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Everything posted by jerseyjoe

  1. Thanks for the fast reply. If you have the patience and time to go into more detail, I still need guidance. I am actually stupid but compliant when given highly detailed instructions. I'm very much like a computer, the original obedient idiot, in that way. I opened PHPmyadmin. I chose the table CubeCart_inventory. So far, so good. But I'm not seeing a list of products. I'm seeing an interface with a row of buttons across the top saying: Browse Structure SQL Search Insert Export Operations Empty "Structure" is already chosen and I'm looking at a spreadsheet-like display of rows and colums. The column heads are labeled: (boxes) Field Type Attributes Null Default Extra Action But I do not see a list of products. If I click on the buttton "Browse" I don't see a list of products there either however I do see what may be a list of images. May I assume you meant that I would see a list of images, not a list of products? However, I have learned never to assume anything. Is this the page I should be on? If so, exactly (step by step) what do I do next? What will I see after I do that? What next? etc. I can tell you that if I click on the pencil in the first column, the selected button in the top row changes to "Insert" and I get an even more intimidating and complex screen of feilds. If somewhere in all those dozens of fields there is one labeled "delete image" or something like that, I do not see it. At that point, I use the back button again and again until the pin is re-installed in the grenade. May I ask for more detail, step by step, please?
  2. What is the path to that file? I'm using the killer skin if that matters.
  3. Please see this CC site under construction, particularly this page: http://www.vikolya.com/store/index.php?act...rod&productId=5 I'd like to move the image to the left and bring the product descrption up so it is along side the image. How to, please? Thanks
  4. I need a knowledgeable CCer to hand-hold and guide me through editing the CC data base. The problem is, as discussed in another thread, I did a direct batch-delete of images from the upload folder through FTP. But, since they are listed in the db, that leaves them listed in the CC Image Manager. I now need to edit them out in the db itself before the Image Manager will delist them. Thank you "groovejuice" for diagnosing that issue in another thread. Although I have PHPAdmin on my server, I know so little about MySql and know so little about how to manage it that I have to treat it as if it were a live hand grenade with the pin pulled. I could do an awful lot of damage in a few seconds. I've gone as far as opening the PHPadmin and looking at the interface. I then closed it with a shuddder of relief that I did not destroy it. I'm not alone in this. At least one other user posted the same problem and I've seen similar issues where a step-by-step, "Editing MySql in PHPadmin for Dimmies" tutorial posted here would be a huge help. In fact, I'll write and post (with proper credit, of course) if it someone can take me through it, off forum, step-by-step either in PM or direct email. Anyone?
  5. Bump - help please? Joe, The images you are seeing are most likely the "Thumbnails" Go back to your FTP to the Uploads directory and look in the subdirectory called "thumbnails" and delete those. Nope - I batch-removed BOTH the full and thumb inages yet they are ghosted in the Image Manager.
  6. Joe, The images you are seeing are most likely the "Thumbnails" Go back to your FTP to the Uploads directory and look in the subdirectory called "thumbnails" and delete those. Nope - I batch-removed BOTH the full and thumb inages yet they are ghosted in the Image Manager.
  7. I used FTP to go into the images/upload folder and batch-delete a bunch of obsolete images. But when I opened image manager (3.09) they are still listed there. When I try to use Image Manager to delete the ghost listing, I get an error message and the removal fails. I really need to clean up the Image Manager. How?
  8. Sooner or later, you will want to edit the codes directly to do things that Dreamweaver does not facilitate. When you want to edit CSS, TPL, PHP, JS and more, etc. get yourself a copy of free PHPdesiger at www.mpsoftwareweb.com. It's not difficult. An important reason for picking up that software and the minor skill in using it, many of the postings here in the forums for fixes, tricks and toys require editing of the code. By sticking with DW in WYSYWYG alone, you'll miss out on all that stuff.
  9. I hear you, but with sincere respect, you obviously have not read the details of my posting - and I suspect that you have never been a victim of this kind of theft. A casual letter to someone's ISP will not invoke the DMCA. The details required to make a "conforming notice" identify and point directly to infringeing materials and show where they came from. The identity of the complainant must be verifiable. The complaint includes signing a formal oath that invokes perjury. The oath must be witnessed. False complaints are felonies. While there may well have been such, I have yet to hear of one. Until this law came along, the only recourse a vicitm had was a lawsuit that would take years and cost many thousands of dollars. The DMCA is one of those rare cases of a law that offers the little guy the same opportunity for justice as a major corporation. As the response of Palm showed when I caught Held Computer Magazine, the big guys do not sneer at the efforts of little guys to protect their property.
