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Everything posted by markscarts

  1. viper682, they are writing about the Killer skin, and the one on your site is the Classic. Categories are handled differently in the two skins. However, to add an extra link to the Classic skin category list is just as easy. On my site at CC3.biz, there is a link for the Shopping Cart at the bottom of the category list. Although that skin is based on the Legend template, it handles categories the same as the Classic. In the Classic skin, go to styleTemplates/boxes/categories.tpl, you'll find: <div class="boxContentLeft"> <ul> <li class="bullet"><a href="index.php" class="txtDefault">{LANG_HOME}</a></li> <!-- BEGIN: li --> <li class="bullet"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&amp;catId={DATA.cat_id}" class="txtDefault">{DATA.cat_name}</a></li> <!-- END: li --> <!-- BEGIN: sale --> <li class="bullet"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&amp;catId=saleItems" class="txtDefault">{LANG_SALE_ITEMS}</a></li> <!-- END: sale --> </ul> </div> <li> indicates a new list item. The first is the Homepage link. You can add a new list item either before, or after, or in place of the Homepage link. Secondly, you see a comment about <!-- BEGIN: li --> . . . do not add any list items between the tags <!-- BEGIN: li --> and <!-- END: li --> Thirdly, you see a comment about <!-- BEGIN: sale --> and <!-- END: sale -->, do not add another list item between those tags. Add list items between the <ul> and </ul> tags, anywhere except between the sets mentioned above. The syntax for adding your link is as follows: <li class="bullet"><a href="your_link_url" class="txtDefault">your_link_name</a></li>
  2. There must be fifteen posts that can help you with this . . . Here is one from a few weeks back with lots of discussion . . . it includes a posting of my initial notes on style.css that Roban and Vrakas continue to post today http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=10373 If you have little time to bother with the styles yourself, you can get the Classic already modified here: http://cc3.biz/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=2 Good luck with your skins B)
  3. IE peekaboo bug. Anywhere you have a "float:x" value in the styles you need to also specify "position:relative." See this thread's response by convict: http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index.php?showtopic=9630
  4. Hi Mark, Any news on this skin? Looks like it could be quite good.. Thanks! Yep, here is a sample at my site, CC3.biz. http://cc3.biz/ Will be putting up some new versions of this skin soon ;)
  5. I agree, too The fixed backgrounds are a personal preference; sometimes i get tired of my own preferences and like to change it up, but I just don't generally like a scrolling background. Thanks for the feedback @ Roban, good to know you are a jellyfish yo-yo type of guy :)
  6. I don't know, I guess because I have a fixed background on all my other skins and decided to go old school with this one. Does the scrolling background look bad? Ya really think I should change it?
  7. Thanks for joining in, ambassador Welcome to the forum. Give CubeCart a spin ;)
  8. Still working on this with her, but we are getting close http://littleangelsfashion.com/
  9. Hi Robert . . . not exactly a mod, just ideas for skins. Nobody's even used it all yet ;)
  10. OK, I jumped the gun . . . most of your products do have an image associated. I can't imagine right now why thumbnails aren't being created unless some settings are wrong, perhaps in ACP. ;)
  11. Hi Pippa, I have just looked at your site, and it doesn't appear that your images have been connected to the products. Try this: 1. Edit products, choose product to edit. 2. If you have uploaded a product image for this product and renamed it or something, use the "browse existing images" button to choose an image for the product. 3. Click the "Edit Product" button to submit your changes. If you do this for each product, a thumbnail should be created for each one automatically.
  12. @ sunshine, I wasn't responding to you, just posting in general . . . What I meant was that the image need not be specified as a background. It could be called from randomProd.tpl as normal, only formatted in stylesheet to whatever size you wish . . . you could fill the element with it if you desire, as though it were a background . . . then, the text is made to appear over the image by assigning either absolute or relative positions to the divisions containing text. Just a suggestion of one way to do it, maintaining control of image size @ grassmeyer, what do you expect? You post very interesting questions and ideas ;)
  13. Yes, it does, because if GD is running, thumbnails should be created Here is another thread which discussed a similar problem, but in that case GD was not operating. If you are able to edit files at all, perhaps through cpanel, I'd ask you to rename the index.html files in images/uploads and in images/uploads/thumbs temporarily so that I could take a peek in there. Also, in your ACP under general settings, there is a setting for GD version and .GIF creation . . . check those settings to be sure that they match your version, and that GD can create GIF's.
  14. There is none in CC3. Others have asked for this as well . . . maybe you should start posting in Mod Requests. Someone has probably either done this mod already, or is working on it, as there is much interest in this.
