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Posts posted by markscarts

  1. "Add words below to English.inc.php in my store"

    Mod writers that write stuff like that, if you are reading that in a published mod, are themselves a bit confused ;)

    Oh well, everyone gets confused sometimes. :D

    The file in your store that contains English translations of store terms is at language/en/lang.inc.php

  2. You really don't understand? It is constantly moving, and so it is annoying. I use FireFox, so I see it moving both in address bar and tab. It is so annoying, I would click off your site without caring what you might sell.

    There may be some people who would actually enjoy the constant motion, evidently you are one? At any rate, I'm sure there are many like me who would actually avoid your site because of it. Not a good thing for an ecommerce store :D

  3. Just What I Want is a gift store, and my aim is a sort of comic-book appearance, but with enough professionalism to inspire confidence in the buyer.

    I am aware that the site carries a large overhead in image file sizes, in fact, I'm working on optimizing images now for faster loading.

    Thanks for taking a look and offering your comments.


  4. Yes, well that is what I thought you meant, hence my first post - google for the tutorial on offerring cube4cart downloads. Did you find it?

    Your next post indicates that you are making changes to CubeCart General Settings regarding SSL paths, and this has NOTHING to do with offering digital downloads, but it can render your store inoperable if you are not careful.

    Please try this tutorial, copy and paste into Google search for the following terms:

    adding downloadable digital products - cubecart tutorials

  5. Well, I am quite the nubian amateur and don't really read the code all that well. I don't know about nesting placeholders, sounds a little strange, but of course you may concatenate the contents assigned to placeholders and for the most part you are looking at different ways of dealing with nested arrays here.

    In answer to the concrete question, "Where is the parse function?" look for the functions of the XTemplate system in classes/xtpl.php

  6. Well, sorry, but your post is confusing. Are you trying to offer downloads and looking for the way to make download files secure by offering a root server path for downloads? Or, are you trying to set the store to secure pages after you have purchased and properly installed an SSL certificate?

    These are two entirely different things. I am unclear as to exactly what you desire to accomplish. DO NOT under any circumstance change any secure store settings to "yes" until you have an SSL certificate installed and tested that it is working properly. Also, this has NOTHING to do with secure root server path to downloads.

  7. An XTemplate is a file with .tpl extension, as you can see by reading the includes files. Also, you can see in CubeCart, that the XTemplate files consist of XHTML which contain two unusual elements . . .

    1. Parsing cues that look like html commnets <!-- BEGIN: some_name --> <!-- END: some_name -->

    2. Placeholders for generated content, {SOME_NAME}

    The parsing cues correspond to code similar to this in includes files:


    And the placeholders are assigned like this:

    $view_doc->assign("SOME_NAME","This text is assigned to placeholder");

  8. Well, you are right, that is very tricky now that I look at it. I would have to really hack it up to get the js in there.

    First, you would assign id manually for each link. You can find each link defined individually in this file.

    Second, to add javascript to the links is a bit tricky. I really can't go innto all the explanation here, but to really hack it in, you would do like this:

    'link' => "cart.php?act=".treatGet($_GET['act'])."&amp;mode=emptyCart\" onmouseout=\"MM_swapImgRestore()\" onmouseover=\"MM_swapImage('link')",

    In the page source code, the link then generated should look like this:

    <a href="cart.php?act=step1&mode=emptyCart" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('link')">

  9. Good fellow, as that is what I meant for you to do :( I gave one example for homepage, but they all work the same there.

    Now look at your example above, the last one shown, see this line:

    'text' => "<img src='link/to/image.gif' alt='Empty Cart' />"

    On the right side, between double quote marks, you have placed html (using html img tag). What you need to know is that you can use any html, javascript or text there between the opening and closing quote marks. There are some special characters that can cause trouble, like the double quote marks - you can't use double quote marks inside there without escaping them, so it is best to use single quotes instead - a few little rules like that, but basically, you should try to put the rollover code there with the image, like you did on category page. This is a little more difficult on cart pages, but it is manageable.

  10. I'm assuming these are your categories:

    Homepage Mens Womens Pets Baby Group

    They do not look too high right now, maybe a little too low? Should be easy to adjust this and color as well. I would be interested to have a look at it just to see why it has been stumping you :(

    On another note: IMO, you would be wise to lose the animated gif in your favicon, because it never stops and is extremely annoying. An animated gif as favicon can be cute in my opinion, but only if it stops after one rotation . . .

    Also, there is the typical CuibeCart FF problem with buy & more buttons appearing out-of-the-box on product lists in viewCat pages. For a fix, google these terms:

    Fix the Buy and More Button Alignment in Mozilla

  11. a parse error, "unexpected text string" means that the php syntax is wrong, and it indicates that you changed the file incorrectly. In the language file, you see lines like this for creating the language arrays:

    'shop_by_cat' => "Shop by Category",

    No matter which language you are dealing with, it is imperative that you change nothing in any of the lines except for the text between double quote marks (i.e., the text in red above).

    DO NOT change the wording on the left side of these "equations"

    DO NOT remove the quote marks or the final commas

    Additionally, there are some characters that you cannot use in the text you replace with. For instance, you cannot use a double quote mark, use single quote marks in place of double quotes in you text, or you must comment each use of double quote mark like this: \"


  12. yes i have. still haven't found what i need to change yet though. while it 'shouldn't be hard' i'm still managing to miss it lol

    Sorry ;)


    I just didn't think you were looking at the right issue, but anyway, to find that login submit button look in admin/login.php on line 245 (for 3.0.15)

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