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Ssl Image Hosting

Guest xceejayx

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Guest Brivtech

Remembering in your responses not to contravene forum advertising rules! :P

Why do you want image hosting specifically? Why not just get regular hosting and SSL it, or just .htaccess password protect it?

Don't really understand what you're asking I'm afraid.

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Guest EverythingWeb

He's asking to have somewhere to 'dump' his company logo so he can load it into the PayPal checkout pages, without it causing a 'this isn't being loaded from a secure place' error.

To the OP, remember that you can now get SSL Certs for as low as around $15.00, so it may be in your interest just to get one for your own domain.

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A dedicated SSL does offer certain advantages, such as your own IP address, which some search engines used to favor - not sure if this was an urban myth, or true...

The obvious benefit is showing the customer you're taking the security of their details seriously. However, I'm not too sure if non-geeks notice..

The $15 Everythingweb mentioned will not include the extra IP address, and most hosts will want an extra $1 or $2/month for this, some will waive this if you purchase the SSL from them, but then you'll not be paying $15 for it!

That is still a good price, but will be at least $27/year.

I've been using secure image hosting for about 3 years, all my stores have their logo on the PayPal checkout page.

The $1/year for each image is cheap enough, and works well. I noticed a decrease in abandoned sales when I implemented this.

To the OP, google for secure image hosting and you'll get a page full of results.


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