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Customer Forms


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I have a cubecart store that I have been able to make minor modifications to, but, other than changing logos and such am COMPLETELY CLUELESS.

I have looked through the forums over the past several days and I am sure the information I am looking for is there and that I have probably even looked at it a time or two - unfortunately, I don't know a thing about php or pretty much anything else that might be helpful at this point.

My "challenge": I need an entry form for customers to enter a competition through my store. Actually, I need several, but they are all a variation on a theme. The customer needs to put in basic info: name, address, etc. and be able to attach a file or two to their form. Then submt through the checkout with the rest of their order. Is there any way for me to do this without becoming totally lost in the php? It is a challenge for me to even find where I can access the php and sometimes when I follow the suggestions given in the forums I can't even find the file they are talking about. (Like I said: COMPLETELY CLUELESS)

Any advice that can be given would rock. Thanks!

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there are various 3rd party mods (free and commercial) that provide feedback form functionality.

There are a few flexible ones, and these will be commerical (you'll have to pay a few $$ for the code).

I advise you to visit www.cubecartforums.org and check out some of the mods there - if you get stuck, post the same question again, and I'm sure you'll find people helpful.


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