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Everything posted by convict

  1. You are not alone nor the first nor last one. Thats the uncovered fact. Massive using of 'error' tolerant browser neednt means that browser maker standards are general standard. In case of browsers fortunately. Is it not? @ Romos simply yes :D
  2. IN SEARCH BOX change <div style="position: relative; text-align: right;"> to <div style="position: relative; float: right;"> ADDED If one block is floated second must be floated too if they are on the same vertical pos. Search box is overlapping the block defined before spreading to 100% of fathers block because of text alignment ADDED 2 Entire content of session box wasnt markable => overlapping. :errm:
  3. @ theorbo i agree absolutely, first standard compliance browser like FF then tweaking for IE. Every super designed page based on standards looks deadly in IE and vice-versa. Web designer making IE compliant pages only is lazy web designer. What about times when MS IE works as standard compliant browser? ROFL Making non standard code and then tweaking to standard? Yes, IE positive guys are doing so. Template selling with options 'For FF or Mozilla only' is not a good strategy cause 80-90% of visitors are IE positive but thats now, in those times. I remember times about 95-99%. FF is a great browser. One small extension and by one click IE engine rendering within. Perfect solution for web designers or cross browser coders.
  4. Suggest to rewrite cart.tpl + all apropriate templates + styles totally to eliminate page stretching, doing support browsers type rendering. Contact template creator or we can discuss about.
  5. aikdo what about to put rest of code here? :sourcerer:
  6. skins/Classic/styleSheets/layout.css remove auto from #pageSurround { margin: 0px auto;
  7. cart.tpl is changed. I had a look at register page. Strange coded styles. Page looks different in IE & FF.
  8. I guess session is lost. When your store is ON, goes currency changing well?
  9. convict


    remove ugger is not the word BTW this was qeuestioned/answered many times. Try search first, SEARCH is a mighty friend. :sourcerer:
  10. As classic 'template system' CubeCart manages every template with own php file. If we are talking about product page that means we ar talking about viewProd.inc.php and viewProd.tpl. You have to search for appropriate template variable for generated image. Have look at viewProd.tpl and here is code like: <img src="{IMG_SRC}" and {IMG_SRC} is our template variable - path to one image. Have look at viewProd.inc.php and search for IMG_SRC. What you are seeing? Something like this: if(!empty($prodArray[0]['image'])){ $view_prod->assign("IMG_SRC","images/uploads/".$prodArray[0]['image']); } else { $view_prod->assign("IMG_SRC","skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleImages/nophoto.gif"); } Simple PHP code with one condition: If we have got an image name IMG_SRC will be filled with image path else with thumbnail path. This was an explanation how it works. :sourcerer:
  11. convict


    Try this topic.
  12. convict


    Download Config Tool for CubeCart 3, use it and switch Enable SSL to 0. You are able to log in to Admin Control Panel. */*
  13. convict


    Evilhomer chek logs for some unwanted things thats the minimum you have to do. If i were you i would be searching what the hell it happened. May be infiltration was just before you aplying patches.
  14. 3.0.7 downloaded right now - upload/includes/sessionStart.inc.php is here.
  15. Set GD Version to 1 in your Admin Control Panel -> General Settings
  16. convict


    First look: your site is infiltrated FF works as you have said, IE caused a problem. You have somewhere at the site point at http://stats4all.cc/fa/tDRCurxSDJGAQ/proc.jar using a IE security hole. Here is a damned infiltration. trust4free.ws spotting too... Some Java Script redirection here. ADDED LATER: At the bottom of html i am spotting:
  17. Search for file home.inc.php in language folder and right under country shortcut which is your store configured. Try changing the CHMOD value to 0777. There is no additional way :errm:
  18. Have look at red strip above after doing this. It says Any question now? :errm:
  19. Quick sulution layout.css #pageSurround { width: 980px; or your own width (dont forget - sidebar could be here) :errm:
  20. convict

    SSL Cert.

    You are welcome :errm:
  21. Are you using PHP v4.4.1 ? If so PHP is the dauber.
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