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How to remove buy button and price to use as a catalog


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Look in the files for the skin you plan to use. You'll need to edit two files: styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl and styleTemplates/content/viewProd.tpl

What you will need to remove are the divisions that contain variables that look like {TXT_OLD_PRICE} and {SALE_PRICE} etc., some similar things you'll find all in a single division, remove everything in that division including the opening and closing tags <div></div>

Do the same for the {BUY_BUTTON} and its associated links, and prolly want to raze out the product options and of course the <form> stuff too.

This is some pretty serious editing as you are cutting the heart, or at least the lungs out of the store software - so MAKE A BACKUP of hese two files before using your scissors, in case you don't like the results. Kind of depends on your skill level. :w00t:

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That is ok As all i want is to show a picture with a product code and the price.

( i know it sounds odd but most people wanting to buy , and the client wants this, will know what they are looking for.)

basicsally they want it looking like this site


Hey dude, did you figure it out? thats exaclty what a customer of ours wants, just product listing and no sales or purchasing, so we are trying to look for a way to remove customer login, buy, shoppping cart etc, is it possible? because all the open source cms, are hard to use, and only simplecms is decent but their catalog seems to have a problem.

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