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Everything posted by Robsta

  1. Yes, in the global/index.tpl and cart.tpl templates.
  2. The link returns page not found. Does that product exist in admin? The product could be added to additional categories. In 'View Products' in admin, click on 'Manage Categories' in the Master Category column.
  3. In IE6 the entire right column is below the 'buy' button. This is to do with the widths/padding/margin of those columns. The space at the bottom can easily be added by perhaps adding <br/> at the bottom of the 'content/viewProd.tpl'. Of to add it globally, add it to the global templates (in global). Other methods include padding to the bottom of the surrounding product page DIV, or top padding to the documents DIV for a global solution. Such choices :)
  4. The first link returns a page not found for me. If you want to change a dynamic width to static for the killer skin, you'll need to look to the top level table/div/cells changing the width to the fixed setting rather than a 100% setting. Try it out.
  5. Yes this can be done. It just takes a small modification to the category.inc.php to change the SQL query to sort in ascending or decending order. Find /includes/boxes/categories.inc.php. Look for.... And try adding ' ORDER BY cat_name' on the end. Take a backup first!
  6. Turning CubeCart into a standard catalogue is not difficult at all. It's just a case of removing or commenting out the aspects of the skins that makes the cart a cart. The main aspects are the add buttons on the product and category pages, and the shopping cart side box. Perhaps even the session side box, however it's simpler to remove the account information from the profile than it is the entire login system. Hope this helps.
  7. Robsta

    1st cubecart

    Nice site, I really like it. Good work :D
  8. Think again, the coding in OSX is not more secure, it only gives impression of better security as it only makes up a small percentage of the volume of computers in the wild. Why target a minority group which would result in a minimal effect. If Apple do take over the world, Macs will start to become a target and Apple will see the same issues that MS are seeing now. Software can be hacked by software. Fact. Recently an individual reported a 'month of Apple bugs' to hightlight the issues that really surround OSX. Hardened Mac fans are in denial over the potential vulnerabilities that have not yet been discovered. Maybe they never will as Windows is the target at the moment, and probably will be for some time to come. For the record, I use both Macs and PCs. And I've made both crash at some point or another... I've used Vista a few times, and think it's quite nice, with some nice 'bells and whistles'. I have yet to experience it in a production environment to fully appreciate it. Will probably get a new PC at some point, or at least get the Action Pack.
  9. You can post on .org. There are some areas which are restricted as some forums are for modifications and skins only, but other than that you can post. Where did you try to post?
  10. In Admin, go to 'Email Customers'. Then click on 'Send Email'. The link for your store to the unsubscribe page is in a text field for you to copy and paste into your email. Basically add this 'index.php?act=unsubscribe' to the store URL, then enter the email address that requires unsubscribing.
  11. excellent, thank you for the reply Hi Guys, I seen site that took off the copyright on the footer, not sure if that's allow. Have you guy come across site like that? pixel They probably purchased a license.
  12. That I believe is solved by the RTF editor upgrade found on .org.
  13. Does it make a difference if you use a different browser? If using IE, try Firefox.
  14. It's not encoded. The software is free to use, but purchasing a license will remove the CubeCart copyright header and footer and give you additional support from Devellion for a period of time.
  15. @Anthony Chiarello and Laura323. As with most store issues, fixing editing errors can only be accumplished when we can visit your store to see what is happening. Please post links to your stores.
  16. Already answered. Please don't double post. Although this topic has the more sensible topic title. :(
  17. CubeCart will run on both Windows and Linux. Even on a Mac if you can install a local webserver, mySQL and PHP on it.
  18. I don't believe it required either. Are you having problems upgrading?
  19. You'll find a lot of useful information in the skin customisation FAQ.
  20. You'll need to edit 'includes/global.inc.php' to change the directory reference.
  21. Robsta

    Leaving you...

    Sorry to see you go. Good luck with osCommerce or Zencart.
  22. There are two parts to a store. The files that make it work, and the data store that stores the information.... files and database. The changelog relates to the files. The upgrade.php get's uploaded to the hosting server, run in the browser to upgrade the mysql database.
  23. If you've not modded that file, you can just upload the newer version of the file rather than only applying the changes in the code to the current untouched file. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, I have a habbit in doing that sometimes.
  24. You have not entered any text in your reply. Perhaps contact Devellion directly for support to help you get your store up and running. Or there is a thirdparty products and services forum where you can hire an expert. There is a link to CubeCart.org in my footer.
  25. The template is purely xhtml/html/css based. Just look in the skins directory.
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