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Posts posted by kinetic

  1. I started with the Cpanel hotlink protection but found it lacking it would restrict image or file types and allow you to set a shtml or violation type page which works great if they are using an image to lilnk to your main image but when users do thehotlinking via css or a body background this doesnt provide anything beyond niot showing the image

    my expanded version of the htaccess file that gets written allows for white list and black list and if on a black listed domain show them this alternate image instead of the image they are hotlinking to via the page background css it also will show the alternate image if hotlinked in other ways and the domain isnt on the black list

  2. Excellent work Joe!

    I recently found out several people from myspace, you tube and friendster were hotlinking to my copyrighted wallpapers and found them thru my servers latest visitors log and http referrers

    I was able to in every case contact the host of the offending user and each in turn supplied me with the DMCA form where by I was able to easily enter in the details of each violation of my intellectual property rights.

    and in each case myspace, youtube, friendster and photo bucket ALL removed the my images from their servers and removed/banned/terminated the offending user.

    Also to help stop hotlinking of my images and theft of my copyright and bandwidth

    I wrote a simple htaccess file to replace the image they are hotlinking to with a gif image of my own design and choosing. So now when visitors visit these profile pages they get to see what I think about hotlinkers

    which stops people from hotlinking to my images in the first place...

    In a case as the one you so excellently detailed where complete designs are being stolen and the inexcusable response from the hosting company hotlinking isnt the issue but actual plagarism and copyright theft and I would hope once the "owner" of this hosting company realizes the severe penalty they WILL incurr if they dont act "expeditiously" to remove the stolen content and ban/terminate/seek legal action against the thief.

    Again well done Joe!!! this needs to be stickied

    Kinetic :)

  3. Did you "Signup for a new account" in the bug tracker?

    If so, then after logging in (If you're not already), you simply select:

    main | My View | View Issues | Report Issue | etc...

    In lightbox.js all you need to do is add a slash before the images folder name



    var fileLoadingImage = "images/lightbox/loading.gif";		
    var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "images/lightbox/close.gif";
    var fileLoadingImage = "/images/lightbox/loading.gif";		
    var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "/images/lightbox/close.gif";

    this negates the need for absolute URLs for the images under the SEO tools options

    and I have already added this to the bug tracker (several days ago)

  4. You need to ask the 20 or so customers what browser and what version of the browser they are using

    with out knowing that theres no way to know to recreate the occurance

    or to find out anything they all have in common I visited your site in IE ^ IE 7 and Firefox on PC and firefox and safari on Mac and in all 4 browsers I could see the view cart button

    I do know for a fact the MSN's "buttefly" browser wont show login and register links on a cubecart site(MS has no idea why it would do that)

    its just a crappy browser and no one should be using it its that terrible

    if these users are all using MSN butterfly tell them they need to use a real browser like IE or better yet turn them on to Firefox

    if it isnt MSN butterfly at the root of the problem you will need to find the common denominator

  5. OK open includes/content/gateway.inc.php


    $orderSum['name'] 			= $cc_session->ccUserData['title']." ".$cc_session->ccUserData['firstName']." ".$cc_session->ccUserData['lastName'];
    $orderSum['companyName'] 	= $cc_session->ccUserData['companyName'];
    $orderSum['name_d'] 	= $basket['delInf']['title']." ".$basket['delInf']['firstName']." ".$basket['delInf']['lastName'];
    $orderSum['companyName_d'] 	= $cc_session->ccUserData['companyName'];

    this will pass the companyName data into the order invoice and the order_sum table

  6. to fix print packing slip open



    if (!empty($result[0]['companyName'])) echo $result[0]['add_1_d'].'<br/>';
    if (!empty($result[0]['companyName'])) echo $result[0]['companyName'].'<br/>';

    as for the company name or company delivery name not being shown or saved in the order details

    the code for orderBuilder.inc.php looks correct so Im going to assume that at some point during the order checkout process the information that is in the companyName field from registration in the customers table is not being passed to the order_sum table in the database.

    :on2long: I will post a bug report on the bug tracker about this as its a pretty glaring bug

  7. I would love to use it, but can't deny my speed impact. Have you suggestions?

    I was referring to caching for cube4, not browser.

    I was referring to the cacheing options in CCv4 admin as well

    but again I havent seen any speed decrease using SEO tools options (Im using the mod_rewrite method)

    but then again my skin is lightweight.... so any speed decreases would be negligible on my end


    use the caching system in ccv4 admin and turn on SEO tools options and time your page loads then turn it all off and time again (make sure you use a good page load testing site)

  8. Hi I am trying to convert the standard popup window to be able to show the information in viewprod tpl. I want to be able to see the thumbnails and larger image along with the product details and the buy and more buttons in the popup window. Any ideas how this can be done? Any input would be appreciated.



    why would you want to show the product data in a popup window?

    thats what viewProd.tpl is for


  9. It's a fancy name for Bar code number.

    If a product you are selling has a number, then here is the place to type it in.

