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Newbie... Help!


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I'm a newbie to all this, and I wondered if some nice person could answer me what are probably some really simple questions... Firstly, I've got version 3.05, and have bought a licence for it.

Ok, I can't seem to change the home page message. when I try, an error message '/home/httpd/vhosts/racetin.co.uk/httpdocs/shophome/language/en/home.inc.php' for writing. Try changing the CHMOD value to 0777. Remember to set it back to 0644 afterwards! comes up, and I have no idea what it means!

2nd problem is that I can't seem to get shipping to add to the total when i run a test sale on the site. I've enabled both 'flat rate' and 'postage per item' and this doesn't seem to make any difference...

3rdly I'd really like to set up a secure server, but don't really know how to do this or what information is required to successfully do this.

I'm probably just being a dizzy blonde, but would really like some help!


Pippa :rolleyes:

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Guest jbdancer

'/home/httpd/vhosts/racetin.co.uk/httpdocs/shophome/language/en/home.inc.php' for writing. Try changing the CHMOD value to 0777. Remember to set it back to 0644 afterwards! comes up, and I have no idea what it means!

Open ftp account . go to language/en/ right click on home.inc.php properties chmod 777 in stead off 644

I've enabled both 'flat rate' and 'postage per item' and this doesn't seem to make any difference...

Take flat rate , for example 5.99$ , at the last stadium off the ordering proces , it gets added 2 the total.

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Am making some progress; have sorted the shipping problem out! But the rest is still a mystery! I have to get these thumbnails sorted, and I don't even know where to start looking for the file everyone's talking about!



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Pippa an FTP program, like WSFTP which is free, can be used to access the files on your webserver. You can upload and download files to your website via an FTP progtram.

FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol"

You can change the security settings for files and folders on your website. CHMOD 777 means that you set permissions so that anyone will have access to read, execute and write to a file or folder. You can navigate to your site with an FTP program and right-click on the file home.inc.php and change the permissions from 644 to 777 - this will allow you to edit the homepage through your ACP (CubeCart Admin Control Panel).

If you do not have ot know how to use and FTP program (though you should learn to), and if you do have cpanel for managing your website, go to cpanel and go to the file manager. Navigate to your store folder, then to language > en > home.inc.php. You should be able to select or right-click that file and find a menu to change permissions. Set permissions to 777.

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Ok, I think I'm beginning to understand. Because someone else uploaded cubecart for me, then gave me admin access to cubecart, does that mean I need to go through them to get access to the FTP?

Also, I'm still stuck on these thumbnails; can't work out why the images are not appearing as thumbnails when they have uploaded successfully?



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Pippa, I re-read this thread but I can't see where you have adequately expressed what kind of issue you are having with thumbnails.

It doesn't work well for you to post multiple questions and issues in one thread to the forum. Here are some suggestions -

1. Post a new thread for each issue you have.

2. Give thread a Title that expresses the problem in a few words. (This is important. There are helpful people here, with different areas of expertise. People who may have an answer to your problem may not have time or inclination to open every thread that says, "Please help me." But they may open a thread about thumbnail problems, because they know how to fix thumbnail problems.)

3. I repeat, Give thread a Title that expresses the problem in a few words. That way, others in the future who have the same problem can find your thread easier through search function.

4. Do a search to try and find a past thread that answers your problem before posting new threads about the same problem.

Since you are new to this, you will find that you can get a lot of help from the folks here. Just try to organize your postings a little better.

Example: You could post a topic titled, "Can anyone explain FTP?" and after explaining you situation, wait and you'll probably get several people willing to help.

Example: You could post a topic titled, "Thumbnails not showing" and explain your problem tell which CC version and skin you're using, and give a link to your site. You will surely get some help.

Etc., etc. A new topic for each problem . . . A specific title to each post . . . But do a search first and read the forums :unsure:

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