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User drops to Guest after cart checkout ? ?

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Guest Kenfusion

Hi folks,

I have just about got there with my installation and editing but one thing I have noticed is that after checking out it refreshes back to a logged out state and the only way of logging back in is to close the browser and reopen the site then log back in.

Does anyone know why this is and is there a fix.

My site is www.bodydelights.co.uk/shop2 you can try it and see what I mean.

Your help will be appreciated.



Guest markyvuk

Okay sorry tried your site.... and it is the Print Order Form gateway.

Quite a few of us are having this problem!

What PHP version do you have?

Guest Kenfusion

Thanks for your reply, I am using PHP version 4.3.11 and SQL version 4.1.11-standard-log.

Lets hope we can find a way round this as its confusing the hell out of me :-)


Guest markyvuk

I am using 4.3.10 but I know of others with 4.3.11 with the same problem as us.

Guest Kenfusion

There is another thread that talks about the same issue Here

but I have tried everything mentioned in it and all it does then is give me sql errors.

mmm I will carrying on head scratching and trying to see if I can can round it.

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