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File Locations

Guest speak2stv

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Guest speak2stv

Ok. I'm green. I admit it. Ver. 3.0.5 was just installed over the weekend with the Killer_Silver-blue skin:

* I would like to "onMouseOver" on the categories, to provide additional advertising on the bottom of the screen when the use places their cursor over each category/tab. What directory/file would I edit to update this?

* How do I change the order of the categories on the home page that the user sees?

* What directory/file would I change to change the "Homepage" tab/category name that the user sees to "Main Page"?

* The more difficult one...

I am currently making deliveries to several locations and only accepting COD for orders placed online, as opposed to accepting payments online or shipping. This may change in the furtuer, but as a result, I'd like to update the shopping cart so that I can put in a drop down list of locations and a drop down list of dates for each location (the dates will be different with each location as I'll be in one location on Wed, another on Thursday, etc).

I discovered updating the receipt at \modules\gateway\Print_Order_Form\orderForm.tpl

The checkout process is currently clicking on "View Basket" in the checkout box, "View Basket" again and <continue>, login, "View Basket" again and <continue>, "View Basket" with Invoice address and <continue>, "View Basket" with invoice and delivery address and <continue>, then asking for choosing the preferred payment method. What I'd like to do is change asking for the preferred payment method to asking where they want it delivered and when. Then, I can take out the viewing with the Invoice address and viewing the the invoice address and delivery address (making it two less screens they have to cycle thru).

Can you point me in the right direction? What directory/filename do I need to start at?

Thanks in advance!!!

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I'll take a whack at a couple of these :sourcerer:

* What directory/file would I change to change the "Homepage" tab/category name that the user sees to "Main Page"?

This will change the location when you click the tab. To change just the name of the tab language/your language/lang.inc do a search for 'HomePage' and change it to what you want.


<!-- BEGIN: categories -->

<div class="topCats">

<div class="topCatsBgRight">

<span class="topCatsBgLeft">&nbsp;</span>

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="0">


<td class="topCatsTabLeft">&nbsp;</td>

<td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="http://www.your url" class="txtCat">Home</a></td>

<td class="topCatsTabRight">&nbsp;</td>

<!-- BEGIN: li -->

<td class="topCatsTabLeft">&nbsp;</td>

<td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&amp;catId={DATA.cat_id}" class="txtCat">{DATA.cat_name}</a></td>

<td class="topCatsTabRight">&nbsp;</td>

<!-- END: li -->

<!-- BEGIN: sale -->

<td class="topCatsTabLeft">&nbsp;</td>

<td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&amp;catId=saleItems" class="txtCat">{LANG_SALE_ITEMS}</a></td>

<td class="topCatsTabRight">&nbsp;</td>

<!-- END: sale -->





<!-- END: categories -->

* How do I change the order of the categories on the home page that the user sees?

Category oder is in your database 'cube cart_catogory' They are alphabetical by default. To do this easily get Sir Williams cat-order mod. Not free but worth it or order them yourself by changing the order in your database then:

You need to edit /includes/content/viewProd.inc.php

On or around line 154, you'll find the following:

------------ CODE SAMPLE ----------

// build sql query for product options luuuuuurvely

$query = "SELECT ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_bot.option_id, ".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_bot.value_id, option_price, option_symbol, value_name, option_name, assign_id FROM `".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_bot` INNER JOIN `".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_mid` ON ".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_mid.value_id = ".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_bot.value_id INNER JOIN `".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_top` ON ".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_bot.option_id = ".

$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_options_top.option_id WHERE product =".

$db->mySQLSafe($_GET['productId'])." ORDER BY option_name, value_name ASC";


(Note, I made it multi-line to make it easier to read)

At the end after the "ORDER BY", simply remove the ", value_name" (remove the comma with it). That will pull them in by the order in the database.

* I would like to "onMouseOver" on the categories, to provide additional advertising on the bottom of the screen when the use places their cursor over each category/tab. What directory/file would I edit to update this?

I'll let someone else tackle the others.

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Guest speak2stv

Thanks much!!!

Anyone have any ideas about the following?

* I would like to "onMouseOver" on the categories, to provide additional advertising on the bottom of the screen when the use places their cursor over each category/tab. What directory/file would I edit to update this?

* The more difficult one...

I am currently making deliveries to several locations and only accepting COD for orders placed online, as opposed to accepting payments online or shipping. This may change in the furtuer, but as a result, I'd like to update the shopping cart so that I can put in a drop down list of locations and a drop down list of dates for each location (the dates will be different with each location as I'll be in one location on Wed, another on Thursday, etc).

I discovered updating the receipt at \modules\gateway\Print_Order_Form\orderForm.tpl

The checkout process is currently clicking on "View Basket" in the checkout box, "View Basket" again and <continue>, login, "View Basket" again and <continue>, "View Basket" with Invoice address and <continue>, "View Basket" with invoice and delivery address and <continue>, then asking for choosing the preferred payment method. What I'd like to do is change asking for the preferred payment method to asking where they want it delivered and when. Then, I can take out the viewing with the Invoice address and viewing the the invoice address and delivery address (making it two less screens they have to cycle thru).

Can you point me in the right direction? What directory/filename do I need to start at?

Thanks in advance...again!!!


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Guest estelle

1. The top level categories in the side box are controlled by includes/boxes/categories.inc.php and and the associated template file (styleTemplates/boxes/categories.tpl). When you open a category and look at a subcategory listing or product listing, this is controlled by includes/content/viewCat.inc.php (and template file styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl). Also, bottom of the screen is controlled by includes/global/index.inc.php (and again, the template file...).

2. Most of the checkout steps are controlled by includes/content/cart.inc.php. You also may be interested in includes/content/reg.inc.php (step1) and includes/content/gateway.inc.php (step5).

Best of luck to you...... i know i wouldn't be digging myself that deep into the checkout process, too easy to break something important :w00t:


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