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really need help....

Guest John Edmiston

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Guest John Edmiston

I have posted this question for a few weeks without getting a single reply and I would really like to get my shopping cart working:

I have installed Cubecart 3.0. :rolleyes: 10 as a clean install and the welcome message says that I was succesful.

I get the "no admin session found", this seems to be a common error so I looked up the forums.

I checked base URL and the cart URL as suggested and could not find any errors.

Here is the relevant code:

$glob['rootDir'] = '/var/www/aibi/cubecart';

$glob['rootRel'] = '/cubecart/';

$glob['storeURL'] = 'http://aibi.gospelcom.net/cubecart';

The normal solutions are not working.

How can I get CubeCart to work?


John Edmiston

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Guest Brivtech

This is not an error. Just login and get to work.

Indeed, it means the same as "You are not logged in" - but I have a sneaky feeling that what's happening is that when he logs in, it keeps going to the login page, with the no session message, asking again for login.

If in fact, this is the case, it's because of a configuration problem to do with your subdomain. Don't panic, it can be fixed, and I had the same problems before Al looked at it and resolved it. Unfortunately, I don't know how he fixed it. :rolleyes: ... But you just need to play around with the configuration some.

If it's not the case, perhaps your password or username isnt' quite right. If this is the case, download the config tool, and you can reset that.

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Guest John Edmiston

That resulted in:

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/aibi/cubecart/includes/global.inc.php:5) in /var/www/aibi/cubecart/includes/sessionStart.inc.php on line 40

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /var/www/aibi/cubecart/includes/global.inc.php:5) in /var/www/aibi/cubecart/includes/sessionStart.inc.php on line 40

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/aibi/cubecart/includes/global.inc.php:5) in /var/www/aibi/cubecart/includes/session.inc.php on line 72

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Guest Brivtech


LOL! Take that WWW away, otherwise that will be a completely different URL subdomain altogether! I checked my configuration against yours, but noted a big difference - You are also using a folder - Although that should work, there's clearly something happening wrong here because of the subdomain. Is this is really necessary for your application? I simply installed CubeCart into the root of my subdomain, with this configuration (Relative to yours)...

$glob['rootDir'] = '/var/www/aibi';

$glob['rootRel'] = '/';

$glob['storeURL'] = 'http://aibi.gospelcom.net/';

Also, try clearing cookies on your browser. Perhaps its seeing a wrong path.

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