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Everything posted by jerseyjoe

  1. There are, they say, no dumb questions - only dumb answers. I will try to avoid the second part of that . .. If you literally did upload "everything" to your server, you must undo that and start again. If you DID not do that, we need to pause for a small discussion on how to get help in a forum. You cannot use general descriptions such as "everything." Avoid pronouns like "it" or "them" unless the frontend of that same sentence contains the noun itself. The only way someone can help you is by seeing what you are seeing - and it's up to you to be highly specific, step by step. Let's say you have nothing in the Shop folder you added withing /public_html/. Go back to the zip file for CC 3.0.10. Youll find 4 items in it. Three are folders. The only folder you need now is "upload" But first, stop and print out a copy of the fourth item, a file called "readme.txt". Then read the part that explains how to mae a fresh new installation of CC. Next upload the entire contents of the "upload" folder - but not the folder itself - just its contents. Now you can see why "everything" creates a problem in helping you because if you did upload "everything" you would have made it impossible to follow the printed "readme.txt instructions - or for anyone here to help you because we are thinking one set of circumstances and you will have created another, different set. So with the contents of "upload" on the server, now pause. Open cPanel. Click on the MySQL icon. That will show you the interface where you can create the Db per the illustrated tutorial linked in my earlier message. Write down the names and passwrods that the Db generator creates (xxxx_xxxx). In other words, not the Db name or user name or PW you entered, but what the system installs at each step. The system adds stuff to what you put in. After you do that, open your browser and go to yourdomain.com/Shop/install/ That will launch the 5 step CC installer. Use the words you have written down. Leave host as "localhost" In addition to creating access codes for the Db, the CC installer, near the end of one of those screens, will want you to create an Administrator's user name and pw. Those are needed to operate the store administrator's CC Control Panel. You shoud be OK if you do the above. If you get stuck, just ask - but be sepcific about what you are seeing so we can give you specific answers. Good luck . . .
  2. No you are not. There is a simple, illustrated tutorial on how create the Db using the cPanel that comes with your hosting. http://www.buildinghosting.com/CC_Step3_cure.htm It also resolves a problem commonly encountered by new CC users in the installation process.
  3. You say you "installed it" through your FTP program, but since you don't mention anything about going through the CC installation steps explained in the text file that came with the download, I suspect that you merely uploaded it. If you need help with that, just ask in this same thread and someone will get you through it. As for being over your head, the learning curve for the basic stuff is not at all steep. Even some of the more advanced things in skinning and adding special mods to make CC roll over and situp, are not all that hard. I turned 73 last week and even I can do some of that. There's also a sister web site (cubecart.org) where the big dogs hang out and offer some freebies and some paid items of great interest. Also, if you pay the fee for registration - which helps support further development by our poor programmar Brooky - you will be permitted to remove the copyright at the foot of the pages - and you will have access to Brooky's online tech support if you encounter issues that this support group can't help. Good luck!
  4. Definitely uninstall v3.08 and install the current CCv3.0.10. The version now being installed by Fantastico contains few issues that are corrected in v3.0.10. For customizing CC, there are excelent tutorials (click on Support). You'll want an editor for file types such as CSS, TPL, HTML, etc. The best free one is PHPdesigner. Google it.
  5. Not to second-guess Ansuk's good advice, but there is an excellent permanatly free zip/unzip program available from http://free-backup.info/apps/justzipit.exe That's the direct download URL. I'm giving to you because the source site (http://justzipit.exe) is one of those weird third-world web sites that have the most obtuse navigation systems that make no sense to the Western mind. At the obvious URL, you see a flash of the JustZipIt page then you be kicked over to the parent site and will have to scroll down to find an image with an embedded link. But it is worth the trouble. This is the easier zip / unzip I've ever seen. It can be configured to suit your needs. Joe
  6. I have one on my HD and I've just put in a ticket for my server support to make sure they hold the backup that would have been made earlier this morning. You missed the calls because I have been making PM requests for the past two-plus weeks, complete with offers to pay, but no one seems to have understood the urgency. I am now looking around here for a cigarette and blindfold as the proper costume for the traditional ceremony at dawn. When the sun comes up here in the New York Area, my client will see that the freshly edited tables for the _inventory and _categories and _customers have not only not been imported - but the store is now a mess thanks to my atempt to do it myself. Restoring the store alone to its condition as of a few hours ago does not satisfy the client's long overdue desire to see the new products, etc.
  7. I gave up trying to find anyone who would help me import the old database into the new intallation - and I did exactly what I knew I would wind up doing. See the results here www.vikolya.com When the client sees it, she will find herself another store builder. Me, I'm going to pull the covers over my head and think of England.
