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Cpup last won the day on June 7 2021

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  1. I look forward to seeing it @bsmither Thank you!
  2. Hi @bsmither, That totally worked! Thank you
  3. Hi @bsmither, The store is offline at the moment while testing. But before it goes live, I only want registered customers only, but all I can see in store settings is Hide prices until logged in, but I still want prices shown. Is there an extra setting for this?
  4. Hi, I'm selling digital music downloads and I need a feature that tells the customer if they've already purchased an item. If trying to buy a track it tells the customer in the basket something like "You've already purchased {item_name}" and/or "Are you sure you wish to continue?" like with a used once promo code Is this possible? If not, I think this would be a great feature as over time, if you have a lot of downloads, it's easy to forget what you've already purchased without trawling through your downloads list
  5. Thanks @bsmither I find main.stream.php is in the wrong place to be honest, with a choice of download or listen after purchase. I was hoping there was a way of utilising the page before by triggering it in the pre-purchase side, or being able to add a media player in the product content. I wanted to avoid using an iframe in the product description if that's possible?
  6. Hi, Is there a way of using main.stream.php in the product categories instead of after purchase. I'm selling audio files and synth presets, but want the customer to be able to play a demo of what's inside the pack before they purchase by clicking on, either, the product image or a 'Listen' button and then the audio player show as a dropdown.
  7. Is there any way of integrating a wishlist or add to favourites function? Would be a great feature to have. Does anyone have a hook for this?
  8. I've noticed that if I have products at £9.99 with tax included (VAT@20%) that it rounds up to £10.00 in the basket. I know it's only 1p, but it's not right. I've searched the forums, but no-one seems to have come up with an answer why and how it can be fixed?
  9. I had the same problem. The plugin stores in the 'social' folder. Enter your file manager and move out of there and into the 'plugins' folder and then it works. From: modules/plugins/social To: modules/plugins
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