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Everything posted by markscarts

  1. I tested it early today in response to this thread before posting with "delete 'em" advice, and I got errors (so I didn't post ) Turns out I had set the store to another language prior to deleting all but English, and I believe that was the source of my errors. So, if you do this, be sure you have your store set to a remaining language before deleting the others I know, sounds simple, but hey, I try to do something stupid every day :rolleyes:
  2. Hi andytoys! In your first post you wrote 50,000 hits; in your last you wrote 50,000 visitors. Which is it? It will be interesting to see what difference this will make for your site. Personally, I believe that the permanent link will be the most significant long-term return for you - but that is assuming that your site is truly SEO. If you are truly SEO with the right terms and keywords, and you are submitting to many directories, and you have links at some quality sites, you are on your way. :wacko:
  3. Yes, you've got it! For future reference, the "repeat" problem came because you put the info between the <!-- BEGIN: a --> and <!-- END: a --> tags . . . "a" is a loop that repeats until no more site docs are found. You placed your statement at the end of that loop, which pulled a doc name and added a separator. Your text was then repeated at the end of each loop until CC ran out of site docs :rolleyes:
  4. Dude ! Looking at your site, you seem to have two whole sections of the entire contents of the body, in two different formats! The gray: in layout.css there is a background image specified for the body tag. Delete the entire line that specifies this body image, and set background-color to "white" or "#FFFFFF"
  5. Here you go: Note to others: This file is specific to tcbhaagan's site. Do not copy entire file. Changes for sessions box shown in red.
  6. OK Nils, look here, http://allservico.com/skinTest/ Is that close enough to what you want?
  7. You have a lot of problems in there, in the opening & closing of divisions, table cells, etc. and applying the sessionBox style to your new box is what's causing the gray areas . . . I'm still working on cleaning everything up. I think I'll upload the index.tpl to http://allservico.com/skinTest/ when I'm done editing, into the Killer skin, to test results before I send you the code @ Roban, the code you posted would not work. You're opening five divisions and closing only three. Also, you haven't placed either {SEARCH_FORM} or {SESSIONS} into the box, but you've introduced the "sessionBox" id selector, which is not needed since this box must be formatted like boxContentLeft rather than sessionBox . . . But I know you're intentions were good as gold :)
  8. Hi Nils, I'm going through your file right now . . . First thing I found, an extra closing division tag, just after the closing tag for topHeader division. Going back to the file now . . .
  9. Hi Viper, sorry I've been out of the office all day. Adding a table to your skins should not affect the core store files or your database, so the re-install is a matter of choice . . . unless you had problems with other files. I repeat myself now for the umpteenth time in these forums: DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR STOCK SKIN! 1. Copy your stock skin folder, say the "Classic," to another location on your computer. 2. Rename the folder. Call it "MySkin" or "MyClassic" or "NewClassic" or "RedHotChiliPeppers" - whatever . . . 3. Upload a copy of your newly named folder to your_store_url/skins/ 4. Now, go to ACP, General Settings, and choose your new skin name from the dropdown. 5. Make all your changes to your new skins folder, never to your original files. 6. Upload any file you change immediately, and refresh your store page, to see the effects of each change. If you "eff" something up, reverse the change. Now I know you need help, and I hate to be harsh, but if you do not know how to write HTML and add tables, etc. then for heaven's sake, keep backups. Also, upload and monitor all your changes. The advice I gave about making a full screen skin in that other thread was general advice, before testing. Since then I have made full screen versions of both Classic and Legend, and offer them for 99 cents at my store. While I stand by the advice I give here, I do not claim to be infallible, and have been careful to tell you that to do this you need to know your way around HTML and CSS, and you will have to do some tweaking. BTW, if your skin blinked out completely, could it be because you made the code I posted above into the whole sum of index.tpl? I only copied the body there (see the <body> tags?) and if you got rid of the <head> by copying only the body for the whole file, you would get that blank screen. As you have assured me several times that you know HTML and CSS, you should know this. :w00t:
  10. Promises, promises --------------- A Wiki is a great idea, hope we get it going soon.
  11. Hi, I performed a search under "open_basedir restriction in effect" and got these results The post "link to my digital product" offers some insight by Estelle on this error. When you expand the search to 90 days, you get a little more helpful information: Insight from Sir William And in this post, convict (another one here who is up on php) siezes on the same thing Sir William did, that there may be an incorrect path specified in global.inc
  12. Hmmm . . . I think it will also display the graphic then when you view categories, right? I did not realize that was what you were after, I thought you only wanted it displayed for the search returns through searchForm. Again, if you are more specific you would get help sooner . . . and disregard my last post :whistle:
  13. In viewCat.inc.php the product table is built according to the query returns on the search string. So, there is no individual template for search returns. To code HTML into the template, viewCat.tpl, you would need to use a qualifier to indicate that it is to display only when a search string from searchForm is returning the product table. That is about all the help I can give, though, as I am new to php and do not know protocol and syntax for accomplishing this Maybe one of our php proggers will respond to this . . . maybe even better though if you post a new thread in the request a mod section, and be specific about what you want the mod to do :whistle:
  14. If you study the search box template at styleTemplates/boxes/searchForm.tpl it appears that the display of results occurs using the styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl. I'm going to have a look at the php file now . . .
