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Everything posted by Robsta

  1. Robsta

    Comments appreciated

    The front page is very wide. A nice modification of the killer skin, good work.
  2. CubeCart is indeed transactional software. For more information on how PHP and mySQL work, you would be best to search Google as these are generic software applications/languages with a plethora of information on the net about them.
  3. In Admin, click on 'View Products' and use the filter system. Or if it's the last product you added, go straight to the end of the product list.
  4. Check your paths are correct. They should reference files as if called from the root of the store.
  5. You will need to edit the templates directly... look in "skins/skin_name/styleTemplates/content/". Look through the templates for the relevant progress bar code.
  6. If you're having problems with a 3rd party mod, you would be best to post in the forums on .org :errm:
  7. Just add standard HTML image code... <img src="path/to/image.jpg" height="yy" width="xx" />
  8. Take a look at the FAQ pinned to the top of this section.... look for "How to add boxes". :D
  9. If you look at this pinned post at the top of the forum, you will a list of FAQs that might help you get started.
  10. Take a look at this sticky post at the top of the 'Skins & Templates Support' forum for Frequently Asked Questions.
  11. As this is to do with a third-party mod and skin, you should post over on .org. But look in viewCat.tpl before and after the place where you've added the sort order mod. :)
  12. Left, middle and right columns are coded in the global/index.tpl, whereas the latest products is coded in the content/index.tpl, which is inserted into the global template by means of the {PAGE_CONTENT} placeholder which is placed in the middle column. That has probably confused you completely. But what what it basically means is that it is not as easy as it appears to move the latest products code to the right column. However, what you would be better off doing is transforming, say the the popular products boxes, adding an images mod and changing the PHP to make the products sort by product ID. Much simpler. For more help, I would suggest popping over to .org to look for the popular products with images free mod, and then ask about changing the sort order. Have fun.
  13. In /includes/content/index.inc.php, look for: $latestProducts = $db->select("SELECT productId, image, price, name, sale_price FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE `showFeatured` = 1 ORDER BY productId DESC LIMIT ".$config['noLatestProds']); Change to: $latestProducts = $db->select("SELECT productId, image, price, name, sale_price FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE `showFeatured` = 1 ORDER BY RAND(".$seed.") LIMIT ".$config['noLatestProds']); I think that should do the trick.
  14. If you had actually read this thread, you'd know exactly what to do!
  15. I have also experienced this error, but when changing the currency using the standard dropdown menu. Very odd, only in occurred in Firefox (v1.5.0.7). I only had one tab operational and the problem started to occur. So I opened a second tab with on the same site, and changed the currency and it worked fine. Back to the first tab, same error. I cleared the session cookies, then restarted Firefox and it fixed the problem.... so is this a session cookie problem?
  16. Take a look in the language file... for example /language/en/lang.inc.php It's all in there.
  17. Take a backup of your files and database. Step by Step. Upload all the current version of files, excluding install, config file, skins, homepage content file (see upgrade instructions). Then go through every version database upgrade instructions to upgrade the database to each version one by one. Don't forget to reapply any mods. This should do the trick.
  18. Robsta

    Shop 95% finished

    what is pzaz? I think the best description of pzaz is more excitement, more 'wahay great site, really stands out!'. Needs more of that. ;)
  19. got it great, thanks for your helpWelcome ;)
  20. No, "unique homepage template mod".
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