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Posts posted by markscarts

  1. That information is stored in the database. You will need to take an sql dump from the existing database and import it into the new database. Read the pinned post about backing up the database for more info.

  2. They look well-centerd in FF at 1024 x 768

    You are using the Killer skin (liquid width) so it would be impossible to have these centered using the cubecart code for floating the divisions, and still keep the center section liquid. You could specify a width for the "pallette" that ccontains latest prods and center them using margins, or you could recoded the php file to produce centered rows of a table, but IMO it is better to leave it as it is. :P

  3. That shouldn't be hard to find, but first I have to ask, have you deleted all cookies and browser cache while dealing with this issues? It can make a huge difference, especially if you already had the paths bad and had to use the config tool to restore. Get rid of all old cookies and empty browser cache, just on the off chance that it may solve your problem.

  4. If you open the link to the php script it will rotate the images so my hope was that this could be easy included in the index.php

    Hi, since you are linking to this thread again, I will try to explain further: When you open the script by typing the script address into the browser, your image paths are figured from the location typed in your browser. When you call the script from index.php, the image paths have to be figured from the root of your store, because that is the location of index.php. It's that simple.

  5. Inquiring minds would like to know . . .

    OK, here you go: http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=13898

    That post is from 2005, a short while before this change came about in these forums. The problem is that when 3rd party add-ons are allowed to be spoken of here, you get people coming in to the forums to compete with one another on 3rd-party offerings, and to prey or pounce on any members who ask for help by attempting to turn the member's needs into business transactions to profit themselves. Additionally, it becomes impossible for many members to distinguish that the company that owns CubeCart is not responsible for third-party mods that are offered here.

    In short, it makes a very big mess over time, and the forum is much better off for not allowing open third-party offerings. Though there may be room for many opinions on this, those who have been around for a long time have seen the evidence and know the history - it is a fact that the forums are better off without the open third-party offerings.

    Another very important consideration, there is no way to police third-party offerings without a great deal of expense and headache. If it were allowed, any johnny-come-lately could prey upon the forums.

  6. With only a basic understanding of html and a fair grip on how cubecart works, you can easily code the shopping basket box to not list any items there at all, rather just showing the number of items in basket and the amount. That way, no worries about a dynamic list at all, and you cann do all the necessary magic in justt a skin file that doesn't affect store core files at all, by editing skins/your-skin/styleTemplates/boxes/shoppingCart.tpl

    If you wish to limit the loop list to five items, you only need to know php and you would add a limit to the loop in includes/boxes/shoppingCart.inc.php

  7. You should not have too great a problem here, if you have everything consistent.

    SAME address for ssl cert info as store address, as shown in includes/global.inc.ph file

    CERT properly installed at site

    TEST by typing the secure (https) url into browser to make sure all is working correctly before changing admin settings to SSL

    SAME address settings in admin SSL settings as on the actual SSL cert and in file includes/global.inc.php

  8. Well, I took a moment to look at this. It shouldn't be terribly difficult, but I don't know enough about writing SQL queries yet to make it work. Sorry I can't post the solution, but I can tell how far I had gotten and maybe you can work it out from there, or someone else may be able to help.

    FIRST, in skins/your-skin/styleTemplates/content/cart.tpl ~

    About line 128


    :P SECOND, look in includes/content/cart.inc.php: About line 379 is this:

    					<td class="{TD_CART_CLASS}">
    Replace with:
    					<td class="{TD_CART_CLASS}">
    					{VAL_CAT_NAME}<br />
    Now, you have added the {VAL_CAT_NAME} variable to the template, so you can show the cateory name abover the product name in the cart listing. The trick is to assign the actual category name to {VAL_CAT_NAME} in includes/content/cart.inc.php. This is not as simple as I had hoped, because the inventory table only stores the cat id number, not the cat name, so to get the cat name you will have to join these two tables and access the category name for each product in the loop. While my imagination says that this should not be tto difficult, I do not know enough about SQL queries to actually write it yet 
    		if(($val = prodAltLang($product[0]['productId'])) == TRUE){
    			$product[0]['name'] = $val['name'];
    And about line 407 is this:

    The above show you how {VAL_PRODUCT_NAME} is assigned in this file. In my limited knowledge of the code, I could easily assign the cat id number to show in cart where you want the cat name to show by doing this:

    if(($val = prodAltLang($product[0]['productId'])) == TRUE){

    $product[0]['name'] = $val['name'];

    //Adding Cat ID

    $product[0]['cat_id'] = $val['cat_id'];


    and this:




    which, together with the code given above for the template file, will show the category id above the name in cart list.

    Sorry I can't give the complete answer, perhaps someone else will offer to teach us more about how to do this.

  9. Well this is not difficult, just no time to answer in detail. In general, there are two ways to go about this. One is to use a background image for the button in css stylesheet, see the "go" button for search field at this site:


    That image is a background image for submit button. Another way is to use an image with link anchor tag <a href=""> in the template where button is produced, example in viewProd.tpl for the add to basket button. See the add to basket buttons on homepage on this site (this site is under development and unfinished):


    Those buttons are coded as direct image into the template with links <a href="">

    All this is simple css and html, for more information on coding with html and css I suggest the Visual Quickstart Guides by Peachtree Press, there is an html/css book by Elizabeth Castro in the series. Also, check out the css tutorials at w3cschools.org

  10. David - I have the exact same problem :)

    Admins have remade my account, tested it, etc., and I have also given my login info to a couple of trusted people to try. They can login just fine with my info. I have checked on three different boxes here with three different browsers, I have upgraded the firmware for my router, I have sought and searched and thought about this problem and am convinced the issue has to be either with my router or with my modem. Here's the kicker - I too connect via Hughes.net satellite. :)

  11. {IMG_CURENT_CATEGORY} places the current category image on the viewCat page. It is the image of the category you are in. Since you are not in any category on the home page, your request really doesn't make any sense. You have to code the php file to make this work in a differennt tempolate file, but still would place a "current category" image on a page that is not a category page :rolly:

  12. There is a folder in your store root named language, and in that folder are other folders with 2-letter language codes in lowercase, e.g., en, de, dk, es, and so forth. You need to place a similar file there for italian. Inside the 2-letter language file are the following: config.inc.php, lang.inc.php (which contains the Italian translations of store language terms), and home.inc.php

    Once you have these files uploaded in this structure, the Italian language file should work in CubeCart.

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