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Everything posted by convict

  1. MEAN NO HARM dont take it big, please estelle :errm:
  2. women must be always right :errm:
  3. Really? (PG(safe_mode) && !php_checkuid(fn, "rb+", CHECKUID_CHECK_FILE_AND_DIR))) BTW stable hosting company is ALWAYS providing PHP in safe mode only. They know for what. @estelle may i guess? You are using PHP in safe mode too...but id doesnt matter who is right and who is not :errm:
  4. Ask host to patch PHP 4.4.1. In safe mode there is a bug in gd.c :errm:
  5. ACP Administration Control Panel [ /admin/index.php]
  6. indeed solution PS: Search link is just under downloads button, dont be ashamed to click on :)
  7. Just remove auto from margin css property in skins/<-your skin->/StyleSheets/layut.css #pageSurround #pageSurround { margin: 0px auto; to #pageSurround { margin: 0px; and use left margins...or dont remove AUTO and use left margins or float or absolute left position ...what do you want...depends to what do you mean with pushed up against the left side. Then could you play with .txtCopyright text positioning in style.css or find another way to have right placed Copy Right notices.....
  8. Are you able to log in to Admin Control Panel? Did you delete something? Try to use original files from installation package.
  9. No, they are NOT. If you want to hide skin selection to admins, open admin/settings/index.php search for <tr> <td width="30%" class="tdText"><strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['settings']['store_skin'];?></strong></td> <td align="left"> <?php $path = $GLOBALS['rootDir']."/skins"; if ($dir = opendir($path)) { ?> <select class="textbox" name="config[skinDir]"> <?php while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if(!eregi($file,array(".",".."))){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $file; ?>" <?php if($file==$config['skinDir']) { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?>><?php echo $file; ?></option> <?php } } ?> </select> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> and add <!-- in front of this code and --> in the end this code...like this <!-- <tr> <td width="30%" class="tdText"><strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['settings']['store_skin'];?></strong></td> <td align="left"> <?php $path = $GLOBALS['rootDir']."/skins"; if ($dir = opendir($path)) { ?> <select class="textbox" name="config[skinDir]"> <?php while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if(!eregi($file,array(".",".."))){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $file; ?>" <?php if($file==$config['skinDir']) { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?>><?php echo $file; ?></option> <?php } } ?> </select> <?php } ?> </td> </tr>-->
  10. What version of PHP are you using? Probably track-vars is turned off in your php configuration file - global associative arrays like $_GET, $_POST .... are unknown.....
  11. If you think, think it again [V pohode]
  12. File Name :: CC3 Admin Orders ordering Author :: convict Category :: Admin CubeCart Version :: Description This tiny mod allows you to order orders by order no, status, date/time, customer Ip address, basket total [ASCENDING/DESCENDING] in your CC3 Admin Control Panel. Wanna order by status? Just clik on column name STATUS. Second mouse click makes ordering reversed. All clickable columns are underlined...are links View File
  13. Standard MySQL port is 3306 Are you sure if MySQL server you are using allows remote connections? :unsure:
  14. seems to be bad global settings (URL, paths) have u ever been to ACP? SSL is enabled?
  15. convict


    @viper682 --=] ercollectibles [=-- registered and logged in using FF 1.07 :D
  16. What is this topic talking about? I like sunshine <_<
  17. global.inc.php from installation package has right the same content. Are you using a real FTP client, or FTP over HTTP by using some cache server? File seems to be overwrited.
  18. layout.css -> look at #sessionBox background-image - just remove this OR remove entire <div id="sessionBox"> (dont forget at END div) OR remove id from this div.....
  19. do yo mean php code? with any php code within templates you will be failed write own php and tpl, use iframe or modify existing one php and appropriate template if you like to show home/Form.php as a string within page content you are welcome :huh:
  20. pagecontent.tpl doesnt exist. have look into index.php especialy to whatever under switch ($_GET['act']). PAGE_CONTENT is generated here (direct in included files).
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