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Everything posted by rnrewebsite

  1. So I installed a new store in a new folder and added a product to it..set the tax, shipping,pay gate up the same and went threw the CHeck out..and got to Paypal with the same amount as my Grand Totl, no added tax ..man I don't want to have to transfer everything to a new store..All the settings are the same in both (all the) stores.. the 2 im working with are using the same PayPal account.
  2. The store is defanily adding the taxes twice..once in the basket then again after you submit the check out button...
  3. Yes the basket is grand totalling the amount.. then when you check out.. the store is adding the tax again, if I disable the tax and leave the rest at the Paypal gate the amount is right,, if my grand total is $86.00 I pay $86.00 at PP but no tax..if I set it to $2.00 tax..I pay $4.00 at PP lol the stores are on different data bases
  4. Brain your right it seems to be adding up to the grand total then adding the tax again once you click check out.
  5. So, the question that needs answering is: what's different about the three stores? All 3 stores where and are set up the same. Do each use the same PayPal module/method of payment? Yes all have the same payPal mod Do each have the same currency, tax on billing/delivery address, tax included in prices, and other settings? Yes all settings are the same on the stores Do each transact the customer with the same merchant PayPal account? No they have different Merchant PayPal Accounts..so the store that is acting up I set up a new PayPal account and got the same reaction, I called PayPal they seem to think that the store is still picking up the first PayPal account settings.. so the only thing I could think of is the PayPal_Pro mod where you add the API and IPN so I removed it from the folder.
  6. I did have the PayPal_Pro set up where you use the api user name n password and this is what I got when I ran threw with a customers order.. So I changed it to the PayPal provided where I just add a PP email address. Up until the 18th everything was running smooth..as I said I do have a couple other CC5 stores and they are working without any troubles
  7. you can see here Hi Brain,, the Grand total is right though if you add it up..if the taxs is being add after check out then it's being added twice?
  8. Guess your right eh..lol CC5 and yes they are logged in and address is known. I have a couple of us working on it, 1 being paypal and their getting the same they cliam it's the store doing it, but I'm not convinced yet as I'm thinking once you click Check Out the stores work is done and Paypal picks you up.
  9. This just started a couple days ago...you fill your cart, the grand total shows tax/shipping cost/ product cost everything looks good so you click Check out, (I'm using just the PayPal button, not the PayPal_Pro that uses the api...but i was using it and when I did checked out PayPal wants to add a shipping cost ) when I reach the PayPal site the total cost has changed, and that cost now reflex on the Order form back on the store,... I have attached 3 snap shots the 1st one is my shooping cart, the second is after I checked out and reached Paypal, the third is my order sitting in the Admin Panel. again all was working fine ..I might add that I do have other CC Stores and they work fine,, if you check out with $150.00 you pay $150.00 at paypal.
  10. it needs to be set up with CP, so unless you have done this before is why i figure I need a Canadian that has gone threw the steps
  11. Hi I was wondering if there is someone from Canada on here could give me a helping hand please to set up my Canada Post Mod? Thank you Tim
  12. Thank you Brain your a awesome help!
  13. Hello I like to change the link on a category.. instead of it going to a page on the store I'd like it to open in a second store.. <ul id="menu" class="accordion"> <li><a href="/index.php" title="Store Front">Store Front</a></li> <li> <a href="/custom-parts.html" title="Custom Parts">Custom Parts</a> </li><li> <a href="/motorcycles.html" title="Motorcycles">Motorcycles</a> </li><li> I'd like to change the /motorcycle.html <ul id="menu" class="accordion"> <li><a href=/index.php" title="Store Front">Store Front</a></li> <li> <a href="/custom-parts.html" title="Custom Parts">Custom Parts</a> </li><li> <a href="/second store url" title="Motorcycles">Motorcycles</a> is there a file that the categoeries are written to after their made? I checked the sql under the category but didn't see the links. Thank you </li><li>
  14. Could I get a little help in how I can get my tittle to pick up the same look at the other ones on my columns plz, I want to add links to one section..and things on the right side, when I work the main.php I can get the links to look like the rest using the <ul><li> ..but the <h3> doesnt work the way I did it which I'm sure isn't the way you do it, I'd like to see the Popular Links to look like Mailing List. <div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_left">{$CATEGORIES} {$SALE_ITEMS} {$MAIL_LIST} <h3>Popular Links</h3> <ul id="menu" class="accordion"> <li>
  15. Thank you Sir, it's been a while since I've worked with CC ,
  16. With the CubeCart v6 , I need to create a Size drop down menu , where do I find or is there a spot or is the a module where I can do this or is that what the Product Options is for?
  17. lol I looked everywhere in there.Thank you..found it
  18. I have installed the CubeCart v6
  19. I've looked every where in the files.. could someone point me to were I can change the main categories..like: Your Shopping Basket, Shop by Category, Best Sellers I'm sure there is a langauge file somewhere ..Thank you in advance for help.
  20. Active Users 586 users online including. Mysty, Sooriyakumar, voyager1, Michel Weegerink, dcbiz07, micheal332001, rwdistributing, subten, vorlockfoss, anhtruong, fullmoon, johncrook, skybluekid, sweden, jt007, stever, robert8450, coded, Goffe, Stevie68, sales, Mojomx. All these people online here and noo one can tell me why my cubecart is doing what its doing...Thank you Mysty for trying to help think ive spent enought waisted money on this project,ill take the bussiness somewhere else........Peace :)
  21. I did and they told me after spending more money to move the site that its software design..its in the coding.
  22. this cubecart is turning out to be the million dollar store...ive now moved it onto its own server with unlimited you name it...and still I get this after all that... I think if it didnt have to reload all the categories everytime you wanted to add a category it may not do this cause to me thats whats stalling it out only have it load them when you click view categories.. Anyone? Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /storefront/classes/db.inc.php on line 71 <<(theres more to this string the home/user/host/ ) Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /storefront/includes/functions.inc.php on line 229 <<(theres more to this string the home/user/host/ )
  23. Fatal error : Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in classes/db.inc.php on line 71 sorry bout double posting but i just got the error again
  24. Is there a fix for this...ive been adding categories and sub categories ..now that im at about 1600 cats it wants to slow down , everything else on the store works fine.....last night i had the data base error on me.in the categories..so i ended up reinstalling the store. (heres what it does..) when i click the add..{in add categories}it seems to lag bad while loading up the list of categories that already are there...which gives me a fatal error message...excessed max time 30 seconds.it will sayin - index.php or db_ php .anyone have a idea as to whats going on here?
  25. ive broke down my subcategores into alphabetic order ( A,B,C,D.) i would like to be able to show links A,B,C,D -> at the top or bottom of each subcat..under the top category... eX: Cat - A.... ( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) & so on click on (B ) Cat - B...( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) & so on hope ive explain ok what im lookn for.
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