  15. Pippa, if your server has GD Bibliotek running on it (GD for short, it is a server-side image manipulation program) then your thumbnails should be created automatically whenever you add or edit products and either upload an image for the product, or connect the product to an image by using the "browse existing images" button. If your thumbnails are not being created automatically, it most likely means that GD is either not installed or not enabled on your webhost's server. You need to take this up with your webhosting company. You do not have to use GD to solve this problem, if you have FTP access to your site. You can create the thumbnails on your PC, then use FTP to upload them to images/uploads/thumbs. It seems to me that your choices are: 1. Get GD working on your webserver 2. Get FTP permissions and program to upload thumbnails 3. Have the person who is making your store do all this for you If you are going to upload thumbs, or have someone else do it, they need to be named a particular way in order to work. There have been posts in the past week sorting out these sorts of problems, and I don't want to go into much more detail until you decide what you are going to do. Much of the help you will get from this forum will require your being able to edit and upload files, so IMHO you need to get FTP acces, or have the person you hired start posting here and fixing things for you. HTH, Mark
  16. I would differ on the background image need . . . You can display the image by calling it in randomProd.tpl and you can cause the divisions containing text to display over the image by assigning absolute, or even relative positions to those divisions. Using this method, you can also control the size of the image by specifying a size in the stylesheet, so that the viewer's browser resizes the image. This is what I'm presently doing with randomProd images, in the stylesheet I have added below .randomContent: .randomContent image{ height: 120px; border: 5px groove #B62931; } .randomContent img{ height: 120px; border: 5px groove #B62931; } Image can be sized this way to suit the display space. EDIT - - - Actually, I think I may have added the entire .randomContent class, since I no longer had the randomProd displayed in the .boxContent format: .randomTitle { text-align:center; font-family: Lucida Calligraphy, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 150%; color: #B62931; font-weight: bold; background-color: #C2D5FC; border-top: 1px solid #5E85CF; border-left: 1px solid #5E85CF; border-right: 1px solid #5E85CF; width: 453px; height:40px; padding-top: 5px; } .randomContent { width: 453px; height: 165px; background-color: #C2D5FC; padding: 0px; border-left: 1px solid #5E85CF; border-right: 1px solid #5E85CF; border-bottom: 1px solid #5E85CF; padding: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .randomContent image{ height: 120px; border: 5px groove #B62931; } .randomContent img{ height: 120px; border: 5px groove #B62931; }
  17. Ooops! I just noticed, you wrote "along with description and price." I have done this also, but there are more changes required. In includes/boxes/randomProd.inc.php FIND around line 49: $randProd= $db->select("SELECT name, image, productId FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory ".$whereClause." ORDER BY RAND(".$seed.") LIMIT 1"); REPLACE with: $randProd= $db->select("SELECT name, image, productId, price, sale_price, description FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory ".$whereClause." ORDER BY RAND(".$seed.") LIMIT 1"); (added after productId , price, sale_price, description) FIND around line 63: $box_content->assign("PRODUCT_NAME",$randProd[0]['name']); ADD AFTER: $box_content->assign("TXT_DESCRIPTION",$randProd[0]['description']); NOW, you can use {TXT_DESCRIPTION} in your randomProd.tpl to place the description. You could put another line similar to that one for the price - but in that case, you could only show the price of your default currency. Changing currency in the skin would not change the currency in the featured product box. Not Tested To get the currency symbol in front of price without hard-coding it into the template, and to show sale price if applicable and be able to change currencies, more coding is required, similar to what is in viewProd.inc.php. I am not a php programmer, so I can only suggest this block of code, which is untested. We would need a convict or Sir William or Estelle to correct what I might miss or mess up: if(salePrice($randProd[0]['price'], $randProd[0]['sale_price'])==FALSE){ Â $random_prod->assign("TXT_PRICE",priceFormat($randProd[0]['price'])); } else { Â $random_prod->assign("TXT_PRICE","<span class='txtOldPrice'>".priceFormat($randProd[0]['price'])."</span>"); } $salePrice = salePrice($randProd[0]['price'], $randProd[0]['sale_price']); $random_prod->assign("TXT_SALE_PRICE", priceFormat($salePrice)); Once you get the code actually sorted out, you would use something similar to this, taken from viewProd.tpl, to show prices correctly: <p> <strong>{LANG_PRICE}</strong> {TXT_PRICE} <span class="txtSale">{TXT_SALE_PRICE}</span> </p>
  18. Well, I'm not sure how this will work. If your files are not in a public folder, for example, /home/username/downloads/zipfiles.zip, how can you put a link in a public HTML page over to them? Oh, nevermind, I think I have the answer EXAMPLE: You have a download in three parts, zip1.zip, zip2.zip, zip3.zip 1. Create a folder on root server path, e.g., /home/username/digidownloads/ 2. Place all zip files in that folder. 3. Create an HTML page for each group of downloads, in this example theseThreeZips.html which has links for each file, and place in the same directory as the three zip files. Links look like <a href="zip1.zip>File One</a> 4. Use path when adding product like /home/username/digidownloads/theseThreeZips.html That should work, and keep everything secure If anyone tries this, please post results. If this works, I'll want to add a section on multiple download files to my tutorial in the downloads area.
