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Everything posted by andy1960

  1. WOW!!!! didnt even know that was there........thanks....time for exploration
  2. I have looked in the forum and came across a solution but it doesnt resemble anything I have in CC 4.2.2. I have looked in categories.tpl and found: <!-- BEGIN: categories --> <div class="LeftBox"> <div class="subHeading"><h3>{LANG_CATEGORY_TITLE}</h3></div> but where is the title'Shop by Category'...........am I being stupid?????? Any help greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. regards Andy
  3. Does anyone know if CC3.18 work with PHP5.2? thanks in advance
  4. Got the answer of Al, thanks its to stop the pages being cached.
  5. Got this sorted it appears the hosting company added a new security feature to the server. I t was so good you couldnt update anything. You would think they would test these things before installing. One slight problem now is i when I hover over the Store Home link in Admin panel it points to: http://www.mobility-4-u.co.uk/index.php but when you press it goes to: http://www.mobility-4-u.co.uk/index.php? wheres the ? come from Regards Andy
  6. Mega problem, built my store and on the day to go live disaster. Tried and tested then failed..... I change turn off store to 'No' and then click Update Settings. This then closes the admin browser page and opens the Store Offline Browser page. I have noticed now that USA 12345 has been added to the store address, when I delete it and update the same happens, Admin closes and goes to Store offline, reopen Admin and USA 12345 is back. Have used editconf.php but same thing happens. Help help help....have already opened a ticket regards Andy
  7. Great stuff Crystie I will make a note of this and maybe use it in the future, thanks. Ok thanks if thats the right answer. Thank you to Andy1960 for asking the question and to Mysty for pointing me in the right direction. When modifying the database put a 1 in the noImage column with 0=No and 1=Yes. This will allow you to add images to the CubeCart_img_idx to add additional images to an item. If you are in the program go to Administration and click View Products. Filter for the product where you want to add the extra images. Under the image is "Manage Images". You can add additional images. When you go to your site and view the product there will now be "[+] More Images" under the main picture. When you click on More Images you will see the original image and the additional images as thumbnails. When you click on the thumbnail you will an enlarged view of the thumbnail. See an example on my site http://crystiesgifts.com/index.php?act=vie...mp;productId=28 I think the same works with catagories as I see under View Products a link to Manage Catagories. I haven't tried it yet but I will soon as I have several products that should show in several catagories. Let me know if this works for you.
  8. Finally got it working. In test mode the order has to be under £1.00 including shipping for the order to be approved by HSBC.
  9. Looked at some posts but no definitive solution.... I have just installed xomy v1.2 module for HSBC and followed Bato's instructions in setting up the HSBC gateway. All seems fine until the final stage, all I get is: Sorry order Failed please try again below.... Any help much appreciated. CC Version: 3.0.17 PHP Version: 4.4.7 MySQL Version: 4.1.22-standard Server Software: Apache Client Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ cURL enabled ssl enabled regards HowSadBanksCredit
  10. I have succesfully updated to 3.0.17 and have a few questions. Can you change the search criteria of the search box? I hust want it to search the Product Title not everything as its picking up loads of pages with the search word in. Also if you use Stock Level do you get a message or flag when it reaches 0?
  11. Do I understand you correctly: I can purchase V4 software license and copyright removal, use this copyright removal for the copyright removal on v3.0.15 and buy another copyright removal key as and when I make a store with V4 software?
  12. I have a v3.0.15 store installed via Fantastico which i want to remove the copyright notice from. But I also want to start using v4, if I purchase v4 with the copyright removal license can I use this on the v3.0.15 already installed? Also I do not want to upgrade this store to v4 yet. Regards Andy
  13. Also edited the stylesheet layout.css to: #subCats { background-color: #EBEDFE; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #C9CEFC; margin: 0px; padding: 3px; float: left; width: 610px; } .subCat { text-align: center; padding: 8px; float: left; width: 100px; height: 40px; to give me this so far: # Accessories # Bath Boards # Bath Boards & Seats <-- (34) --> <-- (18) --> <-- (3) --> #= bulletpoint If I can get rid of the product numbers its almost there....just the need to add subcategory images. Regards Andy
  14. I am getting there slowly. I have edited the following: skins/xx/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl <!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop --> <span class="subCat"> <li><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault"><!-- <img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}" /> --></a> <a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a></li><!-- ({NO_PRODUCTS}) --> </span> <!-- END: sub_cats_loop --> But this only got rid of the product numbers for a short while and they re-appeared, still require help..... Andy
  15. I found this on the forum: Remove folder images in subcats Look in skins/your skin/styleImages to locate "catnophoto.gif" and rename it to something else. But now my subcat titles are double up and am currently looking for a fix. regards Andy
  16. In each subcategory I have managed to get rid of the number of products in the brackets and also the folder image, now the subcategory title appears twice under itself like this: subCat1 subCat2 subCat1 subCat2 Anyone know how to fix this? Also how do I put an image for each subcat? Regards Andy
  17. I have built a store using 3.0.15 in a sub directory and I now want to go live. So I thought I might as well upgrade at the same time to 3.0.17 in the root directory. Once this is loaded will I be able to put a holding page using an index.html page while I get the new store in order? Or will there be a conflict between the 2 index pages? What are the major headaches in doing this?
  18. Ok thanks if thats the right answer.
  19. I have just exported my product Inventory into an excel spreadsheet via phpMyADMIN to do some major changes. One of the columns is called 'noImages'. Does anyone know what this relates to? Currently they are all set to '0'. Is this default, all help appreciated. regards Andy
  20. I know there has been a lot of discussion on this so I appologise if I have missed something basic. I have uploaded all my product images to images/uploads/imagename.jpg and created my own thumbnails 75x75 and uploaded them to images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_imagename.jpg, but I cant see them under the sub-category listing. the onlt ones that appear are the ones done using the manual input via CC3. Ant ideas anyone??? regards Andy
  21. Hi again, I have been searching all the folders and found out how to do it: I changed the following line in includes/boxes/categoriesinc.php FROM // query database $results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id = 0"); TO // query database $results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id > -1"); hope someone finds this usefull Regards Andy Spoke to soon it puts all sub-cats in as well, back to the drawing board.....
  22. Hi again, I have been searching all the folders and found out how to do it: I changed the following line in includes/boxes/categoriesinc.php FROM // query database $results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id = 0"); TO // query database $results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id > -1"); hope someone finds this usefull Regards Andy
  23. I have searched the forum for an answer but cant find one. I am using CC3 3.0.15 Legend Skin and want to show all 18 Categories I have. At the moment it shows Homepage, 4 categories and Sale Items, what and how do change it to show all categories? Regards Andy
  24. Hi, first sorry if this has been covered but I cant find a definitive answer to get my inventory populated. I am using CC3 for the first time. I have added Categories and sub-categories and a few products to create the CC3 database. I have exported this to my desktop as a .xls file. I have copied my own inventory items ( 1600 ) into the relevant inventory section of the .xls spreadsheet with cat id's and counts etc. How do I import this spreadsheet to replace the original. When I go to IMPORT in phpMYADMIN it only gives an SQL option?.......or am I missing something????
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