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MySQL Case Sensitive


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Hi, Ive just been trying to transfer my Localhost DB to my online shop, but im having issues with Cubecart or the server being case sensitive for table names etc. Is their a way around this other than going through and checking all of the table data? On my windows box when I installed the orig. CC3 the tables they have no capitol letters.



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Welcome to the stupidity of Microsoft-based software. Only MS would think that "a" = "A".

You'll have to either fix the case manually on your Unix/Linux box or start over.

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Welcome to the stupidity of Microsoft-based software. Only MS would think that "a" = "A".

You'll have to either fix the case manually on your Unix/Linux box or start over.

Thanks ;) I tried it again on my own localhost and decided that it was the problem so ive been going through it adjusting the tables B) Cheers!

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Guest estelle

I had the exact same problem today!

I just renamed the mySQL files on my windows machine. But i couldn't rename the tables through phpMySQL, so i did it manually. I renamed all the ".frm" files in mysql/data/DBNAME, and this seems to have worked fine.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest rickyvee

i just went through this, doing a global search/replace on the sql export/import query file.

it worked for cubecart > CubeCart but there was more i only saw from execution errors.

so that i don't have to create a dummy shop on my production server just to find out the Unix up/low case names of the tables, and priort to cubecart (CubeCart) making case-transparent code, please

send me a list, if you would of the table names under Unix so that I can make the appropriate changes.




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I cheat to run it on my PC here....

I setup another DB on my server then access it remotely from my PC here. I never have to worry about it. The connection is not quite as fast as having everything in one place, but it's handy for testing without having to deal with upload a file, change directories, upload another file, change directories, upload another file. Then test....crap. Make an adjustment and start the uploading dance again. ;)


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Guest rickyvee

I cheat to run it on my PC here....

I setup another DB on my server then access it remotely from my PC here. I never have to worry about it. The connection is not quite as fast as having everything in one place, but it's handy for testing without having to deal with upload a file, change directories, upload another file, change directories, upload another file. Then test....crap. Make an adjustment and start the uploading dance again. :)


i'm dial-up and do a lot of fiddling before uploading to production, so i need to understand and resolve it.

changing cubecart CubeCart handled most, then as estelle said, above, i had to change those others. so CC is close to being case-insensitive about this, i hope they go the rest of the way.

There's also: CubeCart_Modules and CubeCart_Downloads

thanks! i got those by seeing it fail, after fixing cubecart_ to CubeCart in the sql export/import.

i just wanted to make sure no other landmines are waiting on the unix side.

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Guest estelle

thanks! i got those by seeing it fail, after fixing cubecart_ to CubeCart in the sql export/import.

i just wanted to make sure no other landmines are waiting on the unix side.

Thats all there is.

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