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[Tutorial] Adding A Field To Registration

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As per the title, this is a guide on adding a field to the registration page.

When all is completed, and all correct, I will write a tutorial that can hopefully be added to the tutorial section. :)

Disclaimer : Before proceeding please backup your database and files!

In this example, we are going to add a new field for customers to enter their website url upon registration.

Here we go.....

Step 1 - SQL

Run this SQL Query

ALTER TABLE Cubecart_customer ADD siteURL varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';

Step 2 - Edit includes/content/reg.inc.php

Open includes/content/reg.inc.php in your favourite editor.

Find : 

	if(empty($_POST['firstName']) || empty($_POST['lastName']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['add_1']) || empty($_POST['town']) || empty($_POST['county']) || empty($_POST['postcode']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['passwordConf'])){

Replace With :

	if(empty($_POST['firstName']) || empty($_POST['lastName']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['add_1']) || empty($_POST['town']) || empty($_POST['county']) || empty($_POST['postcode']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['passwordConf']) || empty($_POST['siteURL'])){

Find :

		$record["regTime"] = $db->mySQLSafe(time());

		$record["ipAddress"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

Replace With :

		$record["regTime"] = $db->mySQLSafe(time());

		$record["ipAddress"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

		$record["siteURL"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['siteURL']);

Find :


Replace With :




Find :


Replace With :



Save + Upload includes/content/reg.inc.php

Step 3 - Edit language/en/lang.inc.php

Find :

'conf_pass' => "Confirm Password:",[code]

Add this below :

[code]'site_url' => "Your Website",

'site_url_title' => "Website Details",

Save + Upload language/en/lang.inc.php

Step 4 - Edit skins/{YOUR_SKIN}/styleTemplates/content/reg.tpl

Find :


		<td colspan="4" class="tdcartTitle">{LANG_SECURITY_DETAILS}</td>




		<td><input name="password" type="password" class="textbox" id="password" size="16" value="{VAL_PASSWORD}" tabindex="13" /> 

		  * </td>


		<td><input name="passwordConf" type="password" class="textbox" id="passwordConf" size="16" value="{VAL_PASSWORD_CONF}" tabindex="14" /> 

		  * </td>


Below that add this :


		<td colspan="4" class="tdcartTitle">{LANG_SITE_URL_TITLE}</td>




		<td><input name="siteURL" type="text" class="textbox" id="siteURL" size="16" value="{VAL_SITEURL}" tabindex="18" /> 

		  * </td>


Save + Upload skins/{YOUR_SKIN}/styleTemplates/content/reg.tpl

* Note you may also wish to update the tabindexs so they are sequential

Step 5 - Testing!

Goto www.yoursite.com/cart.php?act=reg

Register a new user (fill in the new field)

Check your cubecart_customer table for the new entry and data added to it.

All done :)

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Steps for the profile page....

Step 6 - Edit includes/content/profile.inc.php

Open includes/content/profile.inc.php in your favourite editor.


	if(empty($_POST['firstName']) || empty($_POST['lastName']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['add_1']) || empty($_POST['town']) || empty($_POST['county']) || empty($_POST['postcode']) || empty($_POST['country'])){

Replace with:

	if(empty($_POST['firstName']) || empty($_POST['lastName']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['add_1']) || empty($_POST['town']) || empty($_POST['county']) || empty($_POST['postcode']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['siteURL'])){


			$data['mobile'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['mobile']);

Replace with:

			$data['mobile'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['mobile']);

			$data['siteURL'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['siteURL']);




Replace with:





Save + Upload includes/content/profile.inc.php

Step 7 - Edit language/en/lang.inc.php


$lang['front']['profile'] = array(

Add this below:

'siteurl' => "Your Website",

Save + Upload language/en/lang.inc.php

Step 8 - Edit skins/{YOUR_SKIN}/styleTemplates/content/profile.tpl



				  <td align="right"><strong>{TXT_MOBILE}</strong></td>

				  <td><input name="mobile" type="text" class="textbox" id="mobile" value="{VAL_MOBILE}" maxlength="100" /></td>


Add this below: 


				  <td align="right"><strong>{TXT_SITEURL}</strong></td>

				  <td><input name="siteURL" type="text" class="textbox" id="siteURL" value="{VAL_SITEURL}" maxlength="100" /></td>


Save + Upload skins/{YOUR_SKIN}/styleTemplates/content/profile.tpl

Step 9 - Testing

You guessed it....more testing :)

Goto www.yoursite.com/index.php?act=profile and make all is working as expected.


