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Everything posted by convict

  1. You did it well creating own skin. Last step is required to change even skin name in skin config.xml like <name><![CDATA[mycrosshatch]]></name> <display><![CDATA[mycrosshatch]]></display>
  2. Peterp, do you still encounter this error in PHP error log? PHP Fatal error: Class 'SMTP' not found Either a blank page by order status change in admin area?
  3. You do well but it takes some time Google changes it. It could take several weeks as it depends to the Google algorythm.used. Simply said it is Google crawler decision to change already recorded data.
  4. Yes files attached are fixing error you mentioned above. php() mail works well without any fix. Seems you didn't replace files.
  5. Exactly so! 'else' disapeared somewhere LOL Wel done. Fixed in Git...
  6. Seems your site does not store session data. Does product add to cart hold the product in basket? If so you have to set the folder session data are stored either open a sales ticket over at http://support.cubecart.com when you don't know how to do it.
  7. This article should be helpfull https://support.cubecart.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/205/45/i-cant-login-to-the-admin-side-of-my-store-and-the-password-reset-tool-doesnt-work
  8. Try this Enable SSL: Yes Force SSL mode: No SSL Root: '/' SSL URL: https://www.example.com Standard URL: http://www.example.com
  9. Bug due to PHPMailer upgrade to the latest version in 5.2.6 and 5.2.7 Fixed file + new one in package. classes.zip
  10. I am sorry but feature you are after is not included at this time. Issue fixed was the product main stock level vs product options level inconsistency.
  11. Master category can be even a sub category. Master category means the main product category as product can be assigned to multiple categories but not using import tool No option at this time but product import tool can be tweaked easily in adminsourcesproducts.import.inc.php 'brand' => $lang['catalogue']['product_brand'], 'gtin' => $lang['catalogue']['product_gtin'], 'man' => $lang['catalogue']['product_mpn'], to 'brand' => $lang['catalogue']['product_brand'], 'gtin' => $lang['catalogue']['product_gtin'], 'man' => $lang['catalogue']['product_mpn'], 'google_category' => 'Google Category Name',
  12. A new feature is already developed prepared for 5.2.6 month ago "Main stock level as matrix stock level summary" this will set the product main stock level as all product options matrix summary to maintain hide out of stock issue even any next one.
  13. We need to see files content and database probably thus webhost control panel access required. Please do use support area to open a sales ticket https://support.cubecart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit Thank you.
  14. Yes it is possible just disable sale mode in admin Store settings > Features tab. Either read this post
  15. Hidden category status is set to 0 - disabled. No other way to hide a category. When category is disabled it can't be accessed nor any product from such a category purchased. Documents have the hide link feature category does not at this time. When a document is disabled it can't be even viewed this acts as the same as disabled category. However document link can be hidden using "Show link to document in storefront?" setting but document must be enabled to access its content via direct URL. Custom doc URL even doc_url_openin as you already mentioned has nothing common to hide doc link. Well there is a category table column using name 'hide' but used almost nowhere apart from searchCatalogue() method of catalogue class but seems as an early v5 development result only. May be a new feature as the same as document has to hide link to a category from Shop By Category box. This however also removes such a category subcategories from list.
  16. Do you mean customer account area over at http://cp.cubecart.com? Please submit a new Sales ticket at https://support.cubecart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit about so we can take a look.
  17. Duplicated record of admin user might be the issue please check in database content
  18. When order is pending it has been already placed with all customer data included. Even delivery address is recorded as a copy of billing one when customer check it.
  19. I didn't leave MS yet. Using WIN7 however linux too. My desk is below :-D
  20. I have seen this rare issue before. The number of characters of method_name column in CubeCart_shipping_rates table is 1 instead of 255. Just change it via myPHPAdmin. Something went wrong during installation.
  21. Best to see module settings. Assume some typo either wrong setting there.
  22. I already added one line of code to filemanager.class.php file line 574 is new below. As you can see even relative path to the image URL is added using CK Editor Image button browsing the image folder. Next release included. $file['select_button'] = (bool)$select_button; if ($select_button) $file['master_filepath'] = $GLOBALS['rootRel'].$file['master_filepath']; // Fix the image path added to the FCK editor area $list_files[$key] = $file;
  23. Link code has been fixed, thanks for an attention bsmither. - link to order details added to assignOrderDetails() - 2 new hooks added to assignOrderDetails() and getOrderDetails()
  24. As you can find In CC524 classes/session.class.php line below //$this->_session_timeout = (ADMIN_CP) ? 3600 * 24 : 3600 * 1; Just uncomment for one day admin session. Code is there to remind me to add this from admin area configurable. Please note it does not work on server admin disabled session time extension.
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