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Importing inventory/catagory problem

Guest D.Conor

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Guest D.Conor

I'm having a bit of trouble with CubeCart here.

I have been trying to import my list of inventory into CubeCart for a while and i found that i can import the list through the database. So I went into the CubeCart database and imported my inventory and categories in .csv format into CubeCart_inventory and CubeCart_category. After i did that i went into the store to make sure it was working i saw that all of the categories were there that i imported, and i was able to see the "featured items" and "popular products". And yet, when i clicked on the categories there were no products in them. I went into the administrator CP and found that if i move products to different categories, they show up on the website inside of the categories, and they are also still there if i change them out and back into the categories.

Does anyone know why this is happening? I have been trying to figure this out for awhile and i just do not see any reason for it to do this. I cant open my store until i import my inventory, and it would take an extremely long time to type in the thousands of items i have individually.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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There is a third table called cats_idx that is an index of all the products in individual categories. You must update the cats_idx table when you insert products then also correct the product counts in each category.


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Guest D.Conor

There is a third table called cats_idx that is an index of all the products in individual categories. You must update the cats_idx table when you insert products then also correct the product counts in each category.


Thank you for the reply. I see the table cats_idx, but how do I update it?

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Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.


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Guest D.Conor

Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.


Excellent! Everything worked perfectly. Thank you a thousand times! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Mark Flynn

Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.


Excellent! Everything worked perfectly. Thank you a thousand times! :)

I had same problem-just found your solution-applied two commands which worked fine--but unable to get fixCatCount.php to run correctly. The products appear correctly now though...

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To get fixCatCount to work, you need to upload it to /admin/categories/ then call it in your browser as such: www.mystore.com/admin/categories/fixCatCount.php


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  • 8 months later...
Guest dbishop103

Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.

Sir, William, I LOVE you! :blink: Thank you SO much. I've been struggling for two days to fix my database and this worked for me. Thank you!

I guess I'm going to have to actually LEARN this MySQL and PHP stuff even though I've been fighting it tooth and nail. I appreciate everyone here who shares their knowledge so willingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest lcools

Adding products is very slow on my mac (slow-loading of the well-named fckeditor) so I figured out how to upload a csv and tested it with a couple products. I had the fore-mentioned issue with the categories...so I ran the commands below and used fixCatCount.php ...nothing else that I can remember. It worked like a charm and I was oh-so-VERY happy until...

I stumbled upon the realization that ALL of my 400 products were removed from ALL additional categories. I figured I was going to be saving hours using the csv uploads...but now I'll be spending a few hours re-categorizing. I'd really like to figure out what happened so that I can avoid it happening again and use the csv method.

Did running those commands erase the additional category listings? If so, is there a way to avoid it?



Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.


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  • 6 months later...


I'm still trying to figure this out...how to not remove products from the additional categories when I bulk upload...or, perhaps, an easier way to add products to additional categories. The latter takes a long time, since adding one product to more than one additional categories at a time results in duplicates of products.

If anyone has any helpful knowledge in this area, I sure would appreciate it. I'm having to rebuild my databases as my host accidentally and permanently deleted my files and I'm trying to rebuild from 6 month old databases.




Adding products is very slow on my mac (slow-loading of the well-named fckeditor) so I figured out how to upload a csv and tested it with a couple products. I had the fore-mentioned issue with the categories...so I ran the commands below and used fixCatCount.php ...nothing else that I can remember. It worked like a charm and I was oh-so-VERY happy until...

I stumbled upon the realization that ALL of my 400 products were removed from ALL additional categories. I figured I was going to be saving hours using the csv uploads...but now I'll be spending a few hours re-categorizing. I'd really like to figure out what happened so that I can avoid it happening again and use the csv method.

Did running those commands erase the additional category listings? If so, is there a way to avoid it?



Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest quietype


I'm still trying to figure this out...how to not remove products from the additional categories when I bulk upload...or, perhaps, an easier way to add products to additional categories. The latter takes a long time, since adding one product to more than one additional categories at a time results in duplicates of products.

If anyone has any helpful knowledge in this area, I sure would appreciate it. I'm having to rebuild my databases as my host accidentally and permanently deleted my files and I'm trying to rebuild from 6 month old databases.




Adding products is very slow on my mac (slow-loading of the well-named fckeditor) so I figured out how to upload a csv and tested it with a couple products. I had the fore-mentioned issue with the categories...so I ran the commands below and used fixCatCount.php ...nothing else that I can remember. It worked like a charm and I was oh-so-VERY happy until...

I stumbled upon the realization that ALL of my 400 products were removed from ALL additional categories. I figured I was going to be saving hours using the csv uploads...but now I'll be spending a few hours re-categorizing. I'd really like to figure out what happened so that I can avoid it happening again and use the csv method.

Did running those commands erase the additional category listings? If so, is there a way to avoid it?



Run these two commands in PHPMyAdmin:

TRUNCATE TABLE CubeCart_cats_idx;

INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (productId, cat_id) SELECT productId, cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory;

Then run fixCatCount which will correct your category product counts. You can find fixCatCount by doing a simple Google search for that term.


I believe there is a bulk import mod for this. From what I understand. the mod only takes a few minutes to do what is taking you weeks to accomplish. It should save you lots of time and frustration.

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