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Admin side.....

Step 10 - Edit admin/customers/index.php


	$record["phone"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['phone']);

Replace with:

	$record["phone"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['phone']);

	$record["siteURL"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['siteURL']);


			$like .= "(email LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR title LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  firstName LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR lastName LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR add_1 LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  add_2 LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR town LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR county LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  postcode LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR country LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR phone LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  ipAddress LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%') OR ";

Replace with:

			$like .= "(email LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR title LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  firstName LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR lastName LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR add_1 LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  add_2 LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR town LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR county LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  postcode LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR country LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR phone LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR siteURL LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR  ipAddress LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%') OR ";


	<td align="left" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['customers']['email']; ?></td>

Replace With:

	<td align="left" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['customers']['email']; ?>/<?php echo $lang['admin']['customers']['siteurl']; ?></td>


	<td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>"><a href="mailto:<?php echo $results[$i]['email']; ?>" class="txtLink"><?php echo $results[$i]['email']; ?></a></td>

Replace With:

	<td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>"><a href="mailto:<?php echo $results[$i]['email']; ?>" class="txtLink"><?php echo $results[$i]['email']; ?></a><br><a href="url:<?php echo $results[$i]['siteURL']; ?>" class="txtLink"><?php echo $results[$i]['siteURL']; ?></a></td>



	<td width="175" class="tdText"><?php echo $lang['admin']['customers']['email2']; ?></td>

	<td width="175"><input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="<?php echo $results[0]['email']; ?>" class="textbox" /></td>


Add this below:


	<td width="175" class="tdText"><?php echo $lang['admin']['customers']['siteurl2']; ?></td>

	<td width="175"><input name="siteURL" type="text" id="siteURL" value="<?php echo $results[0]['siteurl']; ?>" class="textbox" /></td>


Save + Upload admin/customers/index.php

Step 11 - Edit language/en/lang.inc.php


$lang['admin']['customers'] = array (

Add this below:

'siteurl2' => "Website:",

'siteurl' => "Website",

Save + Upload language/en/lang.inc.php

Step 12 - Testing

Goto : www.yoursite.com/admin/customers/ and test it out.

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*** Optional ***

You only need to do this if you have installed the 'add user mod'

Optional Step 1 - Edit admin/customers/add_customer.php


		$record["mobile"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['mobile']);

Replace with:

		$record["mobile"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['mobile']);

		$record["siteURL"] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['siteURL']);



	<td class="tdRichText"><span class="copyText"><strong>Customer Email Address</strong></span></td>

	<td class="tdRichText" colspan="2"><input name="email" class="textbox" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['email'])) echo $results[0]['email']; ?>" type="text" maxlength="255" /></td>


Add this below:


	<td class="tdRichText"><span class="copyText"><strong>Customer Website Address</strong></span></td>

	<td class="tdRichText" colspan="2"><input name="siteURL" class="textbox" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['siteURL'])) echo $results[0]['siteURL']; ?>" type="text" maxlength="255" /></td>


Save and upload admin/customers/add_customer.php

All required steps are now finished

Test it out

Let me know how it works / if this tutorial was of any use.


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Guest shandaman

your sql string dont work for me ALTER TABLE cubecart_customer ADD siteURL varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';

should be ALTER TABLE Cubecart_customer ADD siteURL varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';

for one but other then that it still dont work.

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*** Edit : just noticed that a default cubecart uses Cubecart_ as a table prefix (note the uppercase).

SQL code updated.

You need to select the database first.

Either via "use dbname;" at command line or by clicking on it via phpmyadmin

Then running the SQL command.

If you try and run it without selecting a your database first, you will get an error like :

"ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected"

Select your DB and try again.

If you still have problems running a SQL query, you might find this page of use :



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Hello all!

Is the possible to have the tutorial for the delivery section ?

I need to put 3 extra filed to the delivery section / delivery date / delivery time / custmer comment .



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