  15. Good guidelines HINT ON SEARCH TERMS: If you have an error message, try using a few word phrase from the error message as a search term, because others who have had the same problem probably posted their error message too . . . EXAMPLES: "upload.php on line 96" "failed to open stream" Don't copy a colon : into the search terms Don't make the search terms too long Don't put your URL into search terms - it won't match anyone else's post Good luck with your problems; this forum is a helpful bunch!
  16. Your question is not clear . . . For instance, if I search on my site for "fashion" I get a page of search results showing a number of products, each having an image linked to the "view product" page. If you are not getting images with links, something is wrong with your files, this is a stock, default display for CC3 If you mean something else, then you should be more specific, as in "What kind of image?" "What is the image to link to?" "Where on the page do you want it to display?" Without this kind of info, not even Superman can help you :)
  17. The best way to search for an answer to this type of problem is to use a small phrase from the actual error message. A search on "failed to open stream" for posts in the past 60 days yielded this thread: http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....+to+open+stream Need to change permissions on images/uploads directory. Please note, there is an "upload" folder in the CC installation zip archive that contains store files to be uploaded to the server - this is not the file specified, and in fact this file should not exist on the webserver - only the files that are in it need to be uploaded when installing CubeCart. The uploads file specified is at your_store/images/uploads
  18. A really good-looking and interesting header on your main coven site! I tried the store link in your sig, hoping to see your v2 store, but evidently you have an instance of CCv3 there now, and haven't yet removed the installation file. A v2 skin cannot be made to work on v3, unfortunately. There are many here who could make very nearly the same look or better for a fee. A store skin that looks like your main site would be a good idea IMHO . . . Good luck with the new v3 store! :)
  19. global/index.tpl: <body> <div id="pageSurround"> <div id="topHeader"> <div>{SEARCH_FORM}</div> <div>{SESSION}</div> </div> <table border="0" cellspacing="5px" width="98%" cellpadding="5px" align="center" style="margin-right:5px"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="165px"> {CATEGORIES} {RANDOM_PROD} {INFORMATION} {CURRENCY} {LANGUAGE} </td> <td style="width:98%"> {PAGE_CONTENT} </td> <td width="250px" cellpadding="5px"> {SHOPPING_CART} {POPULAR_PRODUCTS} {SALE_ITEMS} {MAIL_LIST} </td></tr></table> <br clear="all" /> {SITE_DOCS} </div> </body> Etc., etc., etc. Doing this is amazingly easy in principle, but it takes some putzing around and tweaking. As I wrote in PM, this has nothing to do with php, it is straightforward HTML/CSS . . . If you are not having success, keep trying . . . if you give up, you can buy the skin pre-modded for only 99 cents :sourcerer:
  20. I like you CC skin very much. Nice & neat, and not many people dress them out in shades of gray. A great design in many ways. One criticism, you need to translate all the different languages if you're going to have the language dropdown in such a prominent position, IMO. Do you still wish to have the product description appear in latest products? This can be accomplished by minor editing of three files . . .
  21. index.tpl looks OK to me . . . One thing I would do differently is remove the HTML attribute "Align" from the styles on the image. In CSS I'd suggest you use "text-align" or "float" which are meant for CSS. But this probably has nothing to do with your problem. It would be difficult to say any more without looking at the site. EDIT: Took too long to post; cheers to roban for finding the "bug" :sourcerer:
  22. Hello Yunus, I am again behind the curve with 3.0.5, because the store where I use ship by weight is tied up with mod development for csv upload program . . . I can tell you this much, step one changes the language that you see in ACP, while step two changes the language that customer sees. I have not checked this, but it is possible that Brooky moved the language statements for ACP to the language file, as he did for the cart which the customer sees in v. 3.0.3 I will try to hunt it down for you, and post new instructions for 3.0.5 if necessary. SW, please help me with a csv script <praying smiley> :D
  23. Hi Jen, Of the orders in my store this has happened only twice. In both instances, the customer's email client put line breaks in the download URL, rendering it useless. The download URL created actually doesn't look like /home/user/downloads/file.zip (although that is indeed the pathway I use), rather, it is a very long, encoded URL like this: http://cc3.biz/download.php?pid=7&oid=MDUx...jEw&ak=yJp302ks Line breaks in the latter part of the URL will break the URL, and the customer will get an "invalid or expired" message Of course, I've changed some digits on the link above so as not to cheat a customer out of her 3 full downloads. If you click it, you'll get the error message B)
  24. look in language/en/lang.inc.php search for instances of "shopping cart" Change the references in quotation marks, on the right side of the equations, from "shopping cart" to "enquiry cart" NOTE: If you upgrade CubeCart down the road, and have to overwrite the language file, you'll have to do this all over again. NOTE: Change en in the pathway to reflect your default language if not English
  25. A Visual Guide to Customizing Your CubeCart Header
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