  10. Which says: QUOTE Bill of Rights Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. END QUOTE So how is the DMCA a First Amendment issue? Also consider U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8. that establishes the right of creators to control what they create. A person who writes something original owns it. The DMCA says you can't put it on a web site with his permission. And same law tells a host to not be a party to theft by serving stolen property. Where is the problem? A scumbag stole Goober's work. Here's one way for him to regain control.
  11. Regarding the thief, you are in luck (sort of). A check with WhoIs? tells us that the server that hosts the offending web site is http://catalog.com based in the USA. Therefore, they are subject to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Browsing their web site suggests strongly they are a well-established and legit company. Before I explain further, let me insert here that while I am not an attorney (nor do I play one on the net) I have a fair amount of experience with US Copyright law and the DMCA - and I own a hosting company. My copyright experience is as a former officer, for about 8 years, of the nation's largest and most aggressive labor union for freelance writers. My job was educating writers on how to protect their copyrights, especially from theft by other web sites. But keep in mind that what I am about to tell you is heavy duty stuff. Unless you apply it properly, if your complaint is not properly founded, you may cause yourself problems. Software such as Cube Cart and mods and even the sites created from them, are covered by the same copyright law as songs, poetry, novels, statues, photos, movies, music recording, videos, etc. In the USA, you have copyright from the moment you create the itme. Copyright registration )which is very cheap and can be done online in a few minutes) is required only if you intend to sue for damages plus legal fess. But to use the DMCA, registration is not required. Nor do you have to be in the USa. Just the hosting server being in the USA gives the law jurisdiction. The DMCA was created after a huge expensive lobbying campaign by the major producers and distributors such as Time Warner, Disney and all the major record companies because of Internet theft. They got it written their way. Find a stolen work online, stop him within a few hours. It is an astounding law - controversial to some - but what the hell - it also protects us little guys. The DMCA allows anyone with a complaint of online copyright violation to shut down the offending web site with one letter submitted to the hosting company. All hosting companies are required by law to post an outline of the required Notice of DMCA Violation form letter on their web site - and when a properly submitted letter (known as a "conforming notice" or "conforming complaint") is received, the hosting company must remove the offending material EXPEDITIOUSLY. They are given the option to shut down the entire site. That word "expeditiously" has been tested in court rulings and the court says it means, right now, without any delay for any reason or excuse such as verification of the complainer's copyright, notice to the offender with a request that he remove the stuff, etc. - The law says that the host must do it first and then let the offender know he's been shut down. You can see one version of this outline on my own web site at: http://buildinghosting.com/legal.htm The offending web site's hosting company has almost the same thing at: http://hosting.catalog.com/copyright_infringement.html The reason they are basically the same is because the DMCA language spells out the requirements of a conforming complaint and it is pretty specific. Complaints not in the required form do not have to be acted upon. But conforming complaints will NEVER be ignored by any sensible hosting company based in the USA. Now, why would any hosting company shut down a web site just because they get this letter? The DMCA calls for a $500,000 fine AND a two-year jail sentence for the first failure to expeditiously remove the offending material. The fine is doubled if they ignored a second notice. Also, if the hosting company is acting in response to a properly drwan conforming complaint, they are held immune to legal action from the web site owner because the hosting company is only doing what the law says they must do. The common objection to the Draconian and expeditious compliance requirement is that there will be false complaints by malicious people. Keep in mind that the complaint must be fully detailed, including the identity and contact info of the complainer. False complaints are felonies. Does it work? Ask the arrogant real estate agent who took my world famous article about whale watching (the first ever published on the Internet - http://travelthenet.com/columns/clips/whales.htm) and put it on his web site to sell real estate in that area. His web site went down in less than 6 hours after my complaint was received at his hosting comapny. The site came back online. Or ask the publisher of Hand Held Computer Magazine who put my 6,000 word article about rapid programming tricks for the Palm O/S on a CD and got Palm to offer it on their web site. Palm removed the CD containing my article within 4 hours. So Goober, I suggest that you consider biting the thief in the butt. Shut him down with a bang. When drafting the letter be sure to follow the rules in full detail. It's possible the host may yank his entire site, not just the part containing your stuff. Good Luck !! Keep us informed, OK?