  19. Pippa, I re-read this thread but I can't see where you have adequately expressed what kind of issue you are having with thumbnails. It doesn't work well for you to post multiple questions and issues in one thread to the forum. Here are some suggestions - 1. Post a new thread for each issue you have. 2. Give thread a Title that expresses the problem in a few words. (This is important. There are helpful people here, with different areas of expertise. People who may have an answer to your problem may not have time or inclination to open every thread that says, "Please help me." But they may open a thread about thumbnail problems, because they know how to fix thumbnail problems.) 3. I repeat, Give thread a Title that expresses the problem in a few words. That way, others in the future who have the same problem can find your thread easier through search function. 4. Do a search to try and find a past thread that answers your problem before posting new threads about the same problem. Since you are new to this, you will find that you can get a lot of help from the folks here. Just try to organize your postings a little better. Example: You could post a topic titled, "Can anyone explain FTP?" and after explaining you situation, wait and you'll probably get several people willing to help. Example: You could post a topic titled, "Thumbnails not showing" and explain your problem tell which CC version and skin you're using, and give a link to your site. You will surely get some help. Etc., etc. A new topic for each problem . . . A specific title to each post . . . But do a search first and read the forums :unsure:
  20. You can change this . . . <tr> <td colspan="7" align="right">{LANG_TAX}</td> <td width="80" align="right">{VAL_TAX}</td> </tr> to this . . . <!-- <tr> <td colspan="7" align="right">{LANG_TAX}</td> <td width="80" align="right">{VAL_TAX}</td> </tr> --> . . . and you will prevent the whole line about taxes from displaying. Another option would be to leave it and go into language file, and change n/a to incl. to show that taxes are incl. (if this particular n/a applies only to taxes in the cart. It may be used both for taxes and for shipping, in that case you wouldn't use this method unless shipping is included in the price or not applicable).
  21. You are welcome, and thanks for the great idea! Since I run a couple of "real world" service and product companies that have nothing to do with IT, it takes a long time for me to develop new skins anyway . . . It's all good, looking forward to seeing your new skin :unsure:
  22. Jen, getting the larger image requires a small change in php. I know much of my site looks gaudy to you, but you will notice I'm using a larger image for featured product. Once you pull this larger image into styleTemplates/boxes/randomProd.tpl, you can use styles and templates to format it as you wish. I wish I had thought of your idea; it's a great idea, and I may have to steal it Anyway, here is the source file change that is necessary: Look in includes/boxes/randomProd.inc.php FIND at around line 66: $box_content->assign("IMG_SRC","images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_".$randProd[0]['image']); REPLACE WITH: $box_content->assign("IMG_SRC","images/uploads/".$randProd[0]['image']); It is also a good idea to change the second line beneath it, just in case a product turns up with no image . . . FIND at around line 68: $box_content->assign("IMG_SRC","skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleImages/thumb_nophoto.gif"); REPLACE WITH: $box_content->assign("IMG_SRC","skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleImages/nophoto.gif"); Now the random prod will display the photo from /uploads rather than the one from /thumbs and you can add statements in stylesheets to size it whatever you want in the broeser :)
  23. Pippa an FTP program, like WSFTP which is free, can be used to access the files on your webserver. You can upload and download files to your website via an FTP progtram. FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol" You can change the security settings for files and folders on your website. CHMOD 777 means that you set permissions so that anyone will have access to read, execute and write to a file or folder. You can navigate to your site with an FTP program and right-click on the file home.inc.php and change the permissions from 644 to 777 - this will allow you to edit the homepage through your ACP (CubeCart Admin Control Panel). If you do not have ot know how to use and FTP program (though you should learn to), and if you do have cpanel for managing your website, go to cpanel and go to the file manager. Navigate to your store folder, then to language > en > home.inc.php. You should be able to select or right-click that file and find a menu to change permissions. Set permissions to 777.
  24. Thanks convict! But I get 404 error on your link. Try this link
  25. netwizard, visit the URL and you will see the problem. Choosing a new language on the index page dropdown has no effect. When the page refreshes, it reverts back to Spanish each time. I do not know the cause of the problem. @ Ricky, have you tried the search function?
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