    Why have this on a web shop?

    If your products HAVe a barcode and users search the web for the bar code they will find it on your site

    if your products dont have a barcode then there is no point to using and from Ive heard UPC is not implemented on the front side of things only in admin so far theres no place on the front customer side of things where a customer could see it or search for it for that matter

  10. Searcher Friendly is a good concept, but I only used it a few hours because it cut my store's speed by possibly 90 percent.

    Caching might solve that, with changes to be made when products are edited/added/deleted.

    I do all I can to enhance site performance, including deleting some features.

    I use caching and SEO on my clients site using CCv4 and I havent noticed any decrease or increase in page rendering with SEO off or on or cacheing on or off

    SEO tools is not just a good idea its a way to make sure your site is tasty to spiders...

  11. Delivery and invoice addresses are not required to be same. Is there an on/off switch?

    (Not that I am yet convinced of which approach is best.)

    YES in admin CP General Settings > "Locale settings" section

    "Allow dispatch to address other than invoice address?" YES to allow NO to not allow....

    Kinetic :on2long:

  12. For use of images with categories, could we have the choice of whether image goes above or below the folder=sub-cat icons?

    If a cat has a lot of subs, the "intro" image might not ever been seen at the bottom.

    Open your skins/YOURSKIN/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl and design the category display to how you want it... making sure any section with BEGIN and END comments remain intact

  13. funny my install of Ccv4.0.1 doesnt have these issues

    express checkout leaves data that was entered and is then submitted with required fields missing data any fields already filled in are still there

    in admin I can uncheck any of the boxes or recheck them and it stays they way I had set them

    if you are running v4.0.0 you really need to upgrade ASAP

    Testing cart:

    If one chooses to checkout without an account, various starred boxes must be checked. If a field is omitted, one is sent back to fix it, then one finds that others have been nulled out. THIS IS USER UNFRIENDLY.

    I have seen similar erasures on other CC forms, such as [if I recall correctly] filing a support ticket. Such does NOT help security, but can raise blood pressure.

    On admin, store settings,

    "Increase stock level once if order status is changed to any of the following?" has five boxes, but

    unchecking MEANS NOTHING, as they are automatically restored.

  14. did you edit your includes/global.inc.php file?

    specifically the last 2 lines

    $glob['rootRel'] = '/store/';
    $glob['storeURL'] = 'http://www.budgetballoons.co.uk/store';
    $glob['rootRel'] = '/';
    $glob['storeURL'] = 'http://www.budgetballoons.co.uk';

    if not do so and your store will be working again

    If you have already and still are receiving the error then Id suggest submitting a support ticket


    from looking at your store it probably is a permissions error images/uploads needs to be chmodded to 777 or 775 depending on your server configuration

    all folders that were required to be chmodded to 777 when they were in your store subfolder will need to be reset to the proper permissions

