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Everything posted by jerseyjoe

  1. Thanks Roban, that's exactly what I was looking for. Just be aware that deleting images via FTP is not a good idea. There are two things involved - the image file and the listing of it in the MySQL Db. You can remove image files using FTP but that does not affect their listing in your Db. Images deleted via FTP continue to show in your ACP - Manage Images and nothing you can do there will change that. You'd have to go into the MySQL and directly delete the Db listing. When deleting images, do that via the Image Manager to start with and they will be removed both as an image and as a listing in the Db. Perhaps a future version of CC will address this but it's what is now.
  2. A BIG thank you. It worked. (I should mention that in addition to deleting the entire line: <span class="txtContentTitle">{HOME_TITLE}</span> it's also necessary to remove the next line: <br /> And I agree with you that I should restore the line in home.inc.php. Good advce. Thanks again for the help. Thanks, Mark
  3. The home page default includes a line of text, red, bold italic, saying "Welcome to Cube Cart" I have found where to delete the text (language > en > home.inc.php > foot of file) and done that. I've also removed the entire line from the file because I wants a small banner to take its pace and be aligned, as the text is, with the top of the Shop by Category header. But removing that line of code does not push the banner up. The blank space remains. I've even experimeneted with editing (in layout.css) the code for .boxContent by removing the padding and even rdeleted the entire .boxContent from that file. But the empty line that used to say "welcome etc." persists. Where is that blank space defined so I can edit it out? If one of the trustworthy coders here wants to see the offline store, ask and I'll email you an admin code.
  4. With your FF browser open, in the menu acros the top, go to > Tools > Options > Content and put a check mark in "enable Java"
  5. If you mean as a "tree", go to www.cubecart.org. There is an inexpensive mod that does this very well.
  6. visit the forum for shipping problems http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index.php?showforum=26 You'll find what you need there. O0ps - I see you posted your issue there as well - tsk, tsk - cross posting or multi-posting is a big no-no on all forae.
  7. The only way that could have happened is that your host, or someone with access at that level, restored the older files from a backup. Nothing - absolutely nothing - else could have caused that. You must speak to your hosting company. Ask them to look at the logs and report to you what has happened. Everything that happens on a server is logged and there will be an record of exactly who did what and when. Hope that helps.
  8. It should be interesting to see how your happenstance works out. I would also point out that while a car dealer advertises his "best deals, when you get to the showroom, he has the most loaded cars on display. But, I think you will do well with the site. It truly is excellent.
  9. I want to add another compliment. You obviously realize there is more to a succesful shopping cart than a pretty face. I've only looked at the Pitts Steeler products (because my favorite lady is an insane fan) but it surely is not co-incidence that you list the most expensive (and therefore probably your best gross profit) products at the top of the products list. That's smart merchandising. When you go ito a supermarket (at least this applies in the USA), you always come in through the perishables department (fruits, veggies, etc) because that is perhaps the highest margin product category. The deli counter and cheeses are often next in line for a similar reason. The milk and bread, which are the lowest, are in the back corner. You've applied the same wisdom. Well done.
  10. I agree that it's excellent. That menu structure is superb!. Next time I need a multiCategory/subCat menu I'm going to ask you to sell me a mod. Two suggestions: 1) you might want to reconsider the size of that home page graphic of the football helmet . That is valuable real estate to be taken up by a generic pic that could be on any other sports web site. Were it mine to do, I'd make that graphic smaller - or eliminate completely and allow one more row of porducts to show "above the fold." Alternatively, you could use Photoshop to make that graphic extremely light and use it as a background image in that cell for the site description text that begins, "Sports Gifts, Novelties, and Collectors' Items" 2) the primary nav menu lacks a link called "home." Yes, I know that the logo has a link that serves that function. But you are assuming that all your visitors know that a logo can also be a link to the home page. As for the "home" link in the footer, it doesn't come close to equaling one in the primary nav menu. Why make it difficult? But other than my whining, great job !
  11. I'm encountering the same problem and have not found the cause - but I have found a work around that works as long as you know PHP. It also helps to know some HTML. Go to Language > en > home.inc.php and edit the home page there, save and FTP the editied file up to the server, overwriting the default. Problem solved. Since my inability to edit the home page through the CC ACP only affects this single page, one that I rarely change once I get it the way I want, it's no big deal.
