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Posts posted by jclanin

  1. Hi all,


    We run a shop for a client that sells LED light bulbs for the auto industry.  They sell the bulbs individually but also sell 'kits' for specific cars.  The client would like the ability to create a 'kit' from existing bulbs/products in the store.  I would think some sort of Grouped Product module would work well.  Is there anything like that?  Any recommendations?




    Jim Clanin

    DoubleDome Web Technologies

  2. Hi - I want to remove 'homepage', 'Sale Items', and the product number in brackets from my category menu - I see where to do this in the categories.tpl which works fine if I don't have the Tree menu turned on. When I turn it the tree menu on the site seems to ignore the categories.tpl file.

    So, how do I make these changes with the tree menu turned on??


  3. Hi All,

    I'm trying to use the Import feature.

    I first added a product mannually and then exported the catalog. Opened in Excel to see the format and followed it adding several products.

    Saved as CSV. Imported. Used the mapping function correctly - Product Name = Name... etc...

    But then when I import it does not come in correctly. The mapping is off. The description becomes the name; price becomes the description; etc...

    What am I doing wrong?



  4. Does anyone have an idea of why this might be happening? Visa works fine and Authorize.net assures my client that they are ready to accept Amex. I just get "Card Not Recognised".

    I'm not getting much response from this forum which is troubling since it's supposed to be the main support arm of CubeCart.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  5. Hi all,

    We just got Authorize.net enabled for a new client site - I've got testing and debugging turned on. SSL is installed and working properly. But.. I'm now getting this message when I try to check out:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /home/bedstuff/public_html/modules/gateway/Authorize_AIM/form.inc.php on line 153

    Is this something simple to fix?



  6. Hi all,

    Since the "built-in" 3rd party shipping methods don't actually work, I would like the ability to add a 2nd Flat Rate shipping method/choice. -- The goal is to have two shipping methods:

    • $3.50
    • $5.50 (international orders)

    Is this possible?



  7. I have an option set/name (Package Choice) with 4 attributes. Most of the products use this option set and all attributes. I have a few products that I need to add another attribute to for it's Package Choice option. When I add an attribute to that option set/name and then add it to the appropriate products, that 5th attribute shows up as a separate drop-down box entirely. It should just be a 5th option in my Package Choice option set.

    Any ideas?


  8. Hi all,

    My clients' site (tunerdomes.com) shows some inconsistent views of category icons. If you click on "Shop By Ride" and then the sub-cat "Acura" you'll see all the sub-sub categories for Acura. Scroll down and you'll see mis-alignment issue where there is only one image on a row - there should be three on all rows.

    Any ideas?



  9. Hi all,

    My client's site (tunerdomes.com) has several sub & sub-sub categories. So many that if the user rolls over a sub menu of "Shop By Ride", the sub-sub menus are below the fold and cause a scrolling problem - can't easily get to them.

    Is there a way to have the fly-out menu automatically center the list instead of having the sub-list start at or below the parent list?



  10. My initial test product is called Malibu Queen (its a bed). I get no results when searching for "Malibu" or "Queen" or "Malibu Queen".

    Is this just a bug? Do I need to go ahead and update to V. 4.0.3?


    -- I just realized that the search does NOT work on one of my sites that is V. 4.0.2 -- But DOES work on a site that is V. 4.0.1.

    Is it supposed to be fixed in 4.0.3? Also, is there a changed file log for 4.0.3? I don't want to blanket update the whole site as I've made lot's of changes to layout.


  11. Hi all,

    I'm setting up a store for a client - the client has spent the last two days inputting the categories/products. He had a great deal of products inserted into a number of different categories. Everything was working just fine.

    Now, there are no products associated with any categories. All the products seem to be in the database (from the admin side) but all categories are now empty.

    The only thing we did was unlock the store license and associate it with another domain. CubeCart is telling me there is absolutely no way this would have affected my database. In any case, I have an unhappy client because they have to re-enter all this data (or at least re-associate products to categories)

    Any ideas on why this happened?



  12. Open /yourstore/yourskin/boxes/categories.tpl and find around line 15:

    <a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={DATA.cat_id}">{DATA.cat_name} ({DATA.noProducts})</a>

    Remove the ({DATA.noProducts}) part of the code. Save and Upload. This will remove the number of products in that category from view.

    Thanks DTMS! Exactly what I needed.


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