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  1. It probably sounds like a strange question, but... We love the hover-zoom feature that shows detail images of the artwork products, which you need when selling art. Because it is artwork, we don't want people to be able to click on the image and see the whole file at once. Is there a way to disable the full-sized image pop-up (colorbox?), and still keep the hover-zoom feature working? We've had to deal with people stealing my daughters' art before, and I would rather prevent the option of that happening through the store. I do have a simple watermark on the images, and don't want to apply a larger watermark as it is not visually appealing to potential customers. Any suggestions?
  2. That didn't seem to work for me today, but I will try it with fresh eyes in the morning. The products were still one per row after clearing the cache. The modification is very similar to the code for the latest products on the home page, except the category page has a different form action? <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" class="addForm"> What does the enctype do exactly? (it is the part that is not included in my latest products coding)
  3. I am setting up a new store (cc 6.0.2) for my daughters to sell their anime artwork. We have chosen the "kurouto" skin to modify as it best suits our needs. Is there any way to change it so that the products on the category pages display the same way as the "latest products" on the home page (grid instead of rows)? I don't really need the description of each product showing until the product page, and a grid view would make it easier for customers to scroll through the 500+ pieces of art. We are using categories and subcategories for the products, but there is one category that will still have over 100 products. Header width = 1000 px and sidebars are both 200px so there are 3 latest products per row on the home page. I am hoping there is somebody that can suggest how to change the templates and css files to create this look. Thanks!
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