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Posts posted by kinetic

  1. download your global.inc.php and see if it has your database userna,e database password and database name in it Im betting you over wrote the file....

    Just finished 2 hours of using winmerge on CC3.0.3 and my slightly modified clients Cubecart site Upgrade went flawlessly and I didnt lose any of MY edits...

  2. Thank you thank you thank you brooky!!!!

    you are da man im eagerly awaiting the 3.0.3 release and I know you have busted arse to get it right.

    does the nekkie cubecart dance (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_) (_|\_) (_/|_)


  3. thats because you used a space in your product code

    and you are using CubeCart 2.0.1

    Upgrade to 2.0.7 and dont use spaces in your product codes...

    or upgrade to 3.0.2 and DONT use spaces in your product codes

    Letters, numbers, dashes sure

    spaces or special characters NO

    this post was posted in V3 and is about a v2 cart a moderator probably should move it...

  4. could be a problem with your hosting company and not allowing the user "nobody" to send mail on the server alot of hosts stop the user nobody (most cgi and php scripts that send mail send it as nobody)

    they do this to prevent spam

    Id get ahold of your respective hosting companies and find out if they do block php scripts from sending mail

    selecting the smtp method in your cubecart admin might also be a solution.

  5. If a user has their browser set to play mp3's rather than download them

    Ive not found any way to force it to download and save its browser setting and a player setting dont think there is much you can do to over ride those settings.

    having said that...

    what you CAN do is on the page that shows the link (in there account settings) or in the email that gets sent with the link is add some verbage stating to Save this file right click and select "save link as" (firefox) or right click and select "save target as" and guide these newbie users in saving their purchased file

  6. dont do it thru fantisco

    get the download from the downloads section for version 3.0.2

    and install it properly fantastico doesnt do a proper job

    can set up a blank database for it to install in cpanel > Mysql

    (if your host has fantastico you have cpanel)

  7. goober99 do you have a coupon discount mod? not the group discount

    but rather a coupon mod for CC3.0.2... "Coupon Manager"

    If so I need it ASAP client would love to have it

    btw the Custom By Price mod is working a treat

    well done!


  8. I use dodosmail for my form processing its PHP based so doesnt have the risks or horrible setup/headaches a perl/cgi based form processor does.

    you can get dodosmail here


    its easy to use and setup once you have edited the dodosmail.php with your email address upload it

    then design a form having the action of accessing dodosmail.php

    then paste that form code into the source of the contact us site doc.

    dodosmail comes with sample forms and alot of comments so getting it up and running is usually very easy.


  9. funny my clients site running CC3.02 doesnt have this login/logout problem

    I just tested I logged in as my customer acct twiddled around the site and logged out then logged back in just fine

    was using Fire fox

    just tired with IE and no problems and Ive got a stock CC3.0.2 setup

  10. ya know Id rather have "bad" code than do without target attributes

    this is how we link to external sites so people dont leave our site

    whose bright idea was it to make target attribs deprecate?

    friggin idjits at w3c

    standards has alot to learn about real world things on the web....

    I for one am keeping target="_blank"

  11. sure there is the Shopping cart on the side shows the contents the price quantity and total and a view basket

    but I understand what you want now better

    maybe one of the cubecart modders can help ya out

    basicly when someone adds an item to their basket you want it to goto the view cart

    in cubecart2.0.7 there was a setting in admin to let you decide what would happen on add to cart seems this has been lost in CC3

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