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Everything posted by WalterL48

  1. I took this one step further by moving the "Tax Class" After the "Stock Level". This saves me another keystroke! Moved this code: ........................................................... <tr> <td class="tdText"><strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['tax_class'];?></strong></td> <td class="tdText"> <select name="taxType"> <?php $taxTypes = $db->select("SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_taxes"); ?> <?php for($i=0; $i<count($taxTypes);$i++){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $taxTypes[$i]['id']; ?>" <?php if(isset($results[0]['taxType']) && $taxTypes[$i]['id'] == $results[0]['taxType']) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $taxTypes[$i]['taxName']; ?> (<?php echo $taxTypes[$i]['percent']; ?>%)</option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> ............................................................
  2. I've had this problem before and finally checked the "thumbs" directory thru my FTP program and found one image with a "0" filesize. I deleted this image and now all is well! .............. Walter Lauzon http://LauzonWebHosting.com
  3. Thanks Mysty! You wouldn't believe it, but I did this before and for some reason when I DID want to select YES it wouldn't add the item. Now it seems to work though. GO FIGURE!!!! Thanks again.
  4. Yes, Notepad did cause problems for me. I was told about UltraEdit-32 - has lots of great feature for PHP, CSS and more. Merge batch of text files into one, etc.
  5. To make entering products easier I want to change the default selection to "No" for "Include in latest products in homepage?" That way after entering the Stock Level I can just hit ENTER and go to the next one. Thanks!
  6. I had the same problem with CC 3.0.12. (I did find the line with no problem) I applied the fix Al posted and VOILA! YOU DA MAN AL! THANKS!
  7. First - make sure you back up all of your file! I just upgraded from 3.4 to 3.7. Then I just re-installed my Category Sort Mod (I didn't have to perform the first task - modifying the database, just upload the other files.)
  8. SW - I just ordered/installed your MOD. It works great. The hardest part was trying to figure out how to do the thing in the PHPmyAdmin. I went through my Control Panel into Mysql. Clicked on DATABASES, then clicked on my database for CubeCart and then on the SQL button and then inside the box marked "Run SQL query/queries on database xxxxxxx". Thanks!
  9. Hi Nick, You have to change the permission to 777 first. When you're done change it back to what it was. Walter
  10. I've managed to find fixes for a couple of problems I've had with Authorize.net, but I'm not sure where to go for this one. Authorize.net sent me an email outlining the possible causes for this error: 1) If the transaction key that you have embedded in your script is not correct. Just to be sure, generate a new transaction key, disable the old transaction key, and enter the new value in your script and test the connection. > I've created a new transaction key 2) Also, the amount has to be set prior to the fingerprint generating function processing. This usually means that the x_amount should be set in a previous form and posted to the form that generates the fingerprint hash. >? 3) You may not be properly posting all the required fields for SIM. >Site is currently using Weblink, but the techie said Weblink and SIM run concurrently. Please be sure to have your login and transaction key set in your scripts. When using PHP and ASP sample scripts, these fields must be filled out in your simdata.php or simdata.asp file, respectively. In the PERL sample script, it must be entered into the sim.pl script. >I didn't see a simdata.php file The following field must be posted from your html form to the sim.php, sim.asp, or sim.pl in order for the fingerprint hash to be properly generated: - The amount of the transaction (x_Amount) The following fields must all be present in your sim.php, sim.asp, or sim.pl script (the page right before our payment form) in order for the transaction to be accepted: - Merchant Login ID (x_Login) - The sequence number of the transaction (x_FP_Sequence) - The time when the sequence number was generated (x_FP_Timestamp) - The Fingerprint Hash (x_FP_Hash) - The amount of the transaction (x_Amount) For more information, see our Error 99 resolution tool at https://developer.authorize.net/response_co...sp?page_id=7199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone has successfully setup their Authorize.net connections with CC3.0.4 please let me know if you had any similar problems. Thanks. Walter
  11. I think I found the answer to this one. I had edited this file and when I saved it the file wasn't formatted properly.
  12. On my shopping cart when I try to checkout I get: Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/francine/public_html/Eshop/modules/gateway/Authorize/transfer.inc.php on line 1 Any ideas??? Thanks! Walter
  13. WalterL48


    Hi Ookami. This has been addressed before. Simply FTP to your site - I use WS_FTP Home - with it you can right click and edit the permissions. It needs to be set to 777 instead of 644. Hope this helps. Walter http://yourwebdesignpros.com
  14. Yo Bro! Before anyone else says anything I'd like to simply suggest that you give the correct version - there's: 3.0.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 3.0.3 3.0.4 3.0.5 (did I miss any) P.S. I'm a newbie also.
  15. I've installed CC 3.0.0 through Fantastico and they just upgraded Fantastico which now has v 3.0.4. Anyone know if I can install this version over my current one? Or is there some files I need to save, remove the old version and install the new one? Thanks all!!!!! Walter
  16. Go down to the left of the Admin section to Documents/Home Page. You can edit and add pages from there.
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