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Posts posted by jerseyjoe

  1. Sherrif Bob,

    That was an excellent sugggestion and I followed it. The prog downloaded and installed nicely. It is even more transparent than the ApacheFriends app. But there is yet one "small" problem.

    When try to open the store, I am getting the same screen filled with code quoted above. The system is saying that it can't launch the store untill the install directory is removed- but it has been. There is no directory in the CC store copy that is sitting on my hard drive.

    I need very much to be able to demo this cube cart store if I am going to sell more installations. The cost of wireless is still too expensive and many of the prospects I want to corral do not have immediate access to a connection while I have their attention.

    Has anyone else been successful in running a CC store from a non-Internet-connected laptop?

  2. you said: "Anyway holla back if u need more help."


    I'm lost right at the start. I think that the process of installing the Apache program did also install a copy of PHP on my local hard drive. I was able to follow your instructions about switching PHP from 5 to 4 even though I was not connected to the net at that time.

    But how to define a MySQL db is a new experinece for me. In

    MyComputer > appachefriends > xampp>

    I can see a pair of BAT files, one for install, the other for uninstall - and sub-directories that include






    When I click on the install bat I get a black screen that says MySql is started and a prompt to hit any key to continue.

    I also get a popup from my firewall that wants to know if the program should have access to the local drive. Yes or no? I don't know so I close it to err on the side of security. Pop up closes.

    I click to continue - and the black dialog screen closes. I'm back to nothing. Did I accomplish anything? Who knows?

    FWIW I have server access and could download the DB there that now supports the CC that is online. Would that be enough or do I have to create a new local DB?

    Do you have the patience to tell me how to do that? If you are in the UISA, and can talk me through it over the phone, I'd pay for a call to you.

  3. Hobie,

    thanks - I'm part way there. I have the Apache prog installed and functioning.. I downloaded by FTP a copy of the store. I did not do the other steps (creating a DB, installin public_docs, etc) so that may be why when I try to launch I am getting a screen of errors that begins:


    WARNING - Your store will not function until the install directory and/or upgrade.php is deleted from the server."; exit; } // initiate db class include_once("classes/db.inc.php"); $db = new db(); include_once("includes/functions.inc.php"); $config = fetchDbConfig("config"); include_once("includes/sslSwitch.inc.php"); // get session data include_once("includes/session.inc.php"); // get exchange rates etc include_once("includes/currencyVars.inc.php"); $lang_folder = ""; if(empty($ccUserData[0]['lang'])){ $lang_folder = $config['defaultLang']; } else { $lang_folder = $ccUserData[0]['lang']; } include_once("language/".$lang_folder."/lang.inc.php"); // require template class include_once("classes/xtpl.php"); $body = new XTemplate ("skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl"); if(isset($_GET['searchStr'])){ $body->assign("SEARCHSTR",$_GET['searchStr']); } else { $body->assign("SEARCHSTR",""); }

    END QUOTE and goes on for many lines.

    I have confirmed that the "install directory" is not among those downloaded (and of course, it is not on the server, either).

    But it does seem to me that the store should open but I'm getting the above errors.

    Question - if I do the additiona steps you suggest, will taht slve these errors?

    Thanks in advance for your goood and patient advice . . .

  4. Two big"ifs" followed, possibly, by a very loud bang.

    1) if you are certain that the site violates your copyright and

    2) the site is hosted anywhere in the USA

    You can have his web site shut down within a few hours using the US law that so many people hate - but is a wonderful tool for the protection of programmers and freelance writers - the CDMA.

    If you do not know how to file a conforming CDMA complaint of copyright violation - and it must be done with a care to the specifics of the law - just ask. I've used it on more than one occasion with dramatic effect against plagarists.

  5. this how most online stores do their product options the base product price then any options are + or - a or no change in price

    Can you offer links to online shopping carts that do this other than CC and those others derived from Osc?


  6. I just downloaded the ApacheFriends program. Yes, it installs easily. But I now have the feeling I've stepped through the looking glass, onto a vast, desolated plain, with purple rocks and saffron grass. I'm stoned without having inhaled. Nothing makes any sense. Cue the Twilight Zone theme music.

    When I click on the dektop icon I get this cute little interface that has nice little buttons. One of them is labled "Help." Very funny. It's the kind of help file that is addressed to people who do not need a help file in the first place. But it contains not a single word about how to use the program so I can run a local copy of a Cube Cart store.

