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Import customer data from OSCommerce

Guest timecrisis

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Guest timecrisis

Hi All,

I was wondering if there is an easy way to import customer data from OSCommerce...

I am changing to Cubecart and want to save my current customers from having to sign up again...

If anyone has ideas or even better scripts for this I would love to know more...

Thanks in advance!


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Guest timecrisis

Hi Dave,

I am using a heavily customized version of OSC..It has become to much work to update and I am worried about security issues etc etc

CC seems to offer all that I need...shipping by weight...paypal IPN...and various other things that need either to be custom coded or modded in OSC...

With the many users of CC the chance of security holes and regular updates is a huge advantage....I don't think OSC has released an update for a while??...

anyways...anyone got any ideas for a way of importing customer details?

Thanks again!

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Guest Denver Dave

I've taken a run at OSC in each of the last few years and have always given up. I'm trying again with CC3 with an eye also on Zen-cart. Zen-cart confuses me with the initial product setup structure. However, I'm also beginning to wonder about CC3. As we begin to actually test with real data, keep tripping over issues.

Things like

(1) How to track stock by size and color - if we don't know how many size 12's we have, who cares to know the total number of pairs of shoes? Anytime that we have options that are product attributes rather than optional additions, we seem to run into this tracking issue.


(2) Seems natural to have an option to describe a category - not in the basic - working on getting a mod to work:


(3) As we add more categories and have levels of categories, it is becoming very tedious to find categories in the admin lists and dropdowns where we do not have an option or default to sort by master category. The product list can sort by category, but not by category path and product name - which seems like what would mostly be needed:


(4) It is pretty much a time honored approach on an input screen that after we "edit" or add the content to a form to press the save button - in CC3 we press "Edit" to save our changes - did someone just want to be different? OK, we can change the text on the button, but why do we have to?

I'm not sure the Zen-cart would be any better and I was confused where to even start (have demo running). Seems like the webmasters that are making money in this business run lots of shopping carts for their clients - I'm in awe.

Sounds like I'm bitching and I guess I am. In fairness to CC3, at least for the moment, it is the easiest approach I've found. How the heck do other webmasters get these shopping carts to work for real clients?

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Guest timecrisis

Well Denver Dave,

Thanks for the thoughts...

I want to pull the topic back to the orignial please....

Does anyone know of a customer import tool for importing data from OSCommerce...



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Guest Denver Dave

OSC has a lot of installations. Seems like a utility that could be sold for at least a minimal amount. Even a definition of how to load into CC3 would be worthwhile.

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Could you give an example of the fields that osc uses pls ie first name, last name address line 1 ......

This needs to be exactly as it appears in your osc database so i can compare and write a script pls

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Guest megagente

I tried Oscommerce two times, and by the lack of support from 2Checkout and Ikobo I was not able to complete the store. Now I found another 3rdparty credit card processor by miracle only works with Cubecart. It will be good to use that conversion since I got a lot of products ready in OSC

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Guest EverythingWeb


I have offered this service to timecrisis for £52.50, however with the interest, shown, I would be happy to have this programmed for £49.95 (payable by PayPal or UK BACS)

It would be completed within 3/4 working days (hopefully sooner) and would have a limitation on the fact that osC holds more than one address for each customer, so we would only pick up one address for each customer from osC.

If this is of interest to anyone, or would like to discuss it further, PM is great and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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