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Posts posted by roban
You should be able to do this easily through phpMyAdmin on your server by adding your user information. The only thing you'll have to do is to create an MD5 hash of your password. You can Google md5 hash and there are plenty of free generators out there.
I forgot about the Binary transfer. It worked. Thanks for the reminder.
My host passed the compat-test.php for zend and I get this error:
Fatal error: Unable to read 3642 bytes in /home/robannet/public_html/beta/index_enc_zend.php on line 0
Maybe a bad file?
Any ideas?
You'll also find it in your language/your language/ file. Useful if you want to back up your home page when making changes. You can always restore your original if you mess up.
I think you are talking about the MD5 hack. Here is the hack plus instructions. If you have a problem, PM me.
If you have managed to forget your admin password and for some reason you cannot get the "Reset Password" function to work please follow this process:
1. Access your database using a tool such as phpMyAdmin and browser the table CubeCart_admin_users. It should contain the list of administrator accounts to access the admin interface of your store.
2. We need to now create a file to show us what the md5 hash of the password you require should be.
Using notepad make a file with content:
echo md5("password");
3. Replace password with your desired password.
4. Save this file as md5.php and upload it to your webserver.
5. Execute this in your browser and copy the output.
6. Edit the admin user with phpMyAdmin and paste this output into their password field.
If done successfully then you should now be able to access the admin interface of your store.
Check permissions. Cache directory should be CHMOD 777
Configure your shipping costs at the Pay Pal site
Your .htaccess file may be the culprit. Try deleting it (back up first of course)
Maybe this CSS list will help:
.searchBtn -- The "GO" button for your search box.
.searchBox -- box that you write in for search
.textbox-- The number that shows up in the quantity box from the view cart page
.submit -- The "Join Now" button for mailing list, and the "Add" button for adding product codes to shopping cart.
li.bullet-- little bullets that show up for the catagories
li.bulletLrg -- bullet for "tell a friend"
li.num -- numbers for products in sale and popular products
.txtSession -- text for "Search for" "Welcome Guest" and brackets
.txtCopy-- text in info box "products 2, catagories 1, prices: US dollars"
.txtSiteDocs-- text "subscribe to our mailing list" and "Email"
a.txtSession, a.txtSiteDocs-- "Login" and "Register"
a.txtSession:hover, a.txtSiteDocs:hover-- mouse over for "Login" and "Register"
a.txtButton-- "add to basket" button on product pages, and "buy" and "More" butttons on Catagory pages
a.txtButton:hover-- rollover for "add to basket" button on product pages, and "buy" and "More" butttons on Catagory pages
.txtOldPrice-- This is the price which by default appears with a line struck through when the item is on sale.
.txtSale-- Price that shows on Catagory Page and product page
.txtOutOfStock-- Text that tells a product is out of stock.
.txtSiteDocs, a.txtSiteDocs -- links at bottom of page"about us, contact us . . ."
a.txtSiteDocs:hover-- rollover for links at bottom of page"about us, contact us . . ."
