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Everything posted by convict

  1. It doesnt matter what currency is in front-end, default store currency is used instead of front-end (if is different than store default).
  2. SW i agree ELSEIF, SWITCH etc is more sufficient doing that coders however topic name is IF command :)
  3. Did you add at PayPal site account - Instant Payment Notificaton URL something like this: http://your.store.tld/modules/gateway/PayPal/ipn.php and changed Instant Payment Notification to ON ?
  4. This is the white space issue. FF doesnt have any problem. As Mark has mentioned height of line is the trick. I used manage this only for IE (Advanced Expanding Category Link mod has this fix) General 'patch' for all LI: <!--[if IE]> <style> li {line-height:1.3em;} </style> <![endif]--> just before </head> tag.
  5. The same topic in .org forum. Answered there.
  6. convict

    Testing Banner

    Glad to see it works ;)
  7. convict

    Testing Banner

    Banner is not stupid, php extension works - all depends to APACHE settings . Email sent.
  8. What about admin order notification email copy? :D
  9. convict


    Z-index doesnt help thats NOT the main reason definately. You have to use some CSS tricks I have made CSS vertical Drop down menu (Killer style) and it works with horizontall one too. Just PM me if you want i can help you.
  10. Hidden or deleted. Free mod exists - called ONLINE CATALOGUE written by evilhomer
  11. I dont see any problem to use more PayPal accounts.
  12. You have to use the CubeCart Admins PayPal IPN URL in your PayPal account. I emailed you link to MarksCarts PayPal tutorial just few minutes ago. There is a way to use one IPN URL for more than one store ;)
  13. skins/Killer/styleImages/backgrounds/topHeader.gif is the default Killer header image. skins/Killer/styleSheets/layout.css All you need is above ;)
  14. convict

    PHP editor

    I use Zend Studio. Code editor, Debugger, Code analyzer - all in one. Great solution. Disadvatage (my opinion) - Java engine Will have look at your fantastic editor estelle :w00t:
  15. The height of subcat divs must be the same. Open skins/Killer/styleSheets/layout.css Search for .subCat { text-align: center; padding: 8px; float: left; width: 110px; }Add style property height with appropriate number (pixels). I suggest try some values to achieve your satisfaction . This could be done with this style: Just play with the number 130 Do not make divs too tall :innocent:
  16. Page http://bead-o-matic.com/_shop/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=14looks terrible in FireFox. Fast source look: Category image is placed right as the template is written - category image below the subcat images.
  17. If u remove the MORE button Product page will be unaccessible from Category view page.
  18. Permissions and their descriptions are stored into DB :angry:
  19. Some people would be very grateful to see your result and description how to do. jerseyjoes words were like: Why are you asking for something you found a way atferwards without good will to present your clever solution? Thats the CubeCart comunity usual practice. As jerseyjoes says, "that smartass rersponse is not going to win you a lot of friends the next time you post a message asking for help". ...and you can kiss it too. You have so much to say now. Where were you when I asked the question? Learning to spell, perhaps?
  20. Use free description category mod which uses fkceditor, then tweak viewCat page to make different look for repeated area - products area. We can help you with...drop me a PM.
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