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Change a couple of the catagory links at the top


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Is there a quick way to link a few of these tabs to a different page, say, a viewDoc page?

This is my problem...I'm not allowed to sell our main product online using a shopping cart (contractual agreement) but I have other merchandise and services for sale so I need the function on everything but these 3 products. I want these 3 products to be the most obvious and have their own links but I can't have an "add to cart" button.

So I made a single document page and anchored the 3 products on that page. Now, how do I make the catagory tabs at the top link to that document page? Or, would it be possible to use the viewCat.tpl to somehow make each one of those pages the main page for the products? Right now I just get that "no products in this catagory" message and it seems like a waste of good space.

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