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Questions about 2checkout and propay.com


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I am trying to decide between the two payment processors mentioned (2checkout and propay) to accept credit cards. I dont want to go with a merchant account at this time as I want to try out accepting credit cards without using services where the buyer has to have an account, paypal/google checkout (which I currently use), and see if it increases sales.

I have pretty much narrowed it down to the two, 2checkout and propay. I know propay is for manual credit card processing, which I assume I can use the capture module builtin to cc v4 (which I currently have, 4.0.2 to be exact) and then process the cards through propay?

I know 2checkout costs more per transaction, however if I can automate it for digital downloads???, it will be worth the little extra to not have to manually process cards. Also, I read somewhere that until you login to 2checkout and authorize the charge the customer wont get the download link... Maybe someone who has experience with digital downloads and 2checkout can chime in here?

Another question about 2checkout is, I also assume that each digital item I offer I have to add to the 2checkout product catalog? double product entry (cc and 2checkout)? If thats the case then thats what will keep me from choosing them as I have hundreds (eventually, hopefully thousands) of products.

I appreciate any help on deciding between the two. Or if anyone has another credit card processing alternative they want to mention, I would be more than interested to check it out! (I don't want a contract at this time for one, as well as some other variables that exist with a true merchant account).


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Guest Brivtech

Please direct questions on third party products over at www.cubecart.org, or www.cubecartforums.org, where they can be better addressed. This forum is for CubeCart core support only.

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