    Can someone here please help this very ordinary dumb guy figure out how to make it work?

  7. Maybe that will work.

    I downloaded a copy of PortableWeb, installed it and opened it. That delivered me to a typical, totally useless, self-congratulatory web page that told me I'd downloaded a wonderful program.

    Big %&(*ing deal.

    But instructions on how to use it? Fuh-ged-a-boud-it.

    Maybe this other suggestion will be less arrogant and ignorant.

  8. The lack of docs is a serious shortcoming that will limit CC's acceptance until there are good, fullsome, well illustrated and well indexed PRINTABLE docs.

    To be candid in the spirit of seeing that growth happen, something must be done about the obvious fact that CC is pretty much a one man show. That effort has been impressive. No one can deny the talent and dedication behind CC. But before CC will be relied upon for more than small-time online shopping sites, there needs to be some capital invested, staff hired, plus the much needed docs.

    Having said that, CC appears to be ahead of the other contenders, due largely to the programmer's attention to the previously mentioned shortcomings of those other two. I hope it continues that leadership and addresses those strategic shortcomings.

  9. I appreciate the response, but if you looked at the link in my previous message, you'll see that is what I aleady have - and what is not wanted.

    That system is not what I would call user-friendly. Why should a customer be required to do mental addition when placing an order? The whole point of online ordering is to facilitate placing an order by making every step simple and explicit. Requiring mental calculations is definitely neither.

    It does not make sense when a straightforward dropdown list that prices each item completely, without requiring the customer to add anything, is the most user-friendly method.

    Where on the web (other than in CC) are you seeing this method?

  10. I'm having a problem with the product options pricing system. Either I don't understand how to configure it, or it is not properly designed to start with.

    Take a look at:


    Note that the system will not let me set the price for each item individually. I must set the price for the lowest item and then show the larger items as a "+" of that base price.

    As I see the world of online shopping, I should be able to set the drop down to read:

    * 4 by 4 in - $14.00

    * 6 by 6 in - $22.00

    * 8 by 8 in - $30.00

    Is this just my usual lack of comprehenson - and the system can do what I am asaking for - or is it really this limited?

    And if it is limited, what can be done to fix it?

    I have a customer who is balking at completing the whole damn project over this issue - and I must say I agree with her that it can't be this way.

  11. and one place where you have "DJS" and it should be "DJ's"

    No. Neither is right.

    DJs (small s) is correct.

    Likewise, he has "CD's"- also wrong.

    An apostrophe indicates a contraction of "CD is" and DJ is".

    The correct method - putting a lower case "s" at the end of CD - indicates there are more than one CD (as in Compact Discs and Disk Jockeys)

    The much abused apostrophe, and its (note - not "it's") poor cousin the comma, each get chapters all their own - and very funny ones too, in the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves." If you care about language at all (and I am professional writer) that book is not only the best ever published about punctuation, it's (see that? "it is") one of the funniest books around.

    Yes, nice clean site. But I guess you've decided you don't care to do business with all those people who have their monitors set for 800 by 600 and will never change.

  12. I am building a CC3 store (and hoping that the client will send me the remaining required materials some day soon).

    At some point I'll want to install a copy of the store on my laptop so I can demo to prospective clients how such a store looks and functions - up to but not including the actual placing of an order. In other words, the demo copy would not be coming from the server but from the laptop hard disk.

    How can I do that. I'd need to know more than just what software would accomplish that. I'd need to know step-by-step how to install it so the downloaded PHP files would work offline.

    Help please? TIA

  13. First problem I see with the suggestion is that in the USA, if you are trying to collect sales tax (although the laws do not -yet - require it for Internet sales - oh but they eventually will) there are 50 states, each with the power to set its own rate and it does not apply to the same goods in each state - or uniformly across the state

    Thus, in New York City, clothing that has a value of more than $100 is taxed at 8.5% but under $100 value is not. A few minutes away by car or subway, in Jersey City, the NJ state sales tax does not apply to clothing or food - and for goods that are taxed, the rate is 3% - until you go to another NJ county or municipality and the same goods may be 8.25%.

    So tax in the USA, if charged at all on Internet sales, varies so much that a simple db table column woun't do.

  14. There are those here who will jump all over me for not doing it "the right way." But since none of them offered any help at the time, (let's not go there).

    I used Front Page. (yes, I said that dirty word. no shame at all.)

