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Everything posted by roban

  1. What are your security settings in IE. Change them to default.
  2. You may want to post this at cubecart.org for code help.
  3. roban

    Shop lost?

    It really is frustrating when people don't give us information to help them and we have to ask for it. The URL would be mandatory. What is the URL of your store? Please post the contents of your includes/global.inc file
  4. I find folders added to my includes folder all the time. If you run an ecommerce site and use shared hosting you are asking for trouble.
  5. I just love it when hosts shift the responsibility for their lack of security to Cube Cart. Who is your host?
  6. Since ssl doesn't actually 'kick in' until the checkout process are you trying to access your store with the https prefix? If so this is not how it works. Is this a shared ssl or dedicated? Please post your ssl setting from admin/general settings
  7. You have a couple of problems here: this: $glob['dbprefix'] = 'cube_'; should probably be this:$glob['dbprefix'] = ''; And this: $glob['rootRel'] = '/cubecart'.'/'; should be this: $glob['rootRel'] = '/cubecart/'; If your files are not in a directory called cubecart then this $glob['rootRel'] = '/cubecart/'; should be this: $glob['rootRel'] = '/';
  8. roban

    First Cubecart Store

    I agree with Andi and vrakas...safety in numbers
  9. If anyone bothers to look at them...doubtful.
  10. For your latest products fix try this: In the includes/content/index.inc.php find this line: for($i=0;$i<count($latestProducts);$i++){ Replace with this code $across=4; $index->assign("TW",100/$across); for($i=0;$i<count($latestProducts);$i++){ if (!(($i+1) % $across)) { $index->assign("TXT_TR","</tr><tr>"); } else { $index->assign("TXT_TR",""); } in skins/{insert skin name}/styleTemplates/content/index.tpl replace all code between <!-- BEGIN: repeat_prods --> and <!-- END: repeat_prods --> including those two lines above with this code <table width="100%" border="0"><tr> <!-- BEGIN: repeat_prods --> <td width="{TW}%"> <div style="float: center; text-align: center;"> <a href="index.php?act=viewProd&amp;productId={VAL_PRODUCT_ID}"><img src="{VAL_IMG_SRC}" alt="{VAL_PRODUCT_NAME}" border="0" /></a> <br /> <a href="index.php?act=viewProd&amp;productId={VAL_PRODUCT_ID}" class="txtDefault">{VAL_PRODUCT_NAME}</a> <br /> {TXT_PRICE} <span class="txtSale">{TXT_SALE_PRICE}</span> </div> </td> {TXT_TR} <!-- END: repeat_prods --> </tr></table> The $across variable is used to specify number products across.
  11. roban

    First Cubecart Store

    Nice work. I like your use of h1 and h2 tags. Images are excellent
  12. Try the sticky posts or click on the Skins and templates Questions link in my sig.
  13. It's visible in IE, in Firefox it's alittle low in the header so it's hard to see. Raise it up a bit
  14. shipping and tax don't show at the beginning of the process, only after the customer's address has been established, around step 3. have you gone all the way through checkout?
  15. Do you have a return page (ie. Thank You) set up with Pay Pal
  16. It should show as H1 text Gary. You can run any number of SEO tools to check it out. Download yourself a test drive of IBP Internet Business Promoter.
  17. If your store is located in the root directory of your server the Root SECURE Public HTML Folder to store: / The Absolute SECURE URL to store: https://order.higherimages.com
  18. Gary, you are correct about H1 tags and SEO. H1 defines the page title. I say this from an SEO point of view because I own an SEO company and research tells me this. It also tells me that if you don't use them you will not be penalised because your competition is probably not using them either and you will be spidered nonetheless. If you want to add the tags, you can create a style in style.css such as: <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> H1 {font-family: Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Times New Roman; font-size: 12pt; color: black} </STYLE> And go on to adding your own reference <H1> </H1> (you'd only want to have 1 H1 tag) You'd probably be on to adding H2 tags next as H1 tags are the headlines and H2 are the section headings and so on down the line. The use of these tags and their importance certainly depends on the engine spidering them and they can help Google for instance sort out your proposed importance of your page content.
  19. If you are certain that your host is localhost (some are not) please post the contents of your includes/global.inc file so we can look at the paths.
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