    also it looks like you have a extra slash in the path

    check your global.inc.php storeUrl should NOT end with a slash


  15. yeah its in every ccv4

    open /skins/YourSKIN/styleTemplates/content/cart.tpl


    <!-- BEGIN: edit_delivery -->
    <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
    <td width="50%" class="tdcartTitle">{LANG_INVOICE_ADDRESS}</td>
    <td colspan="2" class="tdcartTitle">{LANG_DELIVERY_ADDRESS}</td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_TITLE} {VAL_FIRST_NAME} {VAL_LAST_NAME}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[title]" type="text" class="textbox" id="title" value="{VAL_DEL_TITLE}" size="7" maxlength="30" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[firstName]" type="text" class="textbox" id="firstName" value="{VAL_DEL_FIRST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[lastName]" type="text" class="textbox" id="lastName" value="{VAL_DEL_LAST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[companyName]" type="text" class="textbox" id="companyName" value="{VAL_DEL_COMPANY_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_TOWN}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[add_1]" type="text" class="textbox" id="add_1" value="{VAL_DEL_ADD_1}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_COUNTY}, {VAL_POSTCODE}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[add_2]" type="text" class="textbox" id="add_2" value="{VAL_DEL_ADD_2}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_COUNTRY}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[town]" type="text" class="textbox" id="town" value="{VAL_DEL_TOWN}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="bottom" class="tdcartTitle">
    <div class="BlueBg">
    <div class="Button"><a href="index.php?_a=profile&amp;f={VAL_BACK_TO}" title="{LANG_CHANGE_INV_ADD}" class="txtButton">{LANG_CHANGE_INV_ADD}</a></div>
    <div id="divCountyText" {VAL_COUNTY_TXT_STYLE}> <input name="delInf[county]" type="text" class="textbox" id="county" value="{VAL_DEL_COUNTY}" maxlength="100" /></div>
    <div id="divCountySelect" {VAL_COUNTY_SEL_STYLE}>
    <select name="delInf[county_sel]" id="county_sel" class="textbox">
    <!-- BEGIN: county_opts -->
    <!-- END: county_opts -->
    <input name="which_field" type="hidden" id="which_field" value="{VAL_COUNTY_WHICH_FIELD}" />
    <td><input name="delInf[postcode]" type="text" class="textbox" id="postcode" value="{VAL_DEL_POSTCODE}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td><select name="delInf[country]" id="country" class="textbox" onchange="updateCounty(this.form);">
    <!-- BEGIN: country_opts -->
    <!-- END: country_opts -->
    <!-- END: edit_delivery -->
    <!-- BEGIN: edit_delivery -->
    <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
    <td width="50%" class="tdcartTitle">{LANG_INVOICE_ADDRESS}</td>
    <td colspan="2" class="tdcartTitle">{LANG_DELIVERY_ADDRESS}</td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_TITLE} {VAL_FIRST_NAME} {VAL_LAST_NAME}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[title]" type="text" class="textbox" id="title" value="{VAL_DEL_TITLE}" size="7" maxlength="30" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[firstName]" type="text" class="textbox" id="firstName" value="{VAL_DEL_FIRST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[lastName]" type="text" class="textbox" id="lastName" value="{VAL_DEL_LAST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[companyName]" type="text" class="textbox" id="companyName" value="{VAL_DEL_COMPANY_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_TOWN}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[add_1]" type="text" class="textbox" id="add_1" value="{VAL_DEL_ADD_1}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_COUNTY}, {VAL_POSTCODE}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[add_2]" type="text" class="textbox" id="add_2" value="{VAL_DEL_ADD_2}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%">{VAL_COUNTRY}</td>
    <td><input name="delInf[town]" type="text" class="textbox" id="town" value="{VAL_DEL_TOWN}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td width="50%" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="bottom">
    <div id="divCountyText" {VAL_COUNTY_TXT_STYLE}> <input name="delInf[county]" type="text" class="textbox" id="county" value="{VAL_DEL_COUNTY}" maxlength="100" /></div>
    <div id="divCountySelect" {VAL_COUNTY_SEL_STYLE}>
    <select name="delInf[county_sel]" id="county_sel" class="textbox">
    <!-- BEGIN: county_opts -->
    <!-- END: county_opts -->
    <input name="which_field" type="hidden" id="which_field" value="{VAL_COUNTY_WHICH_FIELD}" /></td>
    <td><input name="delInf[postcode]" type="text" class="textbox" id="postcode" value="{VAL_DEL_POSTCODE}" maxlength="100" /></td>
    <td><select name="delInf[country]" id="country" class="textbox" onchange="updateCountry(this.form);">
    <!-- BEGIN: country_opts -->
    <!-- END: country_opts -->
    <td colspan="3" align="right" valign="middle" class="tdcartTitle">
    <div class="Button"><a href="index.php?_a=profile&amp;f={VAL_BACK_TO}" title="{LANG_CHANGE_INV_ADD}" class="txtButton">{LANG_CHANGE_INV_ADD}</a></div></td>
    <!-- END: edit_delivery -->

    this will fix the edit delivery buttons ugly box and the company name typo (currently shows the lable as Last name for Country it wont fix the incorrect code on the update delivery address button you can edit the delivery address all you want from here and it wont make any changes it wont even update if you edit your profile.... this needs to be added to the bug tracker as this isnt acceptable :)

  16. well that is strange...

    are you running 4.0.1?

    if not you should be

    can you take a screen shot of your view categories?

    are you on a linux or windoze based server?Im running 4.0.1 for a client of mine and it has no issues

    with view categories

    also another question for you was this install done via fantastico by any chance?

    (I never install anything via fantastico because it will almost invariably cause errors always best to get the latest download direct from Cubecart...)

  17. OK thanks for the heads up Ive been finding several instances where images arent showing because of SEO turned on and the fix instead of using a absolute url is to add a slash

    in js/lighbox.js find

    var fileLoadingImage = "images/lightbox/loading.gif";		
    var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "images/lightbox/close.gif";
    replace with:
    var fileLoadingImage = "/images/lightbox/loading.gif";		
    var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "/images/lightbox/close.gif";

    the same holds true in viewProd.tpl where the ratings stars images are called

    if using SEO then you will need to add a slash before the skins to make it /skins


  18. Logo screen has default and current logos on same line which makes the screen verrrrrrry wide

    a better layout would have default and current current logos Stacked and sectioned

    if needed I can rewrite the layout for the logo screen and provide the code changes

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