  12. There is a step by step guide. What you need to do is create a standalone server on a drive. While I wrote it to put a CC on a thumb drive, the same steps work for desktop, laptop or any drive. Do a search on "thumb" or "MSAS" (MAmbo Stand Alone Server). A later edit adds Joomla as an alternative SAS.
  13. I may not describe this in accepted technical form - but what I'm trying to say is factual as regards the cause and the cure for your problem. I believe that the ACP's Manage Images is reporting that you have images because that's what the Db is telling it. But you have already removed the files representing the images while leaving the name of the file listed in the Db. Think of it this way. You have an Excel spreadsheet that shows that you have $10,000 in your bank account. You go to the bank, take out the cash and jump on a bus to Atlantic City for a weekend of slots and sluts. You tell your wife you are going to a prayer retreat at a remote camp that lacks electricty or phones. When you return, your pockets are empty. Now go look in the spreadsheet. It says you still have $10k. Of course your wife knows exactly what you did. But she did not find out from the spreadsheet, because it shows you still have $10k in the bank. She knows because wives know everything you do, even before decide what you are going to do. They don't need a spreadsheet and would ignore it if you showed 'em. But a spreadsheet is not a wife. If you don't make a data entry, the database does not know what you did. Thus it is with the folder where the files that make up those images are. If you delete the files without going through the ACP, how would the ACP know that the folder is empty? The only way the ACP would know is if you used the the ACP to make the deletion. To get back on track, you'll have to edit the MySQL db to conform to the reality of whatever image files are in the folder. Once you have done that, don't do a batch delete of files using FTP or your wife will find out and punch your bus ticket for you. The easiest thing to do would be to use your ftp manager to delete the images CAution - using FTP to delete the files (the images) does not delete their references from the MySQL table that contains the references to them. When yopu removae an image vis the Admin CP, it does both. So if you do remove via FTP, you will have to remove those references also from the Db using something like phpMyAdmin. BTW, that same place and tool (MySQL Db) is where you will find the source of that annoying double-display. When you open the table and do a sort on the file names, you will see the dupes. Sign me, "speaking from experience on this issue" Right, two methods to remove images.......but why can`t I remove them from my admin panel? Is it a bug or did I mess somthing up? In (MySQL Db), what is the "cubecart_img_idx" table. I have less entries in that table than the amount of images in my store!!!
  14. jerseyjoe

    How's this?

    They are cute and bring a smile - but I'm not a parent or grandparent who is concerned that the quality is worth the price or that problems will be resolved without hassle. You might consider adding the phrase that became one of the things that made Sears Roebuck the leader when most of their sales came through mail order. "Your Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back." No qualifying or wiggle-words. When they started opening stores, it appeared above every entrance. I think it may still be used. They took it seriously. You could buy a pair of Craftsman pliers, use them for years, and when they broke or wore out, or you left them out and they got rusty, you could take them to the nearest store and get either an even exchange or a full refund. An interesting policy supported it behind the scenes. For a few years I was the Sales Manager of a company that manufactured a few dozen items for the Sears label. Each contract was worth upwards of high 9-figures, and some were even for a few million. In the purchase contract given every supplier was the requirement that we would give 100% credit, deductible from any open invoice, based simply on the accumulated "returns" reports. Managers would take back any item, note the reason for the return and throw the item in the trash. The only time an item went back to the maker was if there seemed to be an issue of quality or function that Sears and the supplier should know about. In other words, we took their word for it. It worked well for everyone involved. Most customers are honest and reasonable. People respond well to being trusted. Contrary to popular wisdom of the day that often painted them as rapacious and tough on suppliers, Sears was a dream customer. They would even make interest free loans so you could buy the materials and tools for an item they wanted from you. While they did not allow a wasted fraction of a penny, they were loyal to good suppliers and would never kick you to the curb just because a competitor offered a low-ball price. I learned a lot from that relationship. Good luck with a good looking web site.
