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  1. Thanks, do I begin by adding a new product? I couldn't see the option in product settings to specify either physical goods or a digital download.
  2. We sell mainly Blu-ray movies, but we would like to offer the option of digital downloads of movies. How do I add this option?
  3. I'm getting dozens of Russian spam messages per day via the contact form. Any suggestions?
  4. I've just received an email from Stripe suggesting I "Migrate to the Payment Element". Is this possible with the current plugin? Migrate to the Payment Element
  5. Is there a way to add a touch icon?
  6. Currently it's possible for customers to simply click the add to cart button for a t-shirt. But it's available in numerous sizes,. and by adding to cart, no size has been selected. Is there a way that customers can be forced to select a size before adding to cart?
  7. Can anybody help with this? Thanks.
  8. I'm seeing it in Firefox and Chrome. Strange. and underneath it: blog comments powered by Disqus - even though it's not switched on! and undeneath that, a link for: Facebook Comments Plugin
  9. It's loading the AddThis social media links at the bottom of product pages. <script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};</script>
  10. These are the CC plugins - does this mean these plugins need updating? I'm not sure why disqus is loading, as "Enable Product Reviews/Comments" is not switched on.
  11. Oops, my apologies. https://www.fabpress.com/
  12. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing these errors? Thanks.
  13. Just had a look at the demo. It seems to work fine there, even without the title crossed out. But I notice it's set up with Meta Data Behaviour disabled.
  14. re: line though title. It works so far as it doesn't display the actual title on the homepage itself, but the title still appears - before the site title - in the browser header.
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