a.txtDefault-- text for categories box "Homepage, sale items", text for products names in Popular Products box and Sale Items box
a.txtDefault:hover, a.txtLink:hover, a.txtLocation:hover -- rollover text for categories box "Homepage, sale items", text for products names in Popular Products box and Sale Items box
.txtContentTitle-- Main Titles like "Welcome to Cube Cart" and Catagory Titles
.txtBoxSave-- color of the text in the Sale box that says how much they save
.tblList-- main area on catagory pages where the list of products is
.tdListTitle-- text inside the main area "Image Description Price"
.tdEven-- background color for the first product listed then every other one
.tdOdd-- background color for the second product listed then every other one
.txtCartPrice-- text for dollar amounts that show up in cart box on homepage- per item, items in cart and total prices-
.txtCart -- Text "items in cart" and "Total" in cart box on homepage
.cartTotal-- included dashed line that appears in cart box on homepage
a.txtCartProduct:active, a.txtCartProduct:link, a.txtCartProduct:visited-- text for Products in cart box on home page
a.txtCartProduct:hover-- roll over for text for Products in cart box on home page
a.txtviewCart:active, a.txtviewCart:link, a.txtviewCart:visited -- text for "veiw basket" button in cart box on homepage
a.txtviewCart:hover -- roll over for text for "veiw basket" button in cart box on homepage
.cartProgress -- text inside cart that progresses as you go through check out "Cart--- Address--- Payment --- Complete"
.txtcartProgressCurrent -- this is the text color that shows up for the page that you are on in the progression of the cart, for example when you are on the address page, address is this color and the rest are the color you specified for .cartProgress
.quickBuy-- Inside cart txt that asks " Want to add more items? Enter the Product Code:"
.tdcartTitle -- txt Inside Cart at the top "Qty, Product, Code, Stock, Price, Line Price"
.tdcartEven-- background color for second product inside cart and every other one
.tdcartOdd -- background color for the first product inside cart and every other one
.tdCartSubTotal-- includes line above subtotal
a.txtCheckout-- text and box for "continue" button on cart pages
a.txtUpdate -- text and box for "update cart" button on cart pages
.txtStockWarn-- text for when an item is out of stock
.txtError -- text for when someone messes up while filling out information during cart process
.txtCopyright, a.txtCopyright -- text for Copywrite info at bottom of page
a.txtCopyright:hover-- roll over for Copywrite info at bottom of page
.dropDown-- width of drop downs
Layout.CSS for Classic Skin
body -- entire window attributes
#pageSurround-- large floating window inside window
#topHeader-- top section of page surround
.boxTitleLeft, .boxTitleRight -- top area of boxes in left and right columns where title appears
.boxContentLeft, .boxContentRight-- main area of boxes in left and right columns
.colLeft -- left column attributes or positioning
.colMid -- middle large column attributes or positioning
.colRight-- right column attributes or positioning
.boxContent-- middle columns box (where to change colors, background, borders, and some text)
.colLeftCheckout -- check out pages positioning for left column
.colMainCheckout -- checkout pages positioning for main column
.siteDocs -- positioning and attributes for box at bottom that contains "About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions"
.pagination -- main large box on catagory pages
.regSep-- the "need to register?" box in checkout
As this is a 3rd party mod, you should contact the developer (Rob Freemantle at Inspired Solutions, I believe) for any modifications of their mod.
open includes/boxes/
About line 35
// query database
$results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id = 0");
$resultsForeign = $db->select("SELECT cat_master_id as cat_id, cat_name FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_lang WHERE cat_lang = '".$lang_folder."'");
// query database
$results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id = 0 order by cat_name");
$resultsForeign = $db->select("SELECT cat_master_id as cat_id, cat_name FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_lang WHERE cat_lang = '".$lang_folder."' order by cat_name");
Save, Close, Upload file
There is a full page Classic and Legend skin at .org, both under $1.00 each last time I looked.
Open /includes/contents/
Find somewhere @ line 158
$productListQuery = "SELECT ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.cat_id, ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.productId, productCode, quantity, description, image, price, name, popularity, sale_price, stock_level, useStockLevel FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx INNER JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory ON ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.productId = ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory.productId WHERE ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.cat_id = ".$db->mySQLSafe($_GET['catId']);
Replace it with
$productListQuery = "SELECT ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.cat_id, ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.productId, productCode, quantity, description, image, price, name, popularity, sale_price, stock_level, useStockLevel FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx INNER JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory ON ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.productId = ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory.productId WHERE ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.cat_id = ".$db->mySQLSafe($_GET['catId'])." ORDER BY name ASC";
I uploaded all in Binary and still get the same errors. Don't tell me I have to upload again in ASCII except those 2 files.
I'll try that but I use FlashFXP and it's set for auto.
I get the following error after install:
Fatal error: Unable to read 632 bytes in /home/robannet/public_html/beta/index_enc_zend.php on line 0
Fatal error: Unable to read 5112 bytes in /home/robannet/public_html/beta/admin_enc_zend.php on line 0
Zend Optimizer is installed on the server. I have set permissions for these 2 files at 777.
