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Posts posted by markscarts

  1. expo, this thread is over a year old, the players are no longer here. Also, this forum has banned such conversations. Any third-party mods and services related to CubeCart now have to be discussed away from here :)

    There is a directory at cubecart.org and there is a forum at cubecartforums just as others have mentioned. Also, you can do a google search for cubecart mods, or cubecart skins, or cubecart services

  2. It took me awhile to discover that you were referring to the product name appearing in the tabled product list on the viewCat page :)

    That is class, .txtDefault and it is anchor text (a link), so to be rid of the white you need to set new style for

    .txtDefault a {

    or change the class or styles for the anchor tag for product name in content/viewCat.tpl

    Same is true for tell a friend in viewProd.tpl

  3. I don't think CC will re-create a thumb if the thumb exists. Of course, the thumb must have the exact same name and image type as the main product, with the "thumb_" prefix. If, when you edit the prod, you are changinng the image, then of course it will create a new thumbnail.

    This is not to say that you cannot have a totally different thumbnail image, though, than main prod image. Here's how.

    1. Add or edit your prod and be sure you add the image you want to use for prod.

    2. Create your differing thumb on your PC, and give it the same name as prod image, addint the thumb_ prefix.

    example - for a prod image of widget.jpg, create a thumb_widget.jpg

    3. Once you have all your differing thumbnails prepared, upload them via ftp to images/uploads/thumbs overwriting the onnes CC reated.

  4. I can see something else wrong, may not be the only cause of your problems, but this code:



    name="Image1" id="Image1"

    will not work inside this loop for categories, because all the cat images would then have the same identifiers which is an error; each one needs a unique identifier. I would try something like this maybe:



    name="Image{DATA.cat_id}" id="Image{DATA.cat_id}"

  5. 1. "I do not know why moving these comments makes a difference.......can anyone explain?"

    These are not simple html comments. <!-- BEGIN: someName --> <!-- END: someName --> are cues in the XTemplate system which determine the areas to be parsed by the php files that drive the templates. This is very important . . . be careful tampering with any of these "comments"

    This is one of the two basic things that make these .tpl files rather than .html files :blink: The other one is the use of {SOME_NAME} placeholders (these are not "macros").

    2. This file is way wrong. It will cause your page to have too many html tags, doctype statements, head sections etc.

    {CATEGORIES} placeholder represents this entire block of html on your site pages, see global/index.tpl

    global/index.tpl has the doctype declaration, head section, etc. etc. This categories.tpl file is analogous to an HTML SNIPPET, not an entire HTML document.

    You must remove all the extraneous crud from this file - you must put the javascript for head section into global/index.tpl

  6. I manged to fix it, somehow my image links were not correct - once I fixed that the job was done :-)

    Thank you so much ;-)

    You are welcome :)

    Hmmmmmm how could I put a javascript image rollover effect on the buttons? I've tried all morning but I keep getting the 'object expected' error?

    You just have to find what's wrong withy your code. A js rollover effect will work fine if you code it properly.

  7. "Most everything it says is wrong is right"


    I like you Micah, based on your posts, but when you're wrong, you're wrong :)

    I'm only interested in helping you here, first thing is to admit you have a problem, LOL. Here is some more specific help:

    <center><div id="topHeader"></center>

    That code doesn't make sense. You can't center an opening division tag, you would have to center the whole division, which means you would have to put </center> after the closing </div> for <div id="topHeader"> rather than where it is. That is why a browser does not see a closing division for <div id="topHeader">, because the </center> tells it that a closing division tag has gone missing. Anyway, using that html tag <center> to center this division makes no sense, the proper way to do that is with styles at the topHeader id selector in your stylesheet.

    Just do away with the html center tags there and you will see some validation problems disappear.

    Next, there is this:

    <div style="padding: 15px 8px 15px 15px; margin: 0px;"><p><div style="padding-top: 2px;">

    What in the world is an opening <p> tag for, sandwiched between two opening division tags? That's totally invalid, please delete the <p> ~ also, remember you are coding in xhtml 1.0 transitional. It is absolutely required that you close your paragraph tags, <p> cannot stand alone, rahyter you must have <p>some content</p>

  8. The best you can do toward having cross-browser compatibility in coding is to write valid code. If you write valid code, your site will look much better across different browser platforms. There will still be some anomalies, due to some browsers not displaying valid code properly, but in those cases it is relatively easy to make adjustments and use hackd to make them all look the same.

    In the case of sloppy coding, it is often much more difficult to spot what's making a page display badly. When I look at the code, if I find that a page is full from start to finish with invalid code, I quickly lose interest in spending time searching for the cause to some specific issue.

    The strange background problem you experience is probably due to bad code in the rich text editor, otherwise the difference would probably be consistent across cart pages vs. index pages . . . but since you only have the problem on two of your site documents, and even those two look quite different in the way the problem appears, my best guess is that it's something in the code pasted into rte.

