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usps shipping problem


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Maybe i am missing something and maybe its just something simple but i registered for usps web tools then when i got email with my id and password and i put theminto cubecart usps settings and i get this error when trying to checkout with something in cart

$x_pkg_info->child_nodes() as $x_svc_info) { $key = $x_svc_info->tagname(); $value = $x_svc_info->get_content(); $this->current_result[$package_id]['Service'][$service_id][$key] = $value; } } } } } } return true; } function get_rates($package_id = 0) { if($this->current_result[$package_id]['Error']) return $this->current_result[$package_id]['Error']['Description']; if($this->api == 'RateV2') return $this->current_result[$package_id]['Postage']; else if($this->api == 'IntlRate') { //SvcDescription and Postage $result = array(); foreach($this->current_result[$package_id]['Service'] as $service) { $key = $service['SvcDescription']; $result[$key] = $service['Postage']; } return $result; } else return false; } function get_prohibitions($package_id) { if($this->api == 'IntlRate') return $this->current_result[$package_id]['Prohibitions']; else return false; } function get_restrictions($package_id) { if($this->api == 'IntlRate') return $this->current_result[$package_id]['Restrictions']; else return false; } function get_observations($package_id) { if($this->api == 'IntlRate') return $this->current_result[$package_id]['Observations']; else return false; } function get_areas_served($package_id) { if($this->api == 'IntlRate') return $this->current_result[$package_id]['AreasServed']; else return false; } function get_package_error($package_id) { if($this->current_result[$package_id]['Error']) return $this->current_result[$package_id]['Error']; } } ?>Authorization Error connecting to United States Postal Service Server: http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll

Please register at http://www.usps.com/webtools/ and enter the correct username and password in the CubeCart control panel.

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