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"Click To Install Chinese Language Pack"?

Guest Bondian

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Guest Bondian

Hi Folks.

When viewing Cubecart in Internet Explorer a message appears asking if the Chinese Language pach should be installed.

Could someone please help me to overcome this?.

My shop is located here http://www.ibunique.com/store/

Any help to solve this would be greatly appreciated.



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Guest chantesse

I did not seem to be able to view the source by right-clicking. Not sure if I could see everything therefore.

The Install Language Pack message will appear if for example you have any ref to Big5 character set in your html. But I could not see it there. Maybe you are mentioning a Chinese Font in one of your Style sheets/Layouts. Occasionally, rogue swf images can cause this too (but I did not see one on your page either...)

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Guest Bondian

Hi chantesse.

Thank very much for your answer.

When I installed Cubecart I accidentally deleted the en language directory, but after my mistake, I rename it back to en, however, I may have renamed the ch directory. Since then I have uploaded the original language pack, but am still receiving the message.



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Guest chantesse

Did you do a thorough deletion of the renamed dir before re-uploading? Maybe some 'ch' components remain... or are people seeing a cached version that will improve if they reload a few times? I can't test on this PC as I have Chinese pack installed & the message would not show anyway.

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