    I note that browsers have difficulty finding the closing </div> for the topHeader division in your document. In addition, there is this:

    line 17 column 9 - Warning: missing </div>

    line 20 column 67 - Warning: discarding unexpected </style>

    line 28 column 5 - Warning: discarding unexpected </div>

    line 32 column 21 - Warning: missing </font> before <div>

    line 32 column 1 - Warning: missing </font> before <div>

    line 34 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <font>

    line 34 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <font>

    line 34 column 1 - Warning: missing </font> before <div>

    line 34 column 1 - Warning: missing </font> before <div>

    line 35 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <font>

    line 35 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <font>

    line 35 column 1 - Warning: missing </font> before <table>

    line 35 column 1 - Warning: missing </font> before <table>

    line 57 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </font>

    line 57 column 8 - Warning: discarding unexpected </font>

    line 63 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 62 column 84 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 64 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 63 column 80 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 65 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 64 column 85 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 66 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 65 column 78 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 67 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 66 column 80 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 68 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 67 column 84 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 69 column 32 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&docId"

    line 68 column 76 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 72 column 1 - Warning: <border> unexpected or duplicate quote mark

    line 72 column 1 - Warning: <border> attribute with missing trailing quote mark

    line 72 column 1 - Error: <border> is not recognized!

    line 69 column 82 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 72 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <border>

    line 81 column 1 - Error: <left> is not recognized!

    line 81 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <left>

    line 91 column 102 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here

    line 91 column 111 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here

    line 97 column 98 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here

    line 97 column 106 - Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here

    line 100 column 1 - Warning: missing </strong> before <div>

    line 100 column 37 - Warning: inserting implicit <strong>

    line 100 column 90 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&catId"

    line 103 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 106 column 82 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&catId"

    line 109 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 111 column 82 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&catId"

    line 114 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 155 column 1 - Warning: <br> element not empty or not closed

    line 156 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </strong>

    line 159 column 1 - Warning: <hr> element not empty or not closed

    line 164 column 1 - Warning: <border> unexpected or duplicate quote mark

    line 164 column 1 - Warning: <border> attribute with missing trailing quote mark

    line 164 column 1 - Error: <border> is not recognized!

    line 164 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected <border>

    line 166 column 39 - Warning: discarding unexpected </left>

    line 59 column 5 - Warning: <p> isn't allowed in <tr> elements

    line 284 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </div>

    line 107 column 1 - Warning: <div> anchor "item1" already defined

    line 112 column 1 - Warning: <div> anchor "item1" already defined

    line 19 column 59 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 32 column 21 - Warning: trimming empty <font>

    line 32 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <font>

    line 34 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <font>

    line 34 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <font>

    line 170 column 6 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 61 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 77 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 100 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <strong>

    line 172 column 1 - Warning: trimming empty <span>

    line 189 column 12 - Warning: trimming empty <span>

    line 197 column 11 - Warning: trimming empty <span>

    line 205 column 11 - Warning: trimming empty <span>

    line 214 column 3 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 215 column 6 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 230 column 6 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 238 column 6 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    line 250 column 6 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

    3 errors / 75 warnings

    I would strongly suggest that you go through all your pages, starting at index.tpl, correcting these errors before worrying about the other stuff. Most of these are repeating errors, and some are cascaded, meaning if you fix the main error others will disappear. The best use of your time at this early stage of learning to make carts is to learn to make them in valid code, IMO :)

  9. Well, you have some code like this to create the hot-linked category name:

    <a href="index.php?act=viewCat&amp;catId={DATA.cat_id}" class="txtCat">{DATA.cat_name}</a>
    You need two major steps: 1) Remove any code that make the tab images in stock Killer skin, 2) replace the category names with images. I would suggest you remove the code for table cells that have the three background images set. If you wish to continue using a table to make the bar and tabs, create a new style class selector named "topCatsTab" (no right, left or middle) and you can set styles for size, padding, placement, etc. but do not set a background image. 
    Then, make the replacement images, and name the images with the catId number, e.g., 1.gif, 2.gif, etc. Copy these images to skins/Killer/styleTemplates/boxes/ - note, you can put them anywhere and just code the correct path here, I am just giving you a very simple way to do this that will work regardless of whether you change the skin name, without causing an image pathway problem.
    Once you have the images uploaded to your skin's styleTemplates/boxes/ directory, you can code them to show in this manner:
    <a href="index.php?act=viewCat&amp;catId={DATA.cat_id}">
    <img src="{DATA.cat_id}.gif" alt="{DATA.cat_name}" title={DATA.cat_name}" border="0" /> </a>

    This is a simple hack, and will get the job done nicely. If you are proficient in coding, you will see there are several variations as to ways to go about doing this. I would refrain from using that category name as image name, since you may have more than one word with spaces in category name, and this may cause validation errors with the image URI's.

  10. Yes, there is a way to do this. It requires editing one php file and one template file. Unfortunately, I do not have time to show the coding for you, as I did not have time last night either :D but this is in answer to your question, "can it be done?"

    If no one else shows you how to do this I will hope to revisit this thread in the next week and give you the code.

  11. B) Just a sec . . .

    <MarksCarts walks outside and makes a very loud and long primal scream>

    OK, sorry, I tested it but did not look all through the test store, just at the categories I was trying to affect :D

    Well, I'm not giving up, but no time now to test something else, will have to wait a few days for that - but I think it will be best if I ask my partner and php expert, convict, what I am doing wrong there. Anyway, I'll post something here in the next few days.

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