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Link Problems External Web-site

Guest Chalkhill Lime Products Ltd

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Guest Chalkhill Lime Products Ltd

HELP! Please ;)

My shop and website are hosted at two different domains as my website hosting doesnt offer MySQL support.

Question: How can I insert a link to my cubecart homepage (in the main body) back to my web-site without cube cart prefixing the link with the domain name that cubecart is installed & hosted on? Is there some kind of "/" type switch I can use?

Each time i edit the link though the admin panel it adds a prefix of the address the shop is hosted at onto the URL i want the link to point to!

Example I select "Documents" "Homepage" and the editor window appears. I scroll down to the text i want to make into a link, highlight it and selected the Insert/edit link tool. Dialogue window appears asking for Link Type / Protocol / URL

I select link = URL , HTTP = protocol , and type into the URL Field: www.mydomain.co.uk and update the page.

When I visit the page the link becomes http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/www.mydomain.co.uk which obviously doesnt work.

Any help or pointers at all would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :wacko:

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when creating the link you need to make it a absolute URL which would mean INCLLUDING the http://

instead of www.mydomain.co.uk

make it thusly


the FCK editor will remove the http:// in the URL field and so long as you have the protocol set to http:// (in the drop down menu it should work if it doesnt Id suggest going to the 3rd party forum and searching for the fck editor update and updating your FCK editor

Hope this helps


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Guest Chalkhill Lime Products Ltd

when creating the link you need to make it a absolute URL which would mean INCLLUDING the http://

instead of www.mydomain.co.uk

make it thusly


the FCK editor will remove the http:// in the URL field and so long as you have the protocol set to http:// (in the drop down menu it should work if it doesnt Id suggest going to the 3rd party forum and searching for the fck editor update and updating your FCK editor

Hope this helps


Thanks for your reply. I have actually tried removing the protocol field and entering the name in the URL field as http://www.domainname.co.uk/ that didn't work either so perhaps it is an issue with the version of FCK editor. Although I'm not sure what the FCK an FCK editor is! :wacko:

I will try updating and see if that works. Thanks again ;)

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Guest eric47905

Have you tried to click source in the fck editor and edit it there?

I find that if I even try to change it with the fck editor that it skews alot of things because it tries to add or change things incorrectly , well incorrectly based on what I want it to do.

So I simply edit it in the source mode, or go to source and highlight it all, then paste and edit it in notepad and then caopy and paste it back into the source of the fck editor. That always works for me!

For instance I added a box on my homepage, and the code I added under the source within the fck editor is

<li class="bullet"><a href="http://intheknow.xincense.com" class="txtDefault">Xincense Talk</a></li>

This is a bulleted list insode a content box I made, the link only shows on the main page as Xincense Talk and it goes to a subdomain, but it could go anywhere, I also have one that goes to ebay set exactly the same way.

Hope I understood what you were asking and that this might have helped

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Guest Chalkhill Lime Products Ltd

Have you tried to click source in the fck editor and edit it there?

I find that if I even try to change it with the fck editor that it skews alot of things because it tries to add or change things incorrectly , well incorrectly based on what I want it to do.

So I simply edit it in the source mode, or go to source and highlight it all, then paste and edit it in notepad and then caopy and paste it back into the source of the fck editor. That always works for me!

For instance I added a box on my homepage, and the code I added under the source within the fck editor is

<li class="bullet"><a href="http://intheknow.xincense.com" class="txtDefault">Xincense Talk</a></li>

This is a bulleted list insode a content box I made, the link only shows on the main page as Xincense Talk and it goes to a subdomain, but it could go anywhere, I also have one that goes to ebay set exactly the same way.

Hope I understood what you were asking and that this might have helped

Thanks for your reply, well I tried your suggestion, although I edited it in place on the FCK in source view. The damn cubecart still manages to attached a prefix of the domain the shop is hosted on. I'm now going to try and copy and paste the code into dreamweaver and see if I can eradicate the addition.

