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Everything posted by convict

  1. At first, try to read a preliminary article :unsure:
  2. This sounds like Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (pcre) issue for some reason: - pcre is not compiled into php/or not enabled, - old PCRE library version is used. PM me output of phpinfo() :unsure:
  3. Surely, CC3 design is fully customizable through Cascading Style Sheets.
  4. Hi folks, i posted this as a bug on 18.11.2005. Solutions have been added here. :)
  5. Dont make this $view_cat->assign..... replacement and link level will be ON.
  6. IE Scroll bars color in CubeCart3
  7. You dont have made file upload correctly. Some files are missing. Flashing image AND CC version is depending to unique file contents - ini.inc.php
  8. convict

    Backing Up

    Yes, this is the only way for backup in CC3 in the future vers... :alien:
  9. You are right. This should be in PHP _ENV variable [output of phpinfo() function]. Do a simple checking. If Windows_NT is a value of $_ENV['OS'], function win() must always return TRUE value.
  10. convict

    Backing Up

    Backup feature is missing, but for security reason :wub:
  11. Generally, fresh install is the best way in case of "Don't know why or where they went" especially.
  12. I have installed 3 cubecart shop on my domain, two are runnig as subdomanin without any issue. All depends to GLOBAL CC settings and separated store tables. I dont know what do you need to make your subdomains web accesible, mY situation: I have to just create a subfolder with as exact name as subdomain i want.
  13. Function i have mentioned is responsible for this. Can you post here what ENVIROMENT variable is giving value like windows in your system (no paths, url...etc)? Search for variable beginning like _ENV[ (phpinfo or Server info in CC3 Admin Control Panel). As far as i know, for linux enviroment is $_ENV['TERM'] allways here and $_ENV['OS'] for win, generally. Other ways to check for OS: - $_ENV["windir"] checking, PHP for win only includes this enviroment variable, - using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to check if the path contians 'non-standard' slashes, - value checking of built-in PHP constant PHP_OS. This is THE MOST PREFERED METHOD ..... By using just one of methods i have mentioned results can be unreliable for some reasons (like in this case). Its recomended to use some kinds of combinations This can be a suggestion to Brooky :lol:
  14. ;) @markscarts I like Pink Panther => easy Pink Panther skin EDITED :D
  15. I have made a mod - Display number of products next to top level category' name.
  16. Uff i have to repeat that again - just follow CubeCart v3 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (upgrade/Upgrade from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6.txt in CubeCart3.0.6.zip installation pckage). No manual nor automatic installation. Manual installation creates db.sql and global.inc.php - automatic doesnt. Automatic is runnig from your site where cubecart install folder resides, but result is the same: CLEAN Cube Cart installation. DO NOT RUN automatic/manual installation. This is as clear as daylight, is NOT? PS: read this.
  17. Whats the problem? Just follow CubeCart v3 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (upgrade/Upgrade from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6.txt in CubeCart3.0.6.zip installation pckage). Automatic installation means CLEAN Cube Cart installation in other words - brand new clean database (even in case Drop Tables checked box).
  18. @[email protected] jbdancer made exactly what you want [MOD]. Interesting ... i saw it in the morning LOL, i cant see it live now :)
  19. As far as i know many users are running CC on WIN. Try this fake -> open install/index.php an search for function win(). Try to manage this function to return allways TRUE :)
  20. skins/[your skin]/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl skins/[your skin]/styleTemplates/global/cart.tpl
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