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RAF Red Arrows as Unsuitable for the 2012 Olympics

Guest bennyuk

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Guest bennyuk

The Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the RAF Red Arrows as Unsuitable for the 2012 Olympics because they are too British.... makes you proud doesnt it....

Some times, i worry about what goes on in the heads of our UK politicians...

I just got an email with the following details (not my words), what does everyone else think?

The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the

2012 London Olympics because they are deemed "too British".

Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might

be "offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The

display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but

the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display

team "too militaristically British". Red Arrows pilots were said to be

"outraged", as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display

for the Games, something which had never been seen before. Being axed

from a British-based event for being "too British" is an insult - the

Arrows are a symbol of Britain .

The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas

trade, as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the


The Arrows performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was

announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly


It is to be hoped that common sense prevails

If you disagree with this decision, sign the petition on the link


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Guest ianleopard666

if we gave them a banana, they might learn how to run a country for there next trick :)

they really are proving what a bunch of muppets they are, lets petition to give the job to a monkey :unsure:

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Guest xceejayx

on the petition there is a reply from the pm's office...

It is not true to suggest that the Government has banned the Red Arrows from celebrations to mark the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The organising committee of London 2012 will decide what to include in the celebrations - but with five years to go, decisions are yet to be made on what the celebrations will look like, although you can be assured that they will be a spectacular showcase of Britain's best.

if you google "red arrows banned from olympics" the first site is the BNP... i'd say they're just trying to stir things up abit :unsure:

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Interesting and frankly mad.... if true..

However, finding real information about this was pretty difficult. I would normally need more than a few blogs from newspapers to jump into action :-)

I can't find any names for the source, only the gov dept. I've not checked too deep, but most web searches show up posts like those from the OP.

I'm not too sure if anything comes off the Petition site, part of me thinks its the same as shouting into the wind, although I have signed a few.

A better choice would be to contact your local MP, this is what they're here for:


You should get a reply, initially acknowledging your message, and then a proper reply.

This will depend on your MP... Mine has been pretty good in getting back to me.


edit: Just read the post from "xceejayx", but I guess my point about checking facts is still relevant.

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Guest bennyuk

indeed... I agree with all comments... if it's true, it's madness.... but is it true??? VOTE NOW....

The tabloids and radio seem to be picking up on it. Looking more into it, it appears the actual reason was that they were too "militaristically British"...

I do think that it's been whipped up into a bigger issue than it actually is, but it still makes me embarassed of our own government (again). :unsure:

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Guest paulabakerparkin

I don't think we should be embarrassed of our government, but embarrassed by the national media. I also spotted the same thing as xceejayx that most of this bum fluff is actually from the BNP site.....now there is something to be really embarrassed about.

Yet again everyone believes the press, why is it that media now controls everyone and everything around them?

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This is basically the reason why the press has been going down the pan.

This'll be the same press that then reports stories like this, knowing they will sell papers....

..all led by the same press that is owned by a right-wing supporter of T Blair.

The BNP crowd must love the free advertising :-)

I think we need a regime change!


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Guest Brivtech

Funny, shows how I'm getting the wool pulled over my eyes, because I could understand this happening with Tony, but Gordon seemed to be bringing back a touch of national pride. Clearly, not enough.

I think we need a regime change!

I'm opting out of living here instead, so I no longer need to worry about it.

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