Does anyone else have any suggestions at all?? Could there be some kind of global setting within cubecart that I'm overlooking?

Any more pointers would be a great help. Thanks again Eric for your post.

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Guest offthehook

Have you tried to click source in the fck editor and edit it there?

I find that if I even try to change it with the fck editor that it skews alot of things because it tries to add or change things incorrectly , well incorrectly based on what I want it to do.

So I simply edit it in the source mode, or go to source and highlight it all, then paste and edit it in notepad and then caopy and paste it back into the source of the fck editor. That always works for me!

For instance I added a box on my homepage, and the code I added under the source within the fck editor is

<li class="bullet"><a href="http://intheknow.xincense.com" class="txtDefault">Xincense Talk</a></li>

This is a bulleted list insode a content box I made, the link only shows on the main page as Xincense Talk and it goes to a subdomain, but it could go anywhere, I also have one that goes to ebay set exactly the same way.

Hope I understood what you were asking and that this might have helped

Thanks for your reply, well I tried your suggestion, although I edited it in place on the FCK in source view. The damn cubecart still manages to attached a prefix of the domain the shop is hosted on. I'm now going to try and copy and paste the code into dreamweaver and see if I can eradicate the addition.

Does anyone else have any suggestions at all?? Could there be some kind of global setting within cubecart that I'm overlooking?

Any more pointers would be a great help. Thanks again Eric for your post.

This might be a little obvious but the simplest solution is to get yourself a new hosting company and have your site working as it should on one domain.

There are plenty of hosting packages that offer mysql as standard and to be honest if you are trying to run an online shop, using two different hosts seems a pretty pointless exercise. Its only going to confuse customers and is obviously giving you a headache in setting it all up.

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Guest Chalkhill Lime Products Ltd

Have you tried to click source in the fck editor and edit it there?

I find that if I even try to change it with the fck editor that it skews alot of things because it tries to add or change things incorrectly , well incorrectly based on what I want it to do.

So I simply edit it in the source mode, or go to source and highlight it all, then paste and edit it in notepad and then caopy and paste it back into the source of the fck editor. That always works for me!

For instance I added a box on my homepage, and the code I added under the source within the fck editor is

<li class="bullet"><a href="http://intheknow.xincense.com" class="txtDefault">Xincense Talk</a></li>

This is a bulleted list insode a content box I made, the link only shows on the main page as Xincense Talk and it goes to a subdomain, but it could go anywhere, I also have one that goes to ebay set exactly the same way.

Hope I understood what you were asking and that this might have helped

Thanks for your reply, well I tried your suggestion, although I edited it in place on the FCK in source view. The damn cubecart still manages to attached a prefix of the domain the shop is hosted on. I'm now going to try and copy and paste the code into dreamweaver and see if I can eradicate the addition.

Does anyone else have any suggestions at all?? Could there be some kind of global setting within cubecart that I'm overlooking?

Any more pointers would be a great help. Thanks again Eric for your post.

This might be a little obvious but the simplest solution is to get yourself a new hosting company and have your site working as it should on one domain.

There are plenty of hosting packages that offer mysql as standard and to be honest if you are trying to run an online shop, using two different hosts seems a pretty pointless exercise. Its only going to confuse customers and is obviously giving you a headache in setting it all up.

Thanks for your post offthehook.

I realise that your suggestion is the best. We've just swapped hosting in the last couple of weeks, there is a good reason for the site and the shop being on seperate hosts but I won't go into the details other than we are in the throws of re-designing our website prior to it being transfered in to the new host DNS.

However, Cubecart has been running sucessfully for a year or so on a seperate hosting account and we had no problems having an external link from the store home page to our main site at a different host.

Eventually, both the store and the site will be hosted on the same hosting package but for now we need to keep our shop live while all the other changes to our web-ste take place in the background.

So please, if anyone has any suggestions or knows the exact reason why I cannot make the link please let me know. Before I go BALD! :)

Thanks again

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