Any ideas?
You have an extra </div> in your index.tpl
try position: relative;
Save this as editconf.php upload to your server and call it. You can then turn off SSL.
| CubeCart v3.0.3
| ========================================
| by Alistair Brookbanks
| CubeCart is a Trade Mark of Devellion Limited
| © 2005 Devellion Limited
| Devellion Limited,
| Westfield Lodge,
| Westland Green,
| Little Hadham,
| Nr Ware, HERTS.
| SG11 2AL
| UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904
| ========================================
| Web:
| Date: Thursday, 25 August 2005
| Email: info (at) cubecart (dot) com
| License Type: CubeCart is NOT Open Source Software and Limitations Apply
| Licence Info:
| editconf.php
| ========================================
| Config recovery tool
header("Location: editconf.php?c=config");
$db = new db();
//$config = fetchDbConfig($_GET['c']);
$msg = writeDbConf($_POST['data'],$_GET['c'], $config, $_GET['c']);
$config = fetchDbConfig($_GET['c']);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>CubeCart - Config Recovery Tool</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.code {
font-family: "Courier New", Courier, mono;
color: #000000;
.redText {color: #FF0000}
<span class="redText"><?php if(isset($msg)) { echo $msg; } ?></span>
<h1>Config Recovery Tool</h1>
<p><strong>Devellion Ltd & CubeCart provide this script without any warranty of any kind and by proceeding you are doing so entirely at your own risk.</strong></p>
<p>This tool is designed to edit your config file if for some reason your store becomes corrupt due to incorrectly changing your settings.</p>
<p>Example: If you have switched on SSL mode and your store has become broken. Select "config" from the dropdown menu below and set
to 0. No test to see if your store has been fixed and if so delete this file from the server. </p>
<p class="redText"><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> You must NOT leave this file on your server as it is a VERY high security risk!</p>
<p><a href="index.php" target="_blank">View Store Front</a> - (Opens in New Window)<br />
<a href="admin/" target="_blank">View Store Admin</a> - (Opens in New Window)</p>
<p>Select Config to edit:
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_config";
$results = $db->select($query);
<select name="menu1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
<?php for ($i=0; $i<count($results); $i++){ ?>
<option value="?c=<?php echo $results[$i]['name']; ?>" <?php if($_GET['c']==$results[$i]['name']) { echo "selected=\"selected\""; } ?>><?php echo $results[$i]['name']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="editconf.php?c=<?php echo $_GET['c']; ?>">
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td><strong>Variable name: </strong></td>
<td><strong>Current Value: </strong></td>
<td><strong>New Value: </strong></td>
<?php foreach($config as $key => $value) { ?>
<td class="code"><?php echo "\$".$_GET['c']."['".$key."']"; ?></td>
<td class="code"><?php echo $value; ?></td>
<textarea name="data[<?php echo $key; ?>]" cols="30" rows="2"><?php echo $value; ?></textarea>
<?php } ?>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Update Config" /></td>
Sorry I can't help you. I never did get a resolution to this. The only reason I can see for this behavior is a communication problem between the server and the site since the cat is entered into the database.
OK you're all set now. Your paths were wrong and the .htaccess file was preventing the site from validating.
.searchBtn -- The "GO" button for your search box.
.searchBox -- box that you write in for search
.textbox-- The number that shows up in the quantity box from the view cart page
.submit -- The "Join Now" button for mailing list, and the "Add" button for adding product codes to shopping cart.
li.bullet-- little bullets that show up for the catagories
li.bulletLrg -- bullet for "tell a friend"
li.num -- numbers for products in sale and popular products
.txtSession -- text for "Search for" "Welcome Guest" and brackets
.txtCopy-- text in info box "products 2, catagories 1, prices: US dollars"
.txtSiteDocs-- text "subscribe to our mailing list" and "Email"
a.txtSession, a.txtSiteDocs-- "Login" and "Register"
a.txtSession:hover, a.txtSiteDocs:hover-- mouse over for "Login" and "Register"
a.txtButton-- "add to basket" button on product pages, and "buy" and "More" butttons on Catagory pages
a.txtButton:hover-- rollover for "add to basket" button on product pages, and "buy" and "More" butttons on Catagory pages
.txtOldPrice-- This is the price which by default appears with a line struck through when the item is on sale.