  15. The easiest thing to do would be to use your ftp manager to delete the images CAution - using FTP to delete the files (the images) does not delete their references from the MySQL table that contains the references to them. When yopu removae an image vis the Admin CP, it does both. So if you do remove via FTP, you will have to remove those references also from the Db using something like phpMyAdmin. BTW, that same place and tool (MySQL Db) is where you will find the source of that annoying double-display. When you open the table and do a sort on the file names, you will see the dupes. Sign me, "speaking from experience on this issue"
  16. I'm still interested using this skin for a non-competetive (services - not products) business. WIll you offer it?
  17. Tell him the Bush 'brazillion" joke. That should help cure him. Before I read it, my hair was falling out, my teeth were almost gone, I had been taking meals through a straw - and then that joke was posted. Thanks to that joke I now run the mile in under 4 minutes, need a haircut every Saturday morning and have had to have three extra teeth removed due to overcrowding. Gorgeous women ask me to be the father of their intended child and I've won the national lottery on 3 continents. The only remaining problem is, that stupid #$^%%*& is still President of my country. Oh, if only if were not too true. We are in deep doo-doo. Best wishes to Aikdo.
  18. There may be a bug involved. I normally can see an offline store while logged in as Admin by clicking on that Store link - but a recent installation of 3.0.10 encounters the same problem of returning the "offline" page. But a "double log in" solves the rpoblem. If I edit the URL on that "offline" page back to the login prompt (even though I am already logged in) so it reads domainname.com/admin - and log in again - I am returned to the admin page and this time I can click on Store and it opens. Why? I have no idea. Bug? Anyone here know? This is on the same shared server that hosts other CC stores that do not have the problem. no, actually i can't. in fact, that's how i knew i couldn't view the store offline: when i clicked on "store home" on the admin page, all i saw was the offline message/page that i had designed myself. oh, well...
  19. Oh, and to anticipate another common question, others here have their preferences, but I suggest you consider downloading a free copy of PHPdesigner (www.mpsoftwareweb.com) and configuring it as the default editor for CSS, PHP and TPL files. Those are the files that affect the look and feeel of all CCs. Also, if you should get into modifications of how your store works or if you want to install something not provided in the rich feature set, you probably will want access to your database files. In that case, make sure your host offers phpMYadmin to manage your MySQL. Hope that helps . . .
  20. You are correct. There are, I estimate, approximately 100 FAQs regarding changing the appearance of a CC skin. Changing the background ranks way up there, probably in the top 10, of most frequently asked. If you click Search in the menu and using quotes to force a phrase search, ask "background color" or "background colour" (there being both Yanks and Brits here) - and limting your search to the CC3 forums, you will get a nice batch of helpful and highly detailed explanations in all the possible variations of circumstance and skin. Among the returns in your search, you will see there are many related customization questions and answers - including more than a dozen excellent free tutorial "movies" you can run over and over - available by clicking on the above Support link. If you get stuck or have problems with more complex issues, there are many experts here and on the sister site cubecart.org who will help you, often for free, or for a modest fee. Best of luck to you!! Best of luck to you.
  21. I probably should have limited my response to a simple "Thanks!"
  22. Is this a great support community . . . or what?? Were it not about 52 years too late, I would seriously consider naming my first born after you!
  23. I know this isn't a strictly CC question but the graphic I'm trying to make is for the logo of CC that I'm building for one of my web hosting sites. See the attachment to this message. I want to round off the corners of this rectangular shape amd wind up with the 90degree corners rounded off. Making each corner a radius has me stumped. How do I do that in Photoshop? FWIW, I am familiar with most of the PS tools and have some knowledge of layers, layers styles, bevels, etc. Anyone?
  24. Nice looking web site. TIA and Good Luck to you . . .
  25. I'm a windows users but I think I may have a cross platform editor for you. The free proghram PHPdesigner (www.mpsoftwareweb.com) edits the following extensions in an excellent interface. *.html;*.htm;*.xhtml;*.shtml;*.shtm;*.css;*.xml;*.xsd;*.xsl; *.xslt;*.dtd;*.php;*.php3;*.php4;*.php5;*.phtml;*.inc;*.sql;*.txt (funny, they don't list .css, .js and .tpl but I do have those files associated with this prog and it works) After you download and install it, look in Options > Editor Preferences > Files and below "Enable File Associations" checkbox, there is radio button that lets you choose between "File Formats" > Windows, Unix, Mac. I don't know if that means that the program will run on a Mac. But ya' never know. There are excellent cross-platform prgrams out there, my favorite being the FileMaker Pro database. Ooops, I just looked at their Home Page. The only O/S listed is Win XP. Sorry.
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