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Suggestion idea for CubeCart

Guest JDKelley

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Guest JDKelley

This may not be the correct category for this, and if not, please feel free to move it. I have CubeCart installed in one of my stores. I have noticed somethings that would greatly improve the program. When changing the status of orders, there are several options....including "complete", "processing", "pending", declined" and "fraudulent".

My suggestion is this.....Why not have an option of "cancelled"? Many times, my customers may have to cancel their order for one reason or the other, or an admin may need to cancel the order. There is no option to show the order was cancelled....just "declined".

Come on, CubeCart....add "Cancelled" to the option list!!

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Guest JDKelley

No...Declined is for when their payment is declined or when we decline their order. Not when the order is cancelled. Two totally seperate meanings.

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To add another status tag, simply open language/en/lang.inc.php and look for this code:

$lang['orderState'] = array(

'1' => "Pending",

'2' => "Processing",

'3' => "Completed",

'4' => "Declined",

'5' => "Fraudulent",


ADD this line above the );

'6' => "Cancelled",

That's it, you're done.

Substitute the /en/ for your own language folder.

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