  8. He didn't mention getting any errors so I'm going to bet that he's using FireFox. The problem he described is exactly what happens to me when I try to edit the home page using FireFox. Try it in the justly despised MS/IE and you can edit it. Moral of the story: even a stopped clock is right twoce a day.
  9. I looked at it right after the posting went up and frankly, I thought it so bad I was speechless. In a world where that incredible XPC Extreme skin exists, this is embarrassing. But, as I recall, the initial version of that XP site, a few months ago, suffered from a whole bunch of the same problems as this site - and look what some diligent work accomplished. I'm in awe of that one. Many lessons to be learned from it.
  10. OK, try this. http://www.buildinghosting.com/CC_Step3_cure.htm If you have any questions, I'm going back to bed for a while. It's 7am here in New York and I shouldn't have stayed up at 5 when I awoke early for the usual urgency. If you still have a problem, I'll be online again in a few - or maybe someone else will jump in.
  11. I've decided to create a tutorial. This problem comes up so often that it deserves one. I've finished the graphics, now give a me a little more time and I post a link to it.
  12. THe problem almost certainly is the really bad design of the interface for that process in cPanel. Instead of placing things in some logical form on the screen, you have to jump around between tasks that are not fully explained. Give me about 10 or 15 minutes to create and post a graphic of what you should be doing there.
  13. are you using cPanel to create the data base?
  14. OK, I got your PM with the codes and now I understand the problem. You are trying to edit a skin through the Admin Control Panel - not through the server, the only place that can be done. Go to your web host support and ask them for the FTP access codes for your server. Send them to me in a private message. Meanwhile, you need to prepare the graphic you intend to use as your your logo. The one you sent is much too big. The default logo measures 174 by 96 pixels. You'll need to edit yours to those same dimensions in some graphic program such as Photoshop. Then send it to me again and I'll installl it for you Joe PS: just for the heck of it, I used the search function on the words "change logo" and found about 10 messages related to how to do that. The best of them is by Mark at http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....&hl=change+logo
  15. PM me the access info for your server, along with a copy of the graphic and I'll do it for you for free. How do I get this access server info? How did you install your CubeCart? I just clicked install in my bluehost control panel Still, "bluehost" has given you codes for access to your serfver, right? Don't publish them here in the open. Send them to me in an email.
  16. PM me the access info for your server, along with a copy of the graphic and I'll do it for you for free. How do I get this access server info? How did you install your CubeCart?
  17. I'll be offline for a while. It's nap time.
  18. and you are getting the exact same error in each of those four methods? If that's so, I think you should consider deleting the installation and doing a fresh reinstallation. Which version of CC are you working with? Best thing to do, as long as you have not already populated your store and images, is to delete the 3.08 installation. It has some security issues. Then install 3.0.10. and you are getting the exact same error in each of those four methods? If that's so, I think you should consider deleting the installation and doing a fresh reinstallation. Which version of CC are you working with? Best thing to do, as long as you have not already populated your store and images, is to delete the 3.08 installation. It has some security issues. Then install 3.0.10. It also occurs to me that you will want to make sure that your hosting service is friendly to such things as CC and similar programs based on PHP and MySQL.
  19. and you are getting the exact same error in each of those four methods? If that's so, I think you should consider deleting the installation and doing a fresh reinstallation. Which version of CC are you working with?
  20. Now I'm going to feel guilty if I don't actually help you. OK, so you are in the ACP. Let's see if I can understand exactly where you are . . . In the menu on the left, have you clicked on File Manager > Manage Images or File Manager > Upload Images or have you done something else? Maybe you are trying to add an image while in "View Products" or "Add Product"?
  21. Still too much information. Which are you actually using that is causing this error? ACP or FTP? Remember, I can't see what you are seeing. You have to tell me one-step-at-a-time. ACP or FTP?
  22. Respectfully, there are too many words and not enough facts in that description. Please understand that in order to help you, someone has to "see" exactly what you are seeing and doing. So let's start with a simple question . . . Are you in the store Admin Cntrol Panel (ACP) or on your server? Let's work step by step from there, one step at a time, and we'll solve the problem.
  23. I'm not sure what your PayPal issue is. CC integrates well with the various versions of PayPal. The choices are are just not well explained either here in CC or by PayPal. Can you clarify? As for getting stuck at Step 4, have you gone to the file in the server and changed its permission? Also, after the 5 steps are done and the system says your installation is complete, there actually is one more step before you can open the store and the Admin Control Panel. As a security measure, delete the folder "install." Until you do, the system will not let you go forward. You'll encounter the need to change certain file permisssions when you are working in the Admin CP. At that time, you'll see a bright pink error box telling you what to to. Good luck !
  24. PM me the access info for your server, along with a copy of the graphic and I'll do it for you for free.
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