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Everything posted by mg3ddesign

  1. Hi there I'm trying to change all my products so that they have an updated date, this is so that google can see the site map better and have a date rather than 0000-00-00 00:00:00 I know that all new products have a date but I have over 500 older products that don't. I have tried exporting, changing it in excel then importing but the date is not imported. Does anyone know how I can bulk change the dates using a MySQL command in the admin section. Thanks
  2. I would prefer not to go backwards incase there are conflicts with other files. I have put a support ticket through. Thanks
  3. I understand that, and will submit a report, does anyone know how to fix it now, as I need to export my products?
  4. Auto Upgrade on one site and the folder setup method on another
  5. My export page is blank after the 5.1.1 upgrade on all my sites. Has anyone else had this problem?
  6. Thanks for that, all done. I needed to add new CSS for H1 and any Headers that needed adding. Hopefully this will change my SEO for the better
  7. Thanks, that all works now on all files. Sorry if I was not clear, maybe I should have changed the post title. When you have more than a few options I think it is important for both customers and admin to be able to read the order easily. I do think that this is something that should be done as standard on cube cart. I will pass it across to them Many thanks
  8. Im using dreamweaver CS5. The code in orders.index.php is as follows which is different to what you suggested and around line 140. I have tried different variants but nothing seems to work. Help in what to change in this file would be very much appreciated. {foreach from=$PRODUCTS item=product} <div id="item"> {$product.quantity} x {$product.name} - {$product.product_code} ({$product.line_formatted}) {if $product.digital}<a href="{$VAL_SELF}&amp;reset_id={$product.id}" />[{$LANG.orders.reset_download_link}]</a>{/if}<span>{$product.price_total_formatted}</span> {if $product.options} <br />{$product.options} {/if} </div> {/foreach}
  9. HI bsmither I'm trying now, Im sure it will work, I'm just having difficulty on where to put the edit. Do you know which part of orders.index.php I should be editing?
  10. Hi There Is there a way to make the product title H1 for better SEO. At the moment the price is H1 and the title H2? Many thanks
  11. Managed to do content.checkout.php as I needed to slightly change the CSS so just need a bit of help on orders.index.php. Many thanks
  12. Thats great, thanks for the quick reply. I'm now trying to do it Admin - orders.index.php and User- content.checkout.php but the code is different and the <br /> doesn't seem to be working... Any help is very much appreciated.
  13. Hi all Does anyone know what to change on the order.print.php in admin in order that if there is more than one option, they are on different lines, rather than all being on one line. Shown on the attached is everything on one line.
  14. I wonder if anyone can help. I'm losing customers due to a problem on checkout. I use 3D secure for card payments and my customers are getting confused because when the screen goes to the 3D secure page for them to put their password in, the cubecart 'make payment' button is still at the bottom. This is causing confusion as there is also a submit button in the 3D secure screen. If the customer presses the cube cart 'make payment' button instead of the submit button, it then takes them back to the beginning of the payment process. It's starting to become a real pain and I'm not sure how to remove it from that page.. any help would be much appreciated.
  15. Perfect, exactly what I wanted. Everything lines up now even the price. Thanks Viola, that has now added to my basic understanding of CSS. Maybe I should go on a course... http://indoorxtreme.co.uk/shop/hand-protection.html
  16. Thanks for the reply, unfortunately having the product name on one line will not work as there are products with reviews and without which changes the distancing. What I need to do is find the CSS code to move the add to basket box to the bottom of the product.
  17. I'm trying to get my Add to Basket Boxes inline horizontally in my new category grid listings. Ive tried changing a lot of the CSS to make 'add to' go to the bottom of the product box but nothing seems to work. You can see what I mean on the following link. It all look a bit messy.. http://indoorxtreme.co.uk/shop/sparring-protection/hand-pads-boxing-gloves/mma.html Any help would be much appreciated.
  18. What do you need to change in the category template?
  19. I put through a support ticket and its all working now. Your email templates are not automatically updated when you to an upgrade. You have to manually reinstall them. Once you have done that to the latest email templates it should work.
  20. Hi Homer, thanks for the help. Unfortunately I have removed {$option.symbol} from the file but the + symbol is still showing. Take a look http://outdoorxscape.co.uk/store/garden-decking-rope/kingfisher-3-strand-synthetic-hardy-hemp-rope.html Many thanks Had a play and managed to do it. Removed {$value.symbol} instead. thanks for pointing me in the correct direction
  21. Hi Jan I understand why the '+' is there. All of the options that I use are all '+' prices with no "-" I would like to know where the script is to decide what the symbol is so that I can remove it. Can you help? Many thanks
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