the past 24 hours. Please do a search
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