  12. OK - I looked and didn't see anything that I recognize as causing this truly weird problem. My oh-so-clever guess was totally wrong. Please change your passwords now that I have logged out? The cart is licensed so I suggest you open a support ticket. They are handled out of England so it won't be seen until the sun comes up there. Wish I could have been more helpful. Joe
  13. I'll takea look at your server if you'll trust me with the access codes. If so, send them in a PM. Joe
  14. Maybe this is the problem? You have two files in the root on your server. One is index.htm. The other is index.php. I also supect that you only uploaded the CC files to the server but did not actually install them. Here's why I think that. When you browse for http://www.digigals.com/ it opens the index.htm and gives you that page. That's because that's how the default works. I suspect that when you browse for the specific page http://www.digigals.com/index.php, the server offers the index.PHP page but it is not the page for the store but the CC page. If you installed the store, there should not be two index.xxx files in the root directory. Let us know what you find?
  15. Solving a problem starts with reproducing it. Until you provide the URL, that's not possible.
  16. I haven't had time to get back to this site yet. It probably made less than $50 in the past week. I ran some $0.05 adwords ads. But why are you running ads for your competitors on your own web site? Given how hard it is to generate traffic, what is the point of sending the prospective client to other sites in exchange for a few pennies paid a long way down the road, versus an immediate markup and gross profit that surely is a multiple of the Google fee? Or am I missing something?
  17. THree basic skins are included with the intallation package. Skinning and other customizations of them, are done within the CSS, PHP and TPL files. There are many subforums here within the general forums devoted to those topics. And there are forum members, active in the skinning forums, who will give you all the guif=dance you need, free of charge. If you want them do something for you, they will for surprisingly modest fees. It's not really difficult to do most customization yourself. If this 73-year-old fart can do it well enough to get paid for creating and hosting CC stores for real businesses, then so should any one else. You want a good free editor for CSS, PHP and TPL, get PHPdesigner at www.mpsoftware.de Good luck!
  18. There is no "demo" as such. You downlaod a copy and install it. If you wish to support further development, there's an optional registration fee. That regsitration allows to to remove the copyright notice and it also gives you access to a support ticket system. But there's pelnty of free community-based support by some really expert people. Say more about not being able to open the Admin Panel. Exactly what are you doing, step-by-step and what happens? With that, I'm sure the admin access will yield very quickly to a simple solution.
  19. yes, you need to have a user account before you can check in as a user.
  20. I'm finally getting around to surfing Craig's List (www.craigslist.org) and I'm amazed at the blatant criminal ripoffs that some people are trying to pull off there. Here's an example of one that is unfolding right now in real time. I posted an offer to sell a like-new laptop that I own but is redundant. Within minutes of posting the notice I got two emails, one offering me 10% over my asking price; the second offering 20% over my asking price. Both mention thay will pay with money orders and want my address, etc. so they can send me the M.O. Do I look that stupid? Why do I suspect that before this is over they'll want my bank account info? Hint to scammers: If you want to suck me in, offer me 10% or even 25% less than my asking price and I am more likely to see you as a legitimate buyer. But to start out overbidding is the most obviously bogus thing I've seen in a long. while. Anyway, I've sent back a reply using an anonymous email address to each asking for *their* contact details. Let's see how this plays out . . . stay tuned. BTW - I'm not going to sell the laptop to anyone who can't meet me face to face in the NYC area and pay with cash.
  21. What he said. And if that or none of the other advice works, PM me. Joe
  22. Whenever I've had the Step 3 problem, I've discovered, to my embarrassment, that it's a due to a silly oversight that I blame on poor design of the interface for the MySQL manager in cPanel. The layout does not make it clear that you must: 1) create a database 2) create a user 3) create a password for that user AND - it's here that I screw up . . . AND 4) ADD the user to the database. If you do not do this step, all may look well in the CC Installer at Step 3, but when you try to move ahead to Step 4, you'll get a totally useless error message that tells you nothing about why you are stuck. I'm not sure what control panel GoDaddy provides, but I suspect that it's that fourth step that is tripping you up. Maybe someone here uses GoDaddy and can give you GD-specific insight.
  23. Have you asked your hsoting provider for the backup copy they should be makinmg at least every 24 hours? I own a hosting company and while I hear of clients occasional disasters such as yours, we usually get the most recent backup online within an hour. Ask 'em. Wishing the best for you !!
  24. I'm worse than a professor. I'm a professional freelance writer. See: www.travelthenet.com and click on "Joe's Bio." As for editing your docs, either send me the files or PM me with access and I'll be happy to do it. I may yet take you up on the CVS mod offer but so far, I haven't a need. Meanwhile, as an alternative, if you have an unspoken-for woman who either has a steady job that promises a goverment pension - or if she has clear title to some good real estate - maybe we can work out something. That offer also is subject to confirming that she also has a good pre-paid dental plan.
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