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Everything posted by markscarts

  1. Did you check both stylesheets? style.css, layout.css First, just double-check that you got them all; there should be at least three between the two stylesheets, I think. Second, open styleTemplates/content/index.tpl and find: Next, edit the next division below: <span class="txtContentTitle">{LANG_LATEST_PRODUCTS}</span> Â <div> Add a margin in the second division, like this: <span class="txtContentTitle">{LANG_LATEST_PRODUCTS}</span> Â <div style="margin-top:15px"> The extra space looks better, IMO, and gives more room for IE to display the title <div style="float: left; text-align: center; width: {VAL_WIDTH}px;"> Like this: <div style="position:relative;float: left; text-align: center; width: {VAL_WIDTH}px; height: xxxpx;"> The "height: xxx" will vary depending on the size of your images and lines of text in your prod titles; specifying a height will keep the floating display even ;)
  2. A note to everyone who is trying to help: Repeat-x in topHeader is not this fellow's problem. The image that is repeating laterally has to repeat laterally to give the background to the header. If anyone still doubts this, try right-clicking and saving the two images in the header section to your computer. stylevolume1.jpg which is repeating in the x axis is a thin sliver of an image that forms the background. Whoever coded this site for on_way_to_fame has added an id selector to the stylesheet: #headerimage His logo is an image named header.jpg - right-click and check properties if you doubt this. header.jpg is not called out anywhere in the stylesheet; therefore, I assume that it is called out in the templates, under a division with id="headerimage" Again - if there is a cure to what is happening in FF, it will have to be in #headerimage, and probably in the coding of index.tpl and cart.tpl where the image is called out . . . For any of us to sort this out, we will have to see the global/index.tpl - and if the problem isn't readily apparent, we'll need to make changes, upload, and gauge results. This can be done for a small fee . . . on_way_to_fame, did someone else modify this skin for you? If so, you might ask that person to straighten it out free of charge Edit: @ Ash, BTW the method Sunshine suggests would work well - combine logo and background into one image, make it 1280px wide, name it stylevolume1.jpg, or if you use a png or gif, change the image name in topHeader. Then, change repeat-x to no-repeat and you'll be set. But, you'll also have to remove the coding in the template - the entire division with id="headerimage" And yes, that is the way: #headerimage{ Â Â Â Â position: relative; Â Â Â Â float:left; } This will probably not solve your immediate problem, but the use of "float" in stylesheet without specifying a relative position sometimes causes other problems. ;)
  3. Have you tested it with a live purchase? If you have the DD's in a good path, it should send a download link to customer automatically; mine does, and that's the beauty of PayPal IPN ;)
  4. OK, so you may not actually be crazy - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt - after all, you're a newbie. But stop and think about it: These mods are by several different people. Some are free, some are paid, but all provide a specific solution or answer a specific need or want. I don't know of ANYBODY who would want or need EVERY mod that's out there, anyway Look at evilhomer's v.2 site, he sometimes offered "complete stores" with several of his mods pre-loaded. Great deals like that from a particular modder are about the best you could ever expect in the way of turn-key, one-stop shopping for a CubeCart store :D
  5. IE peekaboo bug - problem in browser, not CubeCart. I like to add a little extra space between the title and the category rows. But for the peekaboo bug, it is caused by "float: left;" in the styles. Go into styleSheets/layout.css and styleSheets/style.css and search for all instances of float If there is no line in that section like position: relative; then add it. That should solve the peekaboo problem everywhere Credit goes to convict for first posting this info; he knows a great deal about browser issues, CSS, XML and PHP :D
  6. Estelle is a rad progger IMO She has worked on moving db info from CCv.2 to CCv.3 and done a good job of documenting her experience. If you know your way around the mysql db, her commands may be all that you need. Another option is Saztar's mod which can be found at http://www.saztar.com/mods/view_product.php?product=CSVv2. This is a powerful db population management program, but you need to be a little more familiar with mysql than I am to get the best results from it. Sir William's mod promises to be the best for those who are somewhat novices, like myself. My experience with his mods has been that they are top-shelf add-ons! I have waited over a month for his new mod, and should be receiving it for testing any day. I'll be glad to post a review of it once it's ready for marketing Some things like this are certainly worth paying for - I have 2,000 products going into this store which is the first I ever skinned for a CubeCart store. A good csv upload program is very important for this kind of enterprise. I effed-up the first install of this store by "mis-using" saztar's mod ;)
  7. OK, though I was thinking more along the lines of opening a service ticket through the customer service software. Go to the main page and seek it out. OTOH, if you haven't purchased a license, and don't feel right about opening a ticket, you could wait on the Flyspray program. ;)
  8. I would suggest that you add a "position: relative;" to #headerimage, just as a matter of course, I don't think that is what is causing the problem. But the problem will be found in #headerimage or in the global templates that call for header.jpg :wacko:
  9. Hi Roban The "repeat-x" is need in order to tile the image stylevolume1.jpg The static, logo image is named header.jpg, and evidently it is called out in the template, under a division with the newly added id selector #headerImage
  10. Paste your stylesheet section here - the sections that indicate stylevolume1.jpg and header.jpg, maybe we can spot something . . .
  11. I don't know, I just checked it at 1280 X 1024 in IE6, no problem! EDIT: Also just checked in Netscape at 1280 X 1024, no problem! HOWEVER, in both resolutions, the blue header stops just over the category tabs. I think it would look better with the blue extending down to the category bar, behind the tabs :wacko:
  12. Never mind the preachy stuff . . . I see you included a URL if not a link Some of the header background images are meant not for full screen. Example: When I make a full-screen skin, often I have to provide a 1280px wide background image for the header, depending on image (can't be tiled) and skin, etc.
  13. In styleTemplates/content/index.tpl you'll find the latest products call, and you'll see the variable {VAL_WIDTH} As far as I can tell, this is pulled from the setting for number of latest products in ACP. In that division, following the second anchor tag is the call for the image: So, you presently have: <img src="{VAL_IMG_SRC}" alt="{VAL_PRODUCT_NAME}" border="0" /> You can specify image sizing there with inline styles, or, what I like to do is create a class in style.css for the division containing all this . . . and move the style info to the stylesheet. Less files to edit whenever you want to make changes in the looks. <div style="float: left; text-align: center; width: {VAL_WIDTH}px; height: 250px;"> (note: I prolly added the 250 height somewhere along the line) You can change this to: <div class="latestProd"> Then in style.css, add: .latestProd { Â Â position: relative; Â Â float: left; Â Â text-align:center; Â Â width: xxx; Â Â height: xxx; } .latestProd img { Â Â width:xxx; } Of course, having done this you can add any other properties that tickle your gizzard for latest product images or elements :dizzy:
  14. markscarts

    My new cc3 store

    Well, scratch that suggestion . . . by the time I finished posting, the page was switched to Jen's template! Nice work . . . :wacko:
  15. markscarts

    My new cc3 store

    Very nice, EH Good work, Jen Only one suggestion - let Jen design your resource page, too! Doesn't look quite right in IE Otherwise, way too cool! :wacko:
  16. Bummer (for me) is that when it was fixed, I was no longer able to reach the forum - until I bypassed my proxy server. In my setup here, bypassing proxy slows page loading down But on the bright side, the CC site is up - for awhile when I couldn't reach it, I thought it was broken, offline, fried :wacko:
  17. P.S. - You cannot use the CubeCart uploader to upload your thumbnails. That uploader places images in images/uploads/, where you main product images reside. With GD enabled, thumbnails are created in images/uploads/thumbs. Without GD, you just need to create your own thumbnails and upload by FTP to the correct directory as given above. >hint< It is much faster to do it in batch process on your PC and upload all at once, anyway. Even with GD enabled, many of us do it that way to save time and to have more control over the images :wacko:
  18. It is an easy fix, all you need do is upload some thumbnails. The layout is messed up because there is no thumbnail for the Featured Prod, and the text in the ALT tag is crowding the page. 1. Create thumbnails of each product pic in the size you want (example: 75 px wide, or 100 px wide) on your PC. 2. Name these thumbnails like so: thumb_imagename.ext, IOW the thumbnails MUST BE the exact same name and file extension as the original image, with the prefix "thumb_" attached. > Example: Product Pic = widget.jpg / Thumbnail = thumb_widget.jpg > Example: Product Pic = BestItem.gif / Thumbnail = thumb_BestItem.gif > Example: Product Pic = A2Z549.png / Thumbnail = thumb_A2Z549.png 3. Upload all these thumbnails to the location store_url/images/uploads/thumbs/ If you have followed these steps correctly, your problem will be solved. In addition, to get the Latest Products to display evenly, you can use my tutorial once you have the other problems solved. Tutorial: Latest Products and Subcategory Display Fix Good luck with the site! Your design is coming along nicely :wacko:
  19. markscarts


    Congrats, EH! Good luck with continuing your enterprises! :wacko:
  20. Oh, BTW, have you opened a help ticket with CubeCart? Given some time, maybe Brooky could sort it out :rolleyes:
  21. Hi dingfelder! I wasn't one of the "views," since I read the title and know absolutely nothing about mals. The only reason I'm reading it now is because of the other thread. If I had any suggestions for you, I'd be glad to offer them. Good luck!
  22. @ Vrakas, thanks for putting me in with the professionals @ evilhomer, can hardly wait to see the new site! Jen is very good, I envy her marvelous talent for clean & creative designs @ Serendipity Rose, good luck with your venture - it pays to invest a little in a unique skin :wacko:
  23. I really need such a mod for my granddaughter's site. Otherwise, customers will not be able to choose their own colors on assorted color items, since quantity can't be tracked by option attribute. We'll have to go with something like, "choice of color subject to availability. We reserve the right to substitute colors," which I think will be unprofessional and bad for business. :rolleyes:
  24. As to the checklist for PayPal IPN, please note that it is aimed at CCv.3.0.2-3.0.4 The first section of that "tutorial," which deals with needed updates to certain files, is not applicable to 3.0.5 because the changes were incorporated into that release! The second and third section, "What to do at PayPal" and "What to do in ACP" are still pertinent. All this is spelled out in the download section where you would go to get the file. I am still in 3.0.4, and PayPal IPN with automatic digital downloads is working perfectly. When I upgrade to 3.0.5, I will also update the tutorial more fully. I am working on other, larger tutorials just now :rolleyes:
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