    See the site I'm working on (stalled while the clicnt is getting more materials for posting) at www.wendycostastudio.com/store/

    As I recall I opened the template for the info box and replaced its code with straight html hyperlinks. The links that were there were not relevant so I removed them and replaced them with those that are. The new pages themselves I created in Site Docs - which I will assume you already know how to do. I used the FP list function to add the bullets.

    At first I added underline decoration to the text, consistent with the usual standard but since that isn't used elsewhere in CC (so much for consistency among the purist police) I went back and removed it.

    Strange thing. Underlining disapeared in MS /IE but persists to this day in Firefox.

    Also, I can't figure out what font or spacing is used in the other boxes so I can make the font and line spacing in my version of Info box an exact match with the others. But it's close enough for government work.

  15. Is it possible that you have accidentally increased the text size in the browser? For example, in Firefox, go to:

    view > text size > decrease

    When I looked at your page with the broser text size increased, the right side especially looked wrong. After I reduced it, all the text was uniform.

    Could be . . .

  16. See http://www.wendycostastudio.com/store/index.php

    I'd appreciate feedback. The product list is not fully populated and I have photos and text to add but this is where I'm at in the skinning thanks to the help of too many people to thank again. If I did not thank you at the time, I apologize.

    BTW - you'll notice that I got rid of the boxes for currency and language because the site is specific to one language, one currency.

    Also, I removed the default links from the Information box and installed the Site Docs links. I think they are too important to be hidden in the dark at the foot of the page.

    There's an interesting issue with that box. Compare it in Firefox and MS/IE. I'd originally add "text decoration: underline" but it clashed with the lack of text decoration in the rest of the site. So I revised it to "none" - The MS/IE view displays that but the underline persists in Firefox. Wonder why?


  17. And then there is a that little thing called punctuation that provides meaning to randomly placed words.

    "Please take your time to browse our site we think it has something for everyone"

    That's two sentences without the punctuation that even one normally deserves. I was raised poor but we always managed to find a few punctuation marks that lent a certain dignity to our groaning.

    "Please take your time to browse our site. We think it has something for everyone."

    Another unfortunate construction is:

    "Our reasoning behind this is if you get a great price and excellent service you will

    come back time and time again "

    A comma between "is" and "if" would make it easier to recognize at which point the condition become the reward.

    Then there is more thoughtful word order that makes for clearer meaning. For example, my first reaction to the sentence, "Our mission is to provide fashionable products with huge discounts" was to ask myself, "Why do fashionable products deserves discounts? And how, exactly what do fashionable products do with huge discounts? Or discounts of any size at all? Is this case where size does matter?"

    I think you intend, "Our mission is to provide huge discounts when buying fashionable products." or if you want to stay close to the original word order, "We offer fashionable products at huge discounts." (Note that sentences end with question marks or periods.)

    I hope that Her Majesty's postal service does not discover that your base is poaching on its royal monopoly, "Our base is in the Grantham area and will deliver free . . . "

    But I would like to see your base put on its pants, pick up a package and walk out the door.

    Then there's that. " . . . with all purchase" So the base delivers as long as it can get traction? Sand under the wheels? A hand rail all along the way? Pitons?

    That same sentence, for all the effort that has been expended, deserves a more complete rest in the form of a period, not the fleeting pause of a comma at "... area, please phone . . . "

    It will breathe easier as " . . . area. Please phone . . . "

    One more - the pseudo-sentence, "Payment is with Nochex and is secure click here to . . . " would be more legible as, "Payment is by Nochex using a secure connection. Click here to . . . etc.)

    Many of us would be a lot easier to understand if we were to read the funny and informative book, "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."

    Class dismissed - but there will be a quiz that counts for the final grade.

  18. My CC3 has a category and four products that are not accessible through the CC3 - ACP. The items do not show up there as the normal category and product lists.

    But they do persist as ghosts. Each of the four items occasionally appears in the Featured Product box. When one does, and is clicked on, that returns the error message that the product does not exist.

    The cause of this is too tedious to explain but I think it is a reasonable assumption that these ghost Featured Items are being generated from the database.

    I am a total incompetant when it comes to dealing with the Db. But if someone would be patient enough to explain, step by step, how to go in and remove that category and the four products that surely are there in some damaged form, I'm willing to do it.

    I have access to my MySQL through cPanel's PHPadmin. I have already tried the cPanel's Repair. All files are reported as OK.

    Anyone, please?

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