.txtSale-- Price that shows on Catagory Page and product page
.txtOutOfStock-- Text that tells a product is out of stock.
.txtSiteDocs, a.txtSiteDocs -- links at bottom of page"about us, contact us . . ."
a.txtSiteDocs:hover-- rollover for links at bottom of page"about us, contact us . . ."
a.txtDefault-- text for categories box "Homepage, sale items", text for products names in Popular Products box and Sale Items box
a.txtDefault:hover, a.txtLink:hover, a.txtLocation:hover -- rollover text for categories box "Homepage, sale items", text for products names in Popular Products box and Sale Items box
.txtContentTitle-- Main Titles like "Welcome to Cube Cart" and Catagory Titles
.txtBoxSave-- color of the text in the Sale box that says how much they save
.tblList-- main area on catagory pages where the list of products is
.tdListTitle-- text inside the main area "Image Description Price"
.tdEven-- background color for the first product listed then every other one
.tdOdd-- background color for the second product listed then every other one
.txtCartPrice-- text for dollar amounts that show up in cart box on homepage- per item, items in cart and total prices-
.txtCart -- Text "items in cart" and "Total" in cart box on homepage
.cartTotal-- included dashed line that appears in cart box on homepage
a.txtCartProduct:active, a.txtCartProduct:link, a.txtCartProduct:visited-- text for Products in cart box on home page
a.txtCartProduct:hover-- roll over for text for Products in cart box on home page
a.txtviewCart:active, a.txtviewCart:link, a.txtviewCart:visited -- text for "veiw basket" button in cart box on homepage
a.txtviewCart:hover -- roll over for text for "veiw basket" button in cart box on homepage
.cartProgress -- text inside cart that progresses as you go through check out "Cart--- Address--- Payment --- Complete"
.txtcartProgressCurrent -- this is the text color that shows up for the page that you are on in the progression of the cart, for example when you are on the address page, address is this color and the rest are the color you specified for .cartProgress
.quickBuy-- Inside cart txt that asks " Want to add more items? Enter the Product Code:"
.tdcartTitle -- txt Inside Cart at the top "Qty, Product, Code, Stock, Price, Line Price"
.tdcartEven-- background color for second product inside cart and every other one
.tdcartOdd -- background color for the first product inside cart and every other one
.tdCartSubTotal-- includes line above subtotal
a.txtCheckout-- text and box for "continue" button on cart pages
a.txtUpdate -- text and box for "update cart" button on cart pages
.txtStockWarn-- text for when an item is out of stock
.txtError -- text for when someone messes up while filling out information during cart process
.txtCopyright, a.txtCopyright -- text for Copywrite info at bottom of page
a.txtCopyright:hover-- roll over for Copywrite info at bottom of page
.dropDown-- width of drop downs
Layout.CSS for Classic Skin
body -- entire window attributes
#pageSurround-- large floating window inside window
#topHeader-- top section of page surround
.boxTitleLeft, .boxTitleRight -- top area of boxes in left and right columns where title appears
.boxContentLeft, .boxContentRight-- main area of boxes in left and right columns
.colLeft -- left column attributes or positioning
.colMid -- middle large column attributes or positioning
.colRight-- right column attributes or positioning
.boxContent-- middle columns box (where to change colors, background, borders, and some text)
.colLeftCheckout -- check out pages positioning for left column
.colMainCheckout -- checkout pages positioning for main column
.siteDocs -- positioning and attributes for box at bottom that contains "About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions"
.pagination -- main large box on catagory pages
.regSep-- the "need to register?" box in checkout
The only 10.95 I see is a sale price. Your background is an image with a 'repeat-x' value. Try changing it to 'no-repeat'
cant edit home page
in Install & Upgrade Support
Make sure that all of your paths in includes/ are correct. This is the